Comics Reviews Manga Reviews Reviews The Past! In It All Things Are Made Clearer... Maybe. Tutored By Manga Twilight Sparkle's Manga School Of Friendship! Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty-Four (Digital)

The Start Of A Misunderstanding?
We focus today on the new girl joining the cast of four. The one with anorexia like eating disorders. Given how the next Chapter starts I’m wondering if this is setting up a misunderstanding.

We see a day in her life. As today she begins to realize she has a new disorder. She’s uncomfortable eating around others. This leads to a flashback to get in High School…?

Her issues with eating has isolated her. Which is clear thanks to the flashback. And no. There was no Trigger Warning this or next Chapter. Apparently these flashbacks aren’t triggering.

Ultimately she realizes that sandwich more at ease with these women. Nomoto, Yako & Kasuga. Than she was in the past with others she knew. Especially Kasuga, they’re friends.

So that seems to lead to Nomoto seeing Kasuga and this lady together, maybe misinterpreting friendship as something else? Well she is still young in the ways of friends and love so… Maybe?

I’m hoping not. Because they are all getting together for a new food party. This is the chance for Nomoto & Kasuga to tell the others their plans to move in together… And hide from family.

Well, hide from Kasuga’s odd family at any rate. How will they take that reveal? Guess we are about to find out. The next Chapter jumps right to the party so… We aren’t wasting any time.

So I think we have one more weekend to go after this weekend before we hit the end of the volume. As of this review there is no word as to when Volume 5 will be released. But stay tuned…

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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