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Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty (TRIGGER WARNING) (Digital)

Triggers If You Got Them.
So this Chapter kinda covers the issue with Nomoto’s posh foodie friend. And her problem is… The source of last week’s Trigger Warning. If course.

Ok this time it’s want my because we find out that she’s not the best at expressing her feelings. Most definitely not in ways that other people would want her to. Hence her addition of Asecuality to her status.

This goes all the way back to High School. And as far as she’s concerned she thinks she’s just the worst at falling in love. Because she can’t feel the emotions she wants others to feel for her.

Is she hopeless? Maybe not. Is her decision to just add the Asexual tag to herself without even trying to fight herself the right thing to do? Dunno. Her story I feel is just starting… This late in.

Maybe we will watch her overcome her issues with expressing her emotions, and overcome what she feels makes her Asexual. But that I suppose is dependent on how much her character gets storywise.

If this is brought in just to help Nomoto advance her love? Then I would be of the mindset this would be a waste of a perfectly good character of she never overcomes her past failings to love.

Even now, while she doesn’t want to burden Nomoto with her shortcomings as to why she’s Asexual, she still has hope that she can find the right woman for her. Someday.

Anyway she consults Nomoto a bit as she kinda begins to experience doubts. Her fears creeping up on her. She helps Nomoto get her courage back, so that’s heartwarming. Now only if…

I’m just saying if this series doesn’t do right by her by fully growing her to the point she finds love? And it works out? Then this creator is doing a disservice to this character of that happens.

Anyway this reveal comes as Nomoto is preparing for Valentines. Which seems to be that day (or tomorrow depending on the hour as she experiments). It’s already Valentine’s in the next Chapter so…

Starting tomorrow we have a multipart arc with Valentine’s Day. So… This is it. Both Kasuga & Nomoto are ready to gift each other their gifts. How will it turn out? Part 1 is tomorrow. See you.

Oh hey. Maybe we will go through the rest of the Volume without another Trigger Warning? Probably not but we will see…

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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