A New Character Has Entered The Fray! Big Father & Mothers of Manga Comics Reviews Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. Manga Reviews Reviews The Good Man/Woman. Everyone's Looking For One Of Them! The Past! In It All Things Are Made Clearer... Maybe. This Manga... Will Put You On The Path To Adulthood! Yen Press Review

Yen Press Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord Volume 1 Review Chapter Six (Digital)

The World’s Strongest Grandmother
Let’s see… Doesn’t like being called granny. Drives a fast car. Is rich. And kinda beats up on her granddaughter Miyako. This is Kitano Matsubo. Believe it or not she’s NOT the villain.

Sure she’s Manhandling Miyako like an evil stepmother but she’s not evil… She’s just a plot motivator to motivate Miyako to be a better woman. Like Hato Hato is for Asako.

So let’s see… Does she know Miyako was the former lead of ELM? Yes. Is she angry because Miyako retired? No. Does she know why Miyako retired? Probably. But too soon.

She’s here because she was concerned. The house? She got it from Matsubo. A bit of a sad take is attached. Matsubo was originally to move in with her husband, but he passed away. So here we are…

She wants to take Miyako back to Kansai… Oh right. Did I mention last review that Miyako is from the Kansai region? “Drawl” and all?… Ugh. I swear every Time Localizers see the word Crawl they cast the dubber with a Southern accent!!

(Miyako’s going to end up sounding like Rogue from the X-Men Animated Series in the English dub, won’t she…)

Anyway Miyako decides to prove she can do it by making dinner. This gives Matsubo and Asako a chance to talk. Once fear over Matsubo being a demon recedes. Anyway…

This works out for the best. Even if Miyako’s plan to win her Matsubo’s approval (call her granny at your own peril) doesn’t work out? Suddenly the bond between Miyako & Asako is enough for her to not take Miyako home.

So does Matsubo suspect what we already know? They’re going to fall in love? Maybe? Not like Matsubo lives by nontraditional views so I’m thinking she’s going to champion that love later on. Right?

Well this introduces her as one of Miyako’s siblings who will be part of the secondary cast. She, like Hato, will be back. Anyway that sure jumped their relationship forward… Maybe.

And that seems to be the end of Volume 1. Translator notes on the back and… A bonus. Tomorrow we end by looking at the bonus. And… The actual Garden from the title of this book. See you.

Oh right. WHY is Matsubi angry. She’s angry because Miyako’s plan

A New Character Has Entered The Fray! Big Brother/Big Sister Of Manga Big Father & Mothers of Manga Comics Reviews Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. Manga Reviews Manga When You Wish Upon An Idol Star... Reviews The Good Man/Woman. Everyone's Looking For One Of Them! The Helpful Ones. Manga's Exploited Human Resource. Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! Yen Press Review

Yen Press Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord Volume 1 Review Chapter Five Part 2 (Digital)

A Fan Girl Dream Come True… Also Truths Revealed.
So last time we saw Hato Hato collapse seemingly dead from shock. Having learned that her Editor is living with her idol Miyako.

Suddenly she stops being unconscious. Now she’s staring into the greater cosmos in her mind. Freaking out Uatu The Watcher back in his Multiverse Pillar. Blaming existence for her Editor living with Miyako.

Not the Writer Artist Creator of the title. Just existence in general. Then again blaming the creator might break the fourth wall. Oh well. Suddenly Miyako begs Hato Hato to not tell at Asako.

Uhhh… See up there? Does Hato Hato actually look like she’s in the right state of mind to yell… It speak… To anyone? Since Asako is trying to hide in the work Hato delivered, Miyuko talks to Hato.

Suddenly they’re bonding, and the truth about how we got here. And Asako’s breakup with her last toxic girlfriend. Her breakup, her bow to live alone, and Miyako throwing a monkey into the works.

So now that Miyako knows that Asako has an addiction to beautiful women, she asks if Asako was helping her because she was beautiful. Nope. Turns out that’s nice, but Asako is also a do gooder.

If she could fly and shoot hear vision she’d be Superman’s Omniverse counterpart. Anyway Miyako is quite happy, as she declares Asako to be like a big sister!

Uhhh… Wait. Is this love story starting by having Miyako bond to Asako because she’s like the big sister she never had. Miyako is growing closer to Onee-san as her Big Sister??? Uhh…

At some later point, when they finally become a couple? Will their first sex be technically incest… Ugh. I shouldn’t have thought of that. Anyway all’s good. Hatomori’s learning of Miyako worked out for the best.

One day Asako returns to the house, after a busy day at work. She finds an expensive car outside. And a strange old woman over a very sorry Miyako. Oh boy. This is about to get nasty.

This lady is the grandmother of Miyako. Yeah. We already had hints that Miyako was rich so… If course her family is rich. Anyway after the reveal of Asako’s secrets, is it time to reveal Miyako’s secrets? Guess we find out tomorrow. See you.

Comics Reviews Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Manga Reviews Reviews Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty-Six (Digital)

The Rental Life Of Manga Lesbians
It’s time for Nomoto and Kasuga to take that next step. Moving in together. And when the plot wants to take its time then the process is very detailed.

Well why fish into it? Rushing into it is what messed up Asako and her previous toxic relationship. Lucky us this is a feel good romance. All the feels, all the patience in the world.

So they will be living out of a two bedroom place. Close enough to the bus line to get Nomoto to work. With parking so Kasuga can park her work vehicle for her Uber/Seamless job. Nice.

But there’s more than just sleep and work to contend with. We also have issues with… A cosignor. How much info to give the real estate agent and apartment landlord. And who it’ll be signed under.

Of course it must be signed under Nomoto. Since Kasuga is hiding from her weird Karen father, and doormat mother. Also apparently despite having good relations Nomoto isn’t ready for mom to know.

Yrah. Given the breadth of gay and lesbian mangas and animes? You’d be forgiven if you weren’t aware that the country isn’t as progressive as their fiction makes them out to be. Titles like this gives you a bit of a reality check.

But yeah. As they take a break for some sweet red bean paste on toast? They have found an LGBT friendly place to move to. No Cosignors, a deposit but no pressure about your sex orientation. Nice.

Yeah yeah. I’m still baffled how a country that is experts on the LGBTQI+ genre in fiction is still struggling to match that expertise in real life. Oh well. Maybe one day.

Tomorrow we wrap up Volume 4. It’s time to tell their friends of the big move. And for that we need to grill up a staple of any good Manga romance book. You can’t be a romance manga without it!

Time to make hot balls of Takoyaki! Can I make Takoyaki? Kinda. My Takoyaki won’t win awards, or wow the croeds, but what kind of Manga Anime reviewer would I be if I can’t Takoyzki?!? An… Average everyday revieaer. Takoyaki isn’t a job requirement.

We wrap up Volume 4, and hold out breaths for the solicit info on Volume 5… That’s tomorrow so see you then.

A New Character Has Entered The Fray! Comics Reviews Date For Your Life Manga Edition! Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. It's Number #1 With The Fans Komi Can't Communicate Love! That Damned Four Letter Word! Manga Reviews Reviews The Goddesses Must Be Insane! This Manga... Will Put You On The Path To Adulthood! Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 15 Finale Review Chapter Two Hundred Seven (Digital)

When Your Not Quite Feeling Seventeen…
Enter Komi Shuko. Eternally 17… Until now. Because her family doesn’t speak very much? She’s become stressed. To the point she aged a full year. Now Eternally 18…

Which technically makes her now older than Tsukasa but that’s neither here nor there. Anyway the solution is to have a Dinner Party. Everyone brings one guest.

Except Father. He’s leaving on plot convenience aka business trip. So suddenly Shosuke invited one new never before seen person. Why? Because he was deemed least likely to be trouble.

Except he keeps getting hot for the ladies that are here or show up. Like Shuko (now Eternally 18), Shoko, Rumiko… Oh right. Komi invited Rumiko. And Ase. And Kiyoko…

No Kiyoko. Remember she has severe germaphobia. So there is no way she’d eat food she has no confidence in. Aka any food not made at home. Anyway she signs the Book Of Friends in the bonus section.

She also invited the Tadanos (Hitohito and Hitomi… Hitomi finally catching on to the Komi/Rumiko love triangle). Hitomi invited Katai Ai… Hence this dinner party has become Japanese Reality TV. The Real Dysfunctional Teens Of Tokyo.

Shuko? She’s happy. Just being around all these lovely young people had set her age clock back to Eternally 17 once more. Except everytime I type it I keep hitting the 2 instead of 1 so…

So that’s Volume 15. I assume this wraps up the theoretical Season 3. Whatever Season 3 will look like when it’s finally done. Ugh. What a pain. Would the series creator and the Anime Director just go to the Japanese courts already and revoke Netflix’s agreement?!?

By now there has to be a better streaming service out there who will outbid Netflix, and not only order Seasons 3-4, but fix all Netflix got wrong with Season 1-2! Sigh. To be continued.

Weekend it’s She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat. Monday we finally dive into a new Volume 1. Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord.

It’s kinda like Shinohara from Assorted Entanglements. Only if Shinohara picked the absolutely worst woman to fall in love with. Even worse than Heke!

Prepare for a Lesbian Romance that I might dub my first Notting Hill love manga. Why? Because our lady here falls in love with her new landlord, a recently retired for female idol star… Hence the whole Notting Hill reference.

Yes I know Julia Roberts character wasn’t retired as a Star in the movie, but still same thing probably? These will be super long Chapters so I’ll split each Chapter review up.

Anyway that’s what will be starting us off on Monday. Updates on Assorted Entanglements and Fly Me To The Moon coming soon. See you…

Big Brother/Big Sister Of Manga Comics Reviews Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. Gossip Go Round Til You Drop It's Number #1 With The Fans Itash Mature Rated Spicy Manga! Manga Reviews Reviews The Married Manga Life Trial By Relationship Manga Fire VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Fly Me To The Moon Volume 21 Chapter One Hundred & Ninety-Three (SPOILERS) (Digital)

Kaname Has Been Waiting For This Moment…
Since Nasa & Tsukasa has been away for a few days, handling business as Tsukasa’s old Manor Of Solitude, she’s been… Lonely.

Well not so much lonely as building up some of her pent up desires. Now that Tsukasa is back? It’s time to pepper her with questions about the status of her and Nasa’s sex habits.

Today, Kaname relates Nasa’s desires for Tsukasa by the level of Sexies he feels for her. The more Sexies he has, the better. However if a woman steps out of the bath naked? And doesn’t get enough Sexies from her husband? Divorce time.

Yes. She went and learned that from her divorced mom. Tsukasa is not ready for all the stories of what Kaname mom did after divorce. Lucky us this is too close to the end to worry about that.

Tsukasa finds Nasa still lusting over her panties. That’s fine. According to Kaname? He’s venting full Sexies for her so she is doing ok. Nasa decides to ask Tsukasa not to tell Kaname.

…you know. Don’t tell Kaname that Nasa is hot for Tsukasa’s panties. Because she will think horrible things about him and… Why is she blushing like that? Why? Glimpse her panties if he accepts her apology…

Oh right. She already told Kaname that, thinking it was a get out of her Sexies talk zinger… It didn’t work that way. Oh well. The series is almost over so Nasa will never learn about this… Right?

Tomorrow we tune in to Kaguya. Maybe we will find out exactly what Kaguya learned back at the manor in the woods. And how much she figured out about Tsukasa’s immortality. While maybe revealing her own… Immortality?

We are drawing close to the flashbacks. Should be next weekend coming up. So… Stay tuned.

Big Brother/Big Sister Of Manga Comics Reviews Delinquents Of Manga Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. It's Number #1 With The Fans Manga Fail State. The Worst State Ever. Manga Reviews Reviews VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Case Closed Volume 21 Review Chapter One Hundred & Ninety (SPOILERS) (Review)

Is Tsukasa One Needy Ancient Girl?
Now that the married couple is back at the bath house? It’s time to get questioned by Asa. Kaname’s sister. All she wants to know is if Nasa is bored of Tsukasa.

That pushes all of Tsukasa’s buttons on one move. Kaname shows up and needs Nasa’s aid as the bath house boiler needs repairs. She does answer Tsukada’s angry question well though.

Nasa is in the process of putting the device back together. There is nothing said about how Tokiko got a hold of this gadget, or how it reads 5-D chips, but I guess Volume 23 will explains it.

As Nasa goes off to fix the boiler, Tsukasa picks up the device… And it falls apart on the spot. Nasa returns to find the device spread all over the table. And Tsukasa panicking. Uh-boy.

Anyway it’s an a-ok thing. Nasa will be putting together the device. And take a long long time to build it. All the way seemingly to Volume 23. Sigh. A problem as the series ends at Volume 26.

Well we are rolling into the long long flashback as of next week I guess. The long prelude before we find out how Tsukasa became an immortal. Only that will take… A long long time. Sigh.

So this week coming is MARVEL MANGAVERSE #1-#4 & FLY ME TO THE MOON VOLUME 21. That’s this week so stay tuned, see you.

Comics Reviews Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. FLASHBACK INCOMING!! In memorium It's Number #1 With The Fans Manga Reviews Reviews The Married Manga Life VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Fly Me To The Moon Volume 21 Review Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Nine (SPOILERS) (Digital)

So Close…
Ok let’s just power through this. Nasa’s Shinichi Conan moment. It moves the story along… But not for long. Before you know it Tsukasa is flashing back to the past.

It Takes awhile, and getting harassed by Chitose and Tsukasa, Nasa finally turns it around by pointing out that there is a fully functioning clock in a house with no working tech.

He already had a key with no lock, which turns out to be hidden in the clock. Taking down the clock Nasa finds that it is indeed the item he was looking for.

Apparently not even impending death would stop Tokiko from preparing the last quest by her for the married couple. Hidden inside is… Wait for tomorrow.

Ok. Inside the clock was the parts for a device capable of reading the 5-D chip. But it has no instructions on how to assemble it. Leaving Nasa to put it together on his own.

Nasa will not accomplish this, especially not with Tsukasa’s “help”, until Volume 23. Maybe. So anyway it’s going to be awhile before we see this part resolved.

So how will the 5-D chip solve Tsukasa’s issues? Guess we will find out… Sometime from now I guess. So yeah. Tomorrow we will see the reward for finding the hiding spot. A pile of parts needing to be out together. Stay tuned.

A New Character Has Entered The Fray! Comics Reviews Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. Fetish Manga Alert!! Mainstream Goes Manga Manga Reviews MARVEL Comics Reviews

MARVEL MANGAVERSE X-Men #1 Review (Digital)

The OELManga Version X-Men
Until this date there was Japanese Manga X-Men. Not very well known and to date out of print in terms of the volumes brought here and localized.

The idea of Japanese done X-Men I guess really didn’t hit its zenith until MadHouse and Sony did it with the Uncanny X-Men. And Wolverine. Along with Blade and Iron Man. But that’s years away when this came out.

So Rogue is recruited by the very Japanese X-Men. In a group where Jean Grey is kinda slutty, and I guess possessing the Phoenix Force. Or…

Wolverine is a big hulking dude. Nightcrawler is a bit of a smarmy ass, and Cyclops kinda looks like he is wearing his later Krakoa outfit sans the giant X visor helmet.

It’s a mixed bag for me. It’s ok. Storm and Jean and Nightcrawler are the stand out designs. While Wolverine and Magneto (a giant hulking brute named Magnus) is just disappointing.

Long story short you meet the team, they fight Magnus and his Brotherhood, and Rogue absorbs Jean Grey’s powers to become… The Scarlet Phoenix Witch?!? No. No I don’t know why Rogue is now one half Scarlet Witch.

Rogue runs… Flies away… I think she shows up in OMEGA… And that’s it. The last of the month long one shots.

Best was Spider-Man without a doubt. It’s a hard pass on the rest… Kinda. The FF would have been great if the one shot that was here was out into a sold separately prelude month event, and the one shot was more focused on the Kaiju Hulk situation.

We didn’t need The Punisher (sorry Peter David). We needed She Hulk from Peter David. We didn’t need Ghost Riders. We needed Dr. Strange Sorcerer Supreme. Also needed Iron Woman.

Anyway it’s Omega. Don’t be too surprised when you find out that Banner and Kaiju Hulk are two separate entities. I spoiled that all the way back in Alpha. Anyway the end of the month long event.

After that. Ongoing!… All 7 issues of the Ongoing. Yeah… I didn’t say it was a successful Ongoing! Tomorrow? OMEGA. See you.

Big Brother/Big Sister Of Manga Comics Reviews Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. It's Number #1 With The Fans Manga Reviews Reviews School Of Manga Madness The Past! In It All Things Are Made Clearer... Maybe. Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Fly Me To The Moon Volume 20 Review One Hundred & Eighty-Three (SPOILERS) (Digital)

So Obvious I Bet You Figured It Out.
Not the Kaguya thing… Again SPOILERS. If you are watching the Anime but haven’t read every review of the manga to date? Then major spoilers… Forever.

Literally forever as the revelations tap was turned on by Volume 15. And hasn’t stopped revealing since then. Speaking of revealing let’s get the ladies naked and bathing next review.

Why yes I am a horrible human being. Thanks for noticing. Anyway remember Kaguya’s two entourage friends? Started out as friends, but became sisters when one girl lost her parents in a case of sudden character plot syndrome?

We know they had a rivalry. Because one girl was upset that the other sister suddenly seemed smarter than her. She then befriended the immortal Kaguya.

If course nobody knows that Kaguya is in reality the so called Goddess Of The Moon. And from what I know she’s not really a goddess. She’s either Japanese Wolverine, or a Sailor Soldier clone from planet Plot Convenient. Something.

That friendship she has with both girls allows her to become a negotiator between the two. Which lasts all of a few pages. After their latest spat Kaguya goes and tells her the truth.

The reason why the other sister became so smart? It was to keep up with maybe her rival… Yeah. The girl we have been following this Chapter. She’s been angry basically over nothing.

And so they’re the best of friends and sisters again. Kaguya is their Number One Highlander pal from the Planet Sean Connery, and all is well… Or something.

Flashback is finally over. Back to the present… Where we distract you from thinking about Kaguya’s secrets with barely clad towel wearing naked women. Distracting huh?

Well like I said. The truth won’t be revealed until Next Volume (21) so we might as well just chill and enjoy the get together. Maybe. Bath time tomorrow. See you…

Comics Reviews Date For Your Life Manga Edition! Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. It's Number #1 With The Fans Komi Can't Communicate Manga Reviews Manga. It's Always Summer In Mangas. Reviews Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 14 Review Chapter One Hundred & Ninety-Four Part 1 (Digital)

They Saw Everything… And Still Misunderstood.
Looks like this ending of the volume is just here to further cement in the whole rivalry between Rumiko & Shoko over Tadano. Yeah. So anyway…

Since Aunt Kagari likes her men big and muscular (Katai), she sends Komi to use her Komi Effect to bring in customers. And sends Tadano & Rumiko off to give people the wrong impression.

This first several pages? Dunno is awfully nervous, being away from Komi & Katai with Tadano. Completely alone in a Festival full of random characters.

For some reason, and doesn’t he notice he’s freaking Rumiko out? Tadano wants to apologize at long last for a few Volumes ago. When he defended Rumiko by saying he’s her boyfriend.

Car from pissed, she’s actually tickled… Decade-oh Pink… Oh wait. According to the actor who plays Kaman Rider Decade it’s Cyan or something… Anyway she’s liking the idea of having Tadano be her one and only.

Yeah no. Unless this series has a twist ending and they really do become one? It’s clear Tadano is meant for Komi… Fight? Guess only future reviews will merit that out.

Anyway for this lot of nothing? Hitomi & Shosuke see it all… But do they understand what they have seen? Anyway not the last to claim they have seen it all. But that’s tomorrow. See you.