Cliffhanger Manga Endings=Hang On! Comics Reviews Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Manga Friends, Cheaper Than Psychatrists, Also Less Effective. Manga Reviews Reviews Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Finale Chapter Thirty-Seven (Digital)

Towards A Brighter Future…
This is a short review, but I looked up the wiki for the series. It out some very good news in my hands. Coming up.

So with the idea of a Takoyaki party? Nomoto & Kasuga are ready to confess their relationship to Nagumo & Yako. So Yako brings the Takoyaki plate, and it’s so on.

By now you might have seen a takoyaki plate grill on several manga and animes. It’s easy. It’s a hot plate with so many circular half sphere indetations. This is where the magic happen.

Pour the batter that forms the outer sphere, full of with octopus (tako) meat… Or anything really. Your imagination is the only limit. After it cooks a bit flip the cooking half spheres (manually or via this plate’s auto flippers that work with a twist dial control.

Cook, serve, enjoy. They cook up some omelet eggs, and rice probably and takoyaki. Talk about a meal Id dig. This is something you can try out at home. One of the easiest party items yet!

So at the end of the Volume it’s time to tell the friends. Nomoto to Yako, and Kasuga to Nagumo. Yako? She’s 110% happy for Nomoto. Fully behind and fully supporting her… And the sooner Nomoto shares all her Rule34 sex with Yako? The better… Sigh.

So we come to the reveal to Nagumo. Which is all of one panel. Which seems to imply that Nagumo… Is not so accepting. But we won’t know more until… January 2025?

Given how the last two volumes (this and 3) took 11 months from Japanese trade to English trade release? It’s my speculation that Volume 5 will come January 2025 (as it released February 2024).

Now Good News #2. As of this year two seasons of a drama series based on this series exists. Not quite sure if it’s Anime or Live Drama… Hmmm… I’ll see if I can find clips. As for DVDs? Nothing. Just the manga.

YouTube? Found reviews of it. I’ll post those here soon. And… It’s Live Action. Whoa. Anyway this coming weekend we return to Fly Me To The Moon. Stay tuned.

Comics Reviews Family - The Good The Bad The Reason Why You Got A Restraining Order. Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Manga Reviews Reviews Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty-Six (Digital)

The Rental Life Of Manga Lesbians
It’s time for Nomoto and Kasuga to take that next step. Moving in together. And when the plot wants to take its time then the process is very detailed.

Well why fish into it? Rushing into it is what messed up Asako and her previous toxic relationship. Lucky us this is a feel good romance. All the feels, all the patience in the world.

So they will be living out of a two bedroom place. Close enough to the bus line to get Nomoto to work. With parking so Kasuga can park her work vehicle for her Uber/Seamless job. Nice.

But there’s more than just sleep and work to contend with. We also have issues with… A cosignor. How much info to give the real estate agent and apartment landlord. And who it’ll be signed under.

Of course it must be signed under Nomoto. Since Kasuga is hiding from her weird Karen father, and doormat mother. Also apparently despite having good relations Nomoto isn’t ready for mom to know.

Yrah. Given the breadth of gay and lesbian mangas and animes? You’d be forgiven if you weren’t aware that the country isn’t as progressive as their fiction makes them out to be. Titles like this gives you a bit of a reality check.

But yeah. As they take a break for some sweet red bean paste on toast? They have found an LGBT friendly place to move to. No Cosignors, a deposit but no pressure about your sex orientation. Nice.

Yeah yeah. I’m still baffled how a country that is experts on the LGBTQI+ genre in fiction is still struggling to match that expertise in real life. Oh well. Maybe one day.

Tomorrow we wrap up Volume 4. It’s time to tell their friends of the big move. And for that we need to grill up a staple of any good Manga romance book. You can’t be a romance manga without it!

Time to make hot balls of Takoyaki! Can I make Takoyaki? Kinda. My Takoyaki won’t win awards, or wow the croeds, but what kind of Manga Anime reviewer would I be if I can’t Takoyzki?!? An… Average everyday revieaer. Takoyaki isn’t a job requirement.

We wrap up Volume 4, and hold out breaths for the solicit info on Volume 5… That’s tomorrow so see you then.

Comics Reviews Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Manga Reviews Reviews The Good Man/Woman. Everyone's Looking For One Of Them! The Helpful Ones. Manga's Exploited Human Resource. Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty-Five (Digital)

Fun Ways To Eat Ritz, Chocolate And Marshmallows
This is such an easy to make munchies even I can make it! Awrsome! This is a good Lesbian Romance Manga, and it has good food too.

So this doesn’t seem to be the planned meeting of the four. It’s just a casual get together with Nomoto, Kasuga & Nagumo. There. I’ll probably forget her name by next week.

I don’t think that the pair has yet said that they are moving out, and in together, as a couple. I think that is being held back until Yako joins them.

By the way hey. Nomoto gets the advice to make indoor Smores (using Ritz crackers, Chocolate bars and marshmallows) after talking to Yako about her ideas for eating marshmallows.

Anyway Nomoto finally notices that Kasuga & Nagumo are friends. Thankfully Nomoto doesn’t get carried away with interpreting their friendship. Nice.

So this is nice. Nice mugs of hot chocolate and marshmallows, and custom made Ritz Smores. Nice. I wonder if you can swap out marshmallows with peanut butter? I might have to try it out.

So hey. This is a pretty light story. And we are heading out to wrap up Volume 4 next week. And it looks like we are having good fortune red beans next weekend? That should be fun.

And hey. We seem to be wrapping up Volume 4 and So far only have 1 Trigger Warning all Volume. That should be nice. Anyway we should be starting up Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord on Monday. Cool. See you.

Comics Reviews Date For Your Life Manga Edition! Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Lesbian Relationships Manga Reviews Reviews The Good Man/Woman. Everyone's Looking For One Of Them! The Helpful Ones. Manga's Exploited Human Resource. Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty-Three (Digital)

Just To Be Sure, When We Say Love We Mean Love…
That’s the ultimate thrust of this Chapter. In the aftermath of the declaration of love… Nomoto wants to be certain.

Certain Kasuga is as much in love with Nomoto romantically as she is for Kasuga. I guess we can’t blame her. After her haphazard journey down the internet rabbit hole? She needs assurances.

Luckily they both have a day off, and they can get together to plan the big escape move to hide Kasuga once more from her Karen father. Perfect chance to make sure.

But Nomoto is kinda overloading from all the emotions from her decoration of love to Kasuga. A declaration she returned… Huh? But it was so low key? Well… I don’t think she would have survived an actual kiss, let alone post reveal sex. Way too much for her.

So they get tovether, and being a go getter with a license to Uber slash Seamless, Kasuga already has her real estate apps searching for their next place together. She’s so organized!

So Nomoto, still overloaded with emotion, decides she needs to cook to burn off her jitters. And because her cooking is a part of this title. So she makes a banana cake… Nice!

Maybe if they had banana pudding they could have given the cake a banana pudding core and… Oh wait. That’s my appetite talking. Anyway she gets confirmation that Kasuga loves her. Yay.

So they have a great life together ahead. Is there a downside? Well… Yes. Don’t forget Kasuga’s new friend next door. Next Chapter seems to catch up with her after this decision.

So how will she take having her two newest friends move away only just after they met. It’s not like she’s losing them but… This is a title of extremes at times so… Eh. We will see what happens. Next week.

Back to Komi Can’t Communicate tomorrow. Hey. This Tuesday I pick up Assorted Entanglements V5! And Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord V2! Stay tuned for review updates.

Comics Reviews Date For Your Life Manga Edition! Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Manga Reviews Reviews The Good Man/Woman. Everyone's Looking For One Of Them! The Helpful Ones. Manga's Exploited Human Resource. Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty-Two (Digital)

When Two Become One… Through Co-Habitation.
I suddenly realized this means Kasuga is moving away from her new friend, aka her neighbor who is not Nomoto. That’s sad.

Anyway last time I thought Kasuga was moving because her relative passed away. In retrospect maybe said relative should have passed away. The jerk.

I forgot that said relative doxxed Kasuga to her family last Volume. They’re now trying to reestablish communication with her… While milking her for money. Yup. Time to go into hiding again.

But since Kasuga has fallen in love with Nomoto, she can’t slip away from her without telling her why. But she’s afraid Nomoto would disapprove, and try to talk her into returning to family.

In Kasuga’s mind, Nomoto has the family relationship she never had. She thinks Nomoto would try to talk her out of this, based on her own loving relationship with her own family.

Except Nomoto loves Kasuga more than family. And after hearing about Kasuga’s family treated her, she has long since drawn a very negative view of them. She would never side with them.

Nomoto begins to break down, after Kasuga said she feels as if she’s being selfish with Nomoto? Nomoto exclaims she’s the selfish one. Because she doesn’t want to lose Kasuga now… Now that she…

She finally admits to Kasuga that she loves her. Oh. And Kasuga admits her whole plan from revealing this was to ask Nomoto to move in with her. So they can live together… In love.

Huh? Why didn’t she stop Nomoto when she realize she didn’t catch on to the coming move in request? Because Kasuga loves Nomoto too… Uhh… Oh. Itd be rude to interrupt her mid speech.

Anyway they have admitted their love for each other. And deal their newly commuted love with… A handshake. Uhh… It’s a slow cooking love. We will eventually get to hugs and kisses. If this title survives COVID for Volume 5.

So now that Valentine’s Day has passed, and the duo have agreed to move in together as they flew from Kasuga’s parents? What’s next? Good question. Chapter Thirty-Three might know. See you.

A New Character Has Entered The Fray! Cliffhanger Manga Endings=Hang On! Comics Reviews Delinquents Of Manga Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Idols In Manga. Always A Disappointment. It's Number #1 With The Fans Komi Can't Communicate Manga Reviews Reviews Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! VIZ Manga Reviews

VIZ Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 15 Review Chapter Two Hundred (Digital)

Great Turning Point But Questionable Cliffhanger
The milestone 200th Chapter focused on Kiyoko and why she wants to be Student Council President. A reason that makes sense… Kinda.

Strange. From the beginning it seemed at least to me her whole motivation for being Student Council President was to change the school. Make it more accessible to people like her.

Specifically people with germaphobia issues. But after an awkward attempt by Rumiko to make friends with Kiyoko, the reason is made clear… Setting up the obvious conflict to come.

Rumiko asks Kiyoko why she wants to be Student Council President. After all she needs good campaign promises and a strong reason why to vote. So Kiyoko, who wasn’t going to answer, answers.

Why? Because it’s cool… No not in the vague Bill & Ted way. She thinks it’s cool because she has come to admire the present Student Council President. Her no nonsense approach to leading made Kiyoko a fan.

So if course Najimi knows the entire Student Council. If course she can walk Kiyoko and everyone in whenever they want to meet them. Why? So Kiyoko can be crushed by this revelation.

The revelation that her idol, and the lot of the Student Counvil? They’re a bunch of slobs that Jack Klugman as his Odd Couple persons would reject on sight alone. Seriously why.

We’re any of you surprised by this reveal? Hope not. This reveal was so clearly telegraphed and foreshadowed I would have been more surprised if the series creator didn’t pull this card on us.

The whole point of this full meeting is that the present Student Body President is so nonchalant it’d be a miracle of she survived long enough to be voted out of office.

Seriously. Her eating and drinking habits alone should kill her from contamination of some kind! Why is she not dead yet? Let alone the rest of the group? Is this an Animal Farm reference to corrupt pigs??

Anyway by now you realize this whole chapter is some blatant Don’t Meet Your Heroes commentary. Just played out with obvious foreshadowing, and say to clear results before it even happened.

As far as the gang is concerned? They think that Kiyoko is going to drop out of the race. Really. If she was going to drop out then it wouldn’t have been a cliffhanger end, nor would the winner had been hidden on the cover of the volume.

Maybe she will drop out. But if this writer is truly as great as we know he is? She will dig in and find new motivations to win. Guess we will find out if that is the case… Oh wait. Review update.

Hey. The stupid Comixology app died. Not that it will slow my reviews. I’ll do it through Kindle. But wow… Why Amazon. Why… Sigh. Anyway see you tomorrow.

Cliffhanger Manga Endings=Hang On! Comics Reviews Date For Your Life Manga Edition! Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Manga Holiday Edition: Valentine's Day Manga LGBTQ+ Series Manga Reviews Reviews Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty-One (Digital)

How Not To Set The Mood…
So we jump ahead a few hours and Valentines. Sorta. The Chapter starts with Nomoto and Kasuga making plans.

They decide to meet in the Saturday after Valentine’s (Friday). So that’s good. Also before Valentine’s Nomoto receives need at work that her company has discontinued the yearly chocolate exchange.

Nomoto? Super hyped. She’s glad this practice is gone. And she doesn’t even ask why it’s suddenly gone. After all, this is a Red Letter Day that will be the highlight of the year… Of 2020.

Ugh. Yes. This is set in February 2020. Which means this is a strange ironic forewarning of… The Pandemic. Does this mean the series could suddenly end at Volume end? Because COVID? Eww.

Anyway a majority of the Chapter brings Nomoto & Kasuga together. It’s time to exchange gifts, and share in a chocolate party for two. How romantic.

Nomoto makes fondue (dipping chocolate) and full service stuff that tastes great when dipped in chocolate. Nomoto gifts her chocolate homemade gifts to Kasuga.

In a sudden switch of gears, Kasuga gifts Nomoto a beautiful yet tasty simple box of lovely handmade chocolate squares she bought. Apparently she changed her mind on the truffles/champagne stuff.

Nomoto busts out the wine, and this party is truly on. Surely now is the time to tell each other… That Kasuga is thinking of moving out. Uh… Well, talk about bad timing.

Sure. We know why she’s doing that. The relative she co-founded her lease with has passed away. But maybe this needs to happen so Nomoto can offer to live with Kasuga.

They love each othet. Cohabitation seems like the ideal solution to this conflict. And with the possibility the series suddenly ends due to COVID? Maybe it should press the gas and move faster. Maybe.

So Part 2 is coming next werkend. What will happen next? We shall see. It’s back to Komi Can’t Communicate tomorrow. See you.

Comics Reviews Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Love! That Damned Four Letter Word! Manga Reviews Reviews The Helpful Ones. Manga's Exploited Human Resource. Trial By Relationship Manga Fire VIZ Manga Reviews

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Opener Chapter Twenty-Eight (Digital)

The Sound Of Her Stomach Early In The Morning…
Welcome back. At long last we dive into Volume 4. As of this review Amazon hasn’t solicited Volume 5 yet for Kindle. But I’m holding out hope we get that soon.

We pick up right where we left off. The Morning after everyone got together and the main ladies all met. It’s the next morning now, and Nomoto is up.

Still settled in her feelings for Kasuga, she watches her sleep… Listening to the soft murmur of her breath… The way her stomach wakes her up… The… Really? We doing that?

Ok fine. It’s a title that revolves around relationships and food. Going so far as to pull no punches by talking about humans relationships with food when eating disorders are present.

So I guess I should be used to it. Anyway Nomoto and Kasuga set out to make breakfast (after asking our posh Rarity Fashionestia lady for permission since it’s her place.

Breakfast this time is… Musubi? And miso soup? With a creative use of leftover hot spring eggs from the Night before as the musubi filling. Great.

This gives Nomoto and Kasuga a chance to chat. No declarations of love yet, but we are getting there. As you will soon see as a big chunk of content this Volume revolves around Valentine’s Day!

I’m still wondering if they’ll bring up White Day after Valentine’s Day. After all of you get a gift on Valentine’s Day? Your supposed to give one back to the gifter on White Day. If I remember right.

Their talk is so important? Neither friend wants to wake up, even though they are already awake, lest they interrupt the moment. Hmmm… Anyone think these two might become an item too?

Well there’s no waiting for filler Chapters. We bounce right into preparations for Valentine’s Day. As both women are set in giving chocolates or a gift to the other… Right? Well let’s make sure as we begin Part 1 of a two part prelude tomorrow.

So this should be a five week review covering five weekends. After that? We dive into another new Yen Press manga. Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord. The lesbian romance with long Chapters.

I’m still planning Monday’s review, but I’ll have a update on it soon. Stay tuned.