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FOX Murder On The Orient Express 2017 Movie Review Part 1

Even In Jerusalem, One Truth Prevails
Welcome to the other side of the world, and our other master detective for April Madness. Hercule Poirot. As portrayed by Kenneth Branagh.

Despite appearing as Mr. Monopoly in the Believer trailer? I’m glad to say his Poirot is enjoyable to watch in action. He does the role well, and it will be sad to see the movies end at Venice.

So let’s see. Like any big classic Detective, Poirot has his flaws. While Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes indulged in cocaine to subdue the doldrums of everyday life? Poirot seems to be… OCD.

A detective that is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder suffering? Yeah. That might be unique. But Poirot is insufferably a perfectionist to a fault. But it’s this hatred of imperfection that makes him so damn good at his profession.

While in Jerusalem, harassing a local restaurant over the perfect poached eggs, he’s brought in to solve a crime that sounds like it should be set in a bar. If not for the suspects being holy men.

A Christian Priest, a Jewish Rabbi, and a Islamic Iman. Brought together to settle usage of the area near the sacred Wailing Wall for market useage, are the only suspects in the theft of a rare religious artifact.

Showing off his Monk levels of forward thinking, Poirot is quite entertaining as he solved the case in record time. While sending a guard to block the one exit from the Wailing Wall… And place a little highly visible trap for the guilty.

Yeah. This is easy. All three men have no reason to steal a holy artifact. Not even the Christian because he’s not a radical Evangelical Christian looking to start a holy war.

No. The three men negotiated under the watchful gazebo the local area foreign police Captain, and he was the one who took the opportunity to help himself to the artifact. Don’t be know the local authorities kill infidels who steal religious artifacts?!?

He tries to run, but forgets Poirot already locked the area down AND laid an easily avoided trap… That the Captain find into full bore knocking himself out. Case Closed.

Deciding to take time off from his detective work, and being on call by British police for solving their crimes… And because he fears a Case he consulted on is coming to drag him back to the UK… Poirot decides to go on holiday.

Funny. The other movie we are Going to review, Death On The Nile, also has Poirot trying to be on Holiday. But hey. This guy loves his well made good stuffs. So he’s a guy after my own heart.

While waiting to board the ferry to Istanbul (not Constantinople) we meet the First two suspects in the Murder to come. A doctor and a governess. Sadly they trade right off the bat on the trip over that they have some fire business ahead of them.

Ugh. This is a good movie but having already known the solution for awhile now? This foreshadowing just reminds me of the puzzle to come… And maybe the not so satisfying end to it. But we will get there soon enough.

Though when he’s talking to the Governess I do like the joke he makes about not being the one that says the lions… Or just the one Nemean Lion. Because people mispronounce Hercule as Hercules.

For all intents and purposes? Poirot shouldn’t even be in that train when it leaves. His plan is to stay in Istanbul. After all he’s friends with the best baker in all of Istanbul. His plan was to set up in town, eat daily at his friend’s business, and indulge in sightseeing.

However Poirot’s Holmes kicks in, and he’s quite upset when a man from the British Consulate in Istanbul arrives for him. He already knows why he’s there. The case he consulted on? Just took a dreadful turn. As he knew it would.

Luckily he runs into a friend from his British detective says and his lovely female companion. They’re heading his way, so he asks his friend to hook him up with a ticket on the Orient Express.

Next stop? France. Then a boat trip across the English Channel to Scotland Yard and more work. But first… The little matter of murder in the fight confined of a train. Well… At least it’s not Snowpiercer-1.

So that’s where we begin next time. A lovely iconic train ride across the Middle East & Europe. Into the alps… And carrying Catwoman, the Green Goblin, and that Jack Sparrow guy. Tomorrow.

Let’s see. Visually this is a beautiful movie. Well written, well acted, and overall enjoyable to watch. Nice. Makes me wonder why Death In The Nile barely broke even but… That’s coming later this month. Guess we will find out together. Stay tuned.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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