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Disney TRON 1982 Movie Review Part 2

The Conspiracy Of The Clu-Less Continues
So we have reached one of the most iconic moments of Tron. The Light Cycles. Memorable from the classic arcade game, from the movie of course… Misused in Kingdom Hearts 2.

My first sign that Clu had been preparing for his chance to destroy the MCP. The fact a Drone that I think is here on Clu’s control, seems to be in this competition. In the Red side.

I think the plan was always to break TRON free. And lead him towards destroying the MCP. Which I further later along when TRON infiltrates an Input/Output Tower Node, to talk to Alan.

If my theory is right, it must have been a shock for the Drone to see Flynn. Thinking it was CLU… But not for long. Anyway the match is fast and ecviting. Not as stylish visually as LEGACY, but filled with more pulse pounding excitement and energy.

I think the plan was this. The Drone was meant to crash into a wall, opening a gap in the weakened walls. Their integrity programming compromised by CLU in the near past. That seems to be the plan.

Until TRON slams a Red into the wall, and reveals the wall’s weakened state by accident. Funny. You think the minute the wall fails? They would have stopped the match… Unless the damage was kept hidden from the sensors on the flagship. Until it was too late to stop them.

Suddenly the Drone had a new objective. It decides to guide CLU into the maze TRON just made, self terminating by crashing into his own light wall to clear the path for their escape.

I think he looks back at the last moments before the crash, may be realizing he’s looking at a USER, not CLU, before termination. To these programs a moment akin to a holy experience.

They escape. And up driving through a Cyber Tank hanger, and are pursued by tanks. But since they are far less maneuverable than Light Cycles, they lose track of the trio.

There is a delightful bonding moment with the three recharging their energy at a power source pond. By now RAM beginning to suspect there is something off about Flynn.

We find out that TRON needs to reach an Input/Output Tower node, in order to commune with his USER. ALAN ONE. Though… Given the info TRON is going to get? I wonder…

They’re ambushed by a patrolling Cyber Tank, and both Flynn and RAM are feared dead. TRON has no choice but to go on, unaware that they survived… Except RAM is severely damaged by the Tank’s photonic cannon.

By chance they end up at a data recycling bin area, with the remains of a dismantled Recognizer (the sky sentinel crafts that patrol the data skies). As it turns out? This might be the same Recognizer from the start of the movie. That captured Clu’s Drone.

Why? Because this Recognizer seems to store the still active BIT companion that was with the CLU Drone at the start of the movie. Seemingly integrating with the Recognizer to escape capture. Waiting for its chance to aid CLU…

So imagine it’s surprise when CLU, seemingly, arrived with another program it’s unfamiliar with. It’s probably the source that restarted the Recognizer, though RAM thought it was Flynn. Rebuilding it from the scrap yard of dismantled data shards. With damage.

RAM deleted from his injuries, but not before he realizes he’s been with a USER this whole time. Kind of a Come To USER moment before he deletes. Somewhere out there, Allstate vows revenge.

So Flynn is in control of the Recognizer, heading to meet up with TRON at the Input/Output Tower node. But the Recognizer has a damaged stabilizer arm, and is hard to control… Enter BIT… Briefly… Next time.

Hey! That cutie YORI shows up! As well as the Data Solar Sail that the gang will escape in. Next up? TRON needs to reach out and touch his USER. Flynn briefly meets BIT. BIT regrets meeting Flynn.

Meanwhile a grand server convergence is about to happen. Something in which the MCU will perform Dark Cthulhu like rites by absorbing the programs of all those whose USERs made him. Yeesh. This must be CLUs big chance to kill him. During this merger.

By CLU I mean TRON. Though as we will see when ALAN ONE imparts knowledge to TRON on destroying the MCP? The info given?… Doesn’t make sense if it’s truly from ALAN. You’ll see. That’s coming up tomorrow.

(blinks) …noooooo… Don’t go looking at Rule34 like that. Movies like this sometimes generate Rule34 that gives the Uncanny Valley nightmares. Hint – Imagine not drawing regular sexy XXX art. Imagine merging images from this movie with live nudes… Eeww.

Ok enough trauma for us all tonight. We bounce back with Part 3 tomorrow. As for the final closing movie of March Sadness? I’m still thinking about it? Stay in the 80s? Finish in the 90s? Stay tuned.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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