Cliffhanger Manga Endings=Hang On! Comics Reviews Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Reviews Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Finale Chapter Thirty-Seven (Digital)

Towards A Brighter Future…
This is a short review, but I looked up the wiki for the series. It out some very good news in my hands. Coming up.

So with the idea of a Takoyaki party? Nomoto & Kasuga are ready to confess their relationship to Nagumo & Yako. So Yako brings the Takoyaki plate, and it’s so on.

By now you might have seen a takoyaki plate grill on several manga and animes. It’s easy. It’s a hot plate with so many circular half sphere indetations. This is where the magic happen.

Pour the batter that forms the outer sphere, full of with octopus (tako) meat… Or anything really. Your imagination is the only limit. After it cooks a bit flip the cooking half spheres (manually or via this plate’s auto flippers that work with a twist dial control.

Cook, serve, enjoy. They cook up some omelet eggs, and rice probably and takoyaki. Talk about a meal Id dig. This is something you can try out at home. One of the easiest party items yet!

So at the end of the Volume it’s time to tell the friends. Nomoto to Yako, and Kasuga to Nagumo. Yako? She’s 110% happy for Nomoto. Fully behind and fully supporting her… And the sooner Nomoto shares all her Rule34 sex with Yako? The better… Sigh.

So we come to the reveal to Nagumo. Which is all of one panel. Which seems to imply that Nagumo… Is not so accepting. But we won’t know more until… January 2025?

Given how the last two volumes (this and 3) took 11 months from Japanese trade to English trade release? It’s my speculation that Volume 5 will come January 2025 (as it released February 2024).

Now Good News #2. As of this year two seasons of a drama series based on this series exists. Not quite sure if it’s Anime or Live Drama… Hmmm… I’ll see if I can find clips. As for DVDs? Nothing. Just the manga.

YouTube? Found reviews of it. I’ll post those here soon. And… It’s Live Action. Whoa. Anyway this coming weekend we return to Fly Me To The Moon. Stay tuned.

Comics Reviews It's Number #1 With The Fans Komi Can't Communicate Manga Brings Out The Worst In Your Antagonists Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Manga School Tradition Physical Exam Day Reviews The Good Man/Woman. Everyone's Looking For One Of Them! The Helpful Ones. Manga's Exploited Human Resource. The Quiet Ones: Manga's Secret Weapons Against Everything! Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 15 Review Chapter Two Hundred Four & Five ( Digital)

A Short Review Over Being Tall
This wrap up of the Volume will breeze by rather fast. So let’s get to it. We are almost done here.

Anyway if you went to Amazon Kindle to buy Assorted Entanglements Volume 5 yesterday, you probably noticed that it got pushed back to the upcoming Tuesdsy.

That’s fine. I got Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord Volume 2 then. And will get Assorted Entanglements next week. Anyway this is a flashback to Physical Exam Year 2.

Komi admits to Rumiko she’s 5’6″ . And she admits that she has a bit of an anxiety about her height. Why? Well apparently (as Chapter 205 suggests) she wants to be shorter than Tadano. Why?

Dunno. We will see if her dream continues when we get to Physical Exam Year 3. Sufficient to say her dream of mines realized this year. She’s not quite 5’7″ yet, while Tadano is that high. So yay?

 And that’s it. Also we get stats on the newest girls like Rumiko, and future Best Friends Forever Ase & Kiyoko. Also Chapter 205 ends with Makeru declaring she tied with Komi again… Uh huh.

So next Chapter, the last if I remember right for this Volume, is focused on Rumiko the weekend after the election. Where she begins to may be further grow her feels for Tadano.

Where will this go? Is this maybe the end of Season 3? Which means Season 4 starts next Volume? Dunno. Anyway let’s wrap up this volume tomorrow… See you.

A New Character Has Entered The Fray! Big Father & Mothers of Manga Comics Reviews FLASHBACK INCOMING!! Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Reviews Square Enix Manga Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship!

Square Enix The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious Volume 6 Review Chapter Fifty-One Part 2 (Digital)

Friendship Restored
So. When your trapped (but not really trapped) in a random igloo? With A former friend? You have time to reflect.

We find out that his parents wanted to adopt Yuri after his parents deaths. But he refused. Unwilling to abandon his family home. The last thing he has of his parents.

Running away from others, it turns out, is easier when you justify your actions with nice sounding rationale. I’m This case? Yuri couldn’t accept the help of his friend’s family because he didn’t want to ask for help.

Which is great in theory. Until you explain to your friend that you didn’t shun him. You just shunned him because you didn’t want to ask for anyone’s help… So yeah. You shunned him.

As far as the friend was concerned? He saw the facade that Yuri wife in public everyday. And thought surely all is well with Yuri. Just by stating at his facade. But Yuri tells him that he was anything but ok.

It wasn’t until he hired Lilith (who might be his hidden step sister) that he finally began to recover from the dark place he exiled himself to after his parents died. She helped him become himself again. That’s good. And he didn’t become Japanese Batman.

So a friendship is restored. They find out as the storm clears (with kinda Are You Kidding Me Jesus Skylighting) that they were here feet from the ski resort. Maybe even within sight of the teachers.

Anyway Yuri admits he thought someone was following him. His friend assures him that wasn’t the case. Except we know Lilith was following him and is following him so ok.

Tomorrow it’s the aftermath of the ski trip. What happens then? Find out tomorrow. See you.

Comics Reviews It's Number #1 With The Fans Komi Can't Communicate Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Manga. It's Always Summer In Mangas. Reviews The Quiet Ones: Manga's Secret Weapons Against Everything! This Manga... Will Put You On The Path To Adulthood! Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 12 Review Chapter One Hundred & Sixty-Four (Digital)

Japanese Word Games With Friends… Never Used For Prep For College Exams.
Except this is Word Chains. Where each person builds a chain on each word said by using the last letter of the word to start the next word.

Considering this was mentioned with college exams? I assume this game is played entirely by speaking English. Maybe. Anyway the trip to the beach.

Today, replacing Najimi, is the new girl Asa. Best known for excessive sweating. Where is Najimi? She’s written out of this trip. Maybe to prove a point. That all her friends are shy without her.

Apparently her power of inane jabbering fuels conversations. So remove her from the equation and all conversations cease… For some reason. Anyway attempt a to talk leads to Word Chains.

The beach? Let’s see… Minus sides? Nothing as I can see. Plus sides. Komi & Rumiko… And Aya too?… I’m bathing suits. Oh. See that person wearing the barely there outfit from the lady from French series Aeon Flux? That’s not a woman. That’s Naruse.

Also yes. That’s Aeon the Animation. Not the live action movie. Just so we are clear on that one. Anyway next time it’s time to have fun at the beach! While randomly continuing to play Word Chains for no good reason whatsoever.

Coming up? Naruse almost vanishes at sea and must be saved by Japanese Baywatch… No ladies?!? Also another incident is the catalyst for continuing to build the SS TadanoRumiko…?!?

Yeah. That’s all coming up as the trip to the beach continues. Anyway it’s DVD time coming up… Ugh. Stay tuned for that.

Comics Reviews Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Reviews School Of Manga Madness Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! Yen Press Review

Yen Press The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious Volume 4 Finale Review Chapter Forty-Two (Digital)

Remember Yesterday’s Reveal? Yes? Good!!… The creator forgot!!
No seriously why! After yesterday’s reveal how did we get to this ending cliffhanger of Volume 4! How!! Sigh…

See that up there? Either she just started randomly thinking of the opening of Star Trek The Next Generation, or that’s her minds imagery of sex… Ugh.

Last time, Yuuri remembered that he knew Lilith from years ago. In his childhood. You think that would answer his love questions… But a certain girl with a Harlequin Romance fetish? Ruined that!

After yesterday’s reveal it seems obvious to me that Yuuri loves Lilith because he senses she’s family. Something he’s lost recently with the death of his parents. Simple enough answer to his love riddle? Yes?

But no. He is drawn to talking with love pervert his female friend… Who he still hasn’t figured out is in love with him. She wants to know what kind of progress he’s making with his maid.

In retrospect? MAYBE he shouldn’t have up and told her that they slept together. All while ignoring the need to fill in all context in that one. Yuuri? She helped him sleep. Girl? She made him a man.

Yes! That is as disturbing as you think it sounds! Apparently she’s ready to even make Kaname do a double take when she learns what kind of Shota perversion lives in this girls mind rent free!

Because he let that girl talk him in the wrong direction again? Cliffhanger ending! Oh. Not Legolas picks up girl before she can interfere any more. Ugh.

So how does the Love question of Volume 4 end? With Yuuri blithering on to Lilith about his love for her. But wait! Why stop tbere? Last page shows a new maid hunting for Lilith.

Who is this blonde maid? How is she connected to Lilith? And how will Lilith process this love confession by Yuuri?!? We will find out next time, as I review Volume 5. Coming soon… Ugh.

So it’s back to Komi Volume 11 tomorrow. And more on Hitomi and Shosuke. That should be… Interesting. Right? Well that’s coming up so stay tuned!

Comics Reviews Emotionally Dead Manga Character Walking! Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Japanese Odd Couple Relationship Engaged! Manga LGBTQ+ Series Manga Reviews Manga That Needs To Have It's Keys Taken Away! Go Home! You're Drunk, Manga! Reviews Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! Yen Press Review

Yen Press Assorted Entanglements Volume 1 Review Chapter Six (Digital)

Work Too Stressful? Time To Cope The Miss Kobayashi Way!
So yeah. By now you realize that Iori’s often the cause of Grecian entanglements. For all her straight laced demeanor she is often her own worst enemy.

Case in point? Because she refuses to tell anyone at work she’s recently switched from bats to OUCH… ok I deserved that smack. Anyway one of her co-workers keeps trying to hook Iori up.

Well technically it’s Iori’s fault for not just saying she’s a lesbian now. As far as Her co-workers are cincerned? She’s still an active and available hetero female.

Doesn’t excuse their hooking her up. It did she also hide the fact her last several book ups were all men who used her for free sex. Yeah. She probably his that from them too.

So when the stress goes critical, Iori goes and gets drunk. Problem is? She’s in the hook with Minami, promising to reduce her drinking to three times a week.

Minami has every right to be pissed. She has had bad experiences with her own drunk of a father to put a sour taste in her mouth over alcohol for an eternity… Oh no. She isn’t doing this love thing to try and lure Iori away from booze is she?!?

Anyway Minami reads her the riot act, kinda, and Iori promises to change. I have faith she will but… Suddenly In a bit concerned about where this will all end. Uhh… Oh boy.

Anyway new short Chapter tomorrow. See you.

Comics Reviews Emotionally Dead Manga Character Walking! It's Number #1 With The Fans Komi Can't Communicate Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Reviews The Quiet Ones: Manga's Secret Weapons Against Everything! This Manga... Will Put You On The Path To Adulthood! Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 10 Review Chapter One Hundred & Thirty-Two (Digital)

We All Wear Masks. Some More Obvious Than Others.
So it’s time for Rumiko and Komi to become friends. All she has to do is get torn down to her base emotions, stripped of her makeup, and allows her emotions to breathe.

So Rumiko is not handling Year 2 without her friends well. Surely she can go and see them at the lunch break… Or not. It seems her old friends, appearing in cameo, forgot her.

Also they seem to be friends with… Yamai… Now. Huh? Oh. Sports Fest coming all your Year 1 favorites are returning. So yay. I guess.

It’s a bit heartbreaking, watching Rumiko eat lunch alone in the girls bathroom. Uhh… Gee. This bathroom as sanctuary thing is really milked in this series!

By fifth period class? Rumiko… Appears ready to join the undead cast of the Train To Busan reboot movie (Last Train To New York). Tadano (once again class rep) asks Komi to take her to the nurse’s office. Then he goes with them… Huh.

We need Komi & Rumiko to be alone though! No. Not like that. So Rumiko breaks down and throws up on the stairs… Something described as Sparkles. Wait… Huh?!? Sparkles??? PINKIE PIE!!

No no. Rumiko didn’t eat a Pinkie Pie Party Favor. I think. She’s just depressed, emotionally crushed, sad… And throwing up what may be her life force energy in physical glittery form. Uhh… Oh boy.

Alone in the Nurse’s Office, Komi helps clean up the crying Rumiko. As she does, she wiped away her excessive Broadway Musical grade makeup. Her hair piece vanishes. Leaving only the real Rumiko, a rather beautiful young woman, behind.

She admits to Komi that she can’t stand being alone, and she just wants friends to be with. With that Komi remembers back to the series start. And how Tadano helped her on her first day.

And with that the two become friends. She and Tadano take the changed Rumiko back to class, and suddenly it’s like she’s a whole new girl. And thus Komi has made her first Year 2 friend.

In a one panel skit between Chapters? We see Komi has already added Rumiko to her Tome Of Friends (don’t leave home without it). So that continues Komi’s growth to 100.

Tomorrow is a… Shosuke Chapter. Aka Komi Brother. With him? His one story might as well be called Komi Doesn’t Want To Communucate. Too bad Tadano Hitomi has other plans.

Shosuke and Hitomi enter Year 1 High School! Pray for Year 1! That’s tomorrow so see you.

A New Character Has Entered The Fray! Comics Reviews It's Number #1 With The Fans Komi Can't Communicate Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Peer Pressure? NO! RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE!! Manga Reviews Reviews The Goddesses Must Be Insane! The Quiet Ones: Manga's Secret Weapons Against Everything! Tutored By Manga Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 10 Review Chapter One Hundred & Thirty-One (Digital)

Strange Girl From Another Generation…
This is Manbagi Rumiko. She’s… A different kind of different. What you see here is her complete introduction. No cuts or anything. All five pages as they appear in Chapter One Hundred & Thirty-One.

She… Has a face only the makeup staff of a Holden Age Gamera movie, trying to turn a Japanese woman into a Polynesian woman, could love. That and apparently her headdress ma symbolize she’s the reincarnation of Japanese Carmen Miranda.

Her language is… Whatever that is she’s saying. The pages are here. You tell me what that is. Also it looks like she will have Naruse’s narrator on loan for the duration of her run.

It seems she, like Komi & gang, have Bern denied her friends too. Left alone, she tries to make new friends. Only to find people… Terminating her? Huh? Uhh… OH! They’re freaked by her looks!

Komi sits next to her, Komi does a double take, then the Chapter ends with Komi turning away. Rumiko thinks Komi is dismissing her. Unaware of Komi’s shy introverted nature.

Next Chapter? Looks like the two girls from completely different generations… Despite being from the exact same generation genetically… Are about to become friends. Nature save Komi.

So did you read the update today on Fly Me To The Moon Season 1? I finally found the menus options. Instructions on how to navigate the confusing menus of Fly Me To The Moon Season 1 is in my earlier update. Check it out. Review begins Saturday.

Comics Reviews It's Number #1 With The Fans Komi Can't Communicate Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Reviews The Quiet Ones: Manga's Secret Weapons Against Everything! Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Tutored By Manga Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 8 Review Chapter One Hundred & Two (Digital)

Prepare For The Insufferable Naruse
Apparently another new patient of the psych ward that is this high school has been dropped into our laps. In the form of one Naruse… And his keeper slash watcher slash plot device for the reader. Who may or may not be a self insert of the creator or manga editor.

Basically the guy is so self involved he makes every other narcissist character in Japan seem humble by comparison. I swear if Crow or Irina has a ten worse narcissist list and he’s not on it? Fraud!!

Every being he perceives as beneath him is no better than a Basic Kitten to him. Except Komi. Komi, it seems, is worthy of his attention. Because… He needs to be in the class’s death list.

But hey. Naruse has the power to erase Tadano from existence! Does this mean there’s a guy named Naruse working on the SFX of Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny? Did he delete Indy?!?

From the very moment he begins to make the moves on Komi, the class makes their move .. To thwart him. Mostly subtle to semi violent shoving to blockading him. All except Katai. Bless his big heart. He straight up punches his lights out.

Apparently Naruse, besides deleting Tadano from his mind, is also powerful in the ways of Christian Apologetics level of reality bending. Guess Naruse is presently in the House Of Woke Mouse payroll, telling them how Live Action The Little Mermaid doesn’t suck…

Yamai grabs him and gives him the Death Whisper, certain to detail his plans… Except his powers of denial are strong. Which means we need to watch Nakanaka block him with piano wire…??? Agari assault him in her street hockey gear, competition girl challenge him… To a YuGiOh duel… And Ninja not just throw shiruken at him.

By now it’s painfully obvious that Class Komi has fully accepted Tadano as Komi’s one and only. Just as much as they reject Naruse with a vengeance. However Komi shows kindness to him…

Big mistake? One act of giving him his dropped handkerchief makes him try to lose his way to her phone number. She gives him the Stop That Nonsense Hand and opts no on the idiot.

The Chapter ends with Naruse realizing Tadano exists. Because Naruse’s keeper insists that Nature isn’t really a bad guy… Yes. His keeper can be seen by everyone. Nobody hates him. Anyway suddenly Tadano has a new friend in Naruse.

A friend who sends Tadano his daily selfie of himself, as if that’s something people wants to own… Urgh. Thanks limited use character only used to be a insert for the reader. You suck.

Next time? Could someone explain this to me? According to Naruse… Who somehow is the rare person to know Komi has communication problems at first glance… It’s been only nine months since this title began.

That means we are still in Freshman Year. So… Why is there a class trip suddenly? For Freshman Year? I’m used to class trips being done in Senior Year Three so… What gives.

A class trip that will give Komi a new opportunity to make friends, or crash and burn trying. That arc starts tomorrow. See you.

Comics Reviews DREAM SEQUENCE INCOMING! It's Number #1 With The Fans Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Reviews School Of Manga Madness The Married Manga Life This Manga... Will Put You On The Path To Adulthood! Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Fly Me To The Moon Volume 15 Review Chapter One Hundred & Forty-One (Digital)

At Last The Truth Begins To Be Revealed
Through an ancient Japanese folktale, we will begin to see the truth about Tsukasa finally be revealed. Thing is… Do I think I can withstand the reveal to come?

The story in question is The Bamboo Cutter. It’s been teased before, but now I think the most vital part of the tale that relates to Tsukasa is being revealed.

Mind you it’s yet another theory. Past theories like Tsukasa dying has so far proven untrue. So take this latest theory with the same skepticism as before.

So I think you are to take away that Tsukasa is the immortal maiden of the moon… Except what if that turns out to be Kaguya? Aka in before COVID Mask Girl.

The story ends with the maiden giving her adopted human father and the Emperor she loved a potion of immortality. To which she assured them said potion does not have the flavor of Tree Of Immortality Apple fresh taste bottles directly from Eden.

However both men refused. Without their maiden then immortality would be pointless. It was given to someone, who was to bring it to the top of the now Mt Fuji to destroy it.

Given how Mt Fuji has been a vital locale these last few Volumes? I’m thinking Tsukasa was charged with the nation’s destruction. Either that or the one charged have her the potion. Either way it was not destroyed. It was consumed.

Who would curse themself to everlasting life? Even Kaguya agrees with me that life without hope of end is unbearable. But… That is not the question being answered. Yet.

Nasa is ready to ask Tsukasa about that snowy night when she saved him. Mainly… She was injured in the truck collision. So, if she was bleeding, and not just covered in his blood… How did she heal so fast?

It’s almost as if she swallowed an immortality potion that continuously heals all damage to her, both physical and age wrought. Which explains… Nothing. Her clothes should still have been hacked in blood as well as her body. Healed or no her body doesn’t come with a self clean option, no matter what potions are digested.

So this coming Thursday? Yeah. We continue the review then, and we will see if this first long awaited answer passes scrutiny or not. Stay tuned.