Cliffhanger Manga Endings=Hang On! Comics Reviews Date For Your Life Manga Edition! Feast For The Manga Reader (Food In Manga) Manga Holiday Edition: Valentine's Day Manga LGBTQ+ Series Manga Reviews Reviews Trial By Relationship Manga Fire Yen Press Review

Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Chapter Thirty-One (Digital)

How Not To Set The Mood…
So we jump ahead a few hours and Valentines. Sorta. The Chapter starts with Nomoto and Kasuga making plans.

They decide to meet in the Saturday after Valentine’s (Friday). So that’s good. Also before Valentine’s Nomoto receives need at work that her company has discontinued the yearly chocolate exchange.

Nomoto? Super hyped. She’s glad this practice is gone. And she doesn’t even ask why it’s suddenly gone. After all, this is a Red Letter Day that will be the highlight of the year… Of 2020.

Ugh. Yes. This is set in February 2020. Which means this is a strange ironic forewarning of… The Pandemic. Does this mean the series could suddenly end at Volume end? Because COVID? Eww.

Anyway a majority of the Chapter brings Nomoto & Kasuga together. It’s time to exchange gifts, and share in a chocolate party for two. How romantic.

Nomoto makes fondue (dipping chocolate) and full service stuff that tastes great when dipped in chocolate. Nomoto gifts her chocolate homemade gifts to Kasuga.

In a sudden switch of gears, Kasuga gifts Nomoto a beautiful yet tasty simple box of lovely handmade chocolate squares she bought. Apparently she changed her mind on the truffles/champagne stuff.

Nomoto busts out the wine, and this party is truly on. Surely now is the time to tell each other… That Kasuga is thinking of moving out. Uh… Well, talk about bad timing.

Sure. We know why she’s doing that. The relative she co-founded her lease with has passed away. But maybe this needs to happen so Nomoto can offer to live with Kasuga.

They love each othet. Cohabitation seems like the ideal solution to this conflict. And with the possibility the series suddenly ends due to COVID? Maybe it should press the gas and move faster. Maybe.

So Part 2 is coming next werkend. What will happen next? We shall see. It’s back to Komi Can’t Communicate tomorrow. See you.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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