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Yen Press She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4 Review Opener Chapter Twenty-Eight (Digital)

The Sound Of Her Stomach Early In The Morning…
Welcome back. At long last we dive into Volume 4. As of this review Amazon hasn’t solicited Volume 5 yet for Kindle. But I’m holding out hope we get that soon.

We pick up right where we left off. The Morning after everyone got together and the main ladies all met. It’s the next morning now, and Nomoto is up.

Still settled in her feelings for Kasuga, she watches her sleep… Listening to the soft murmur of her breath… The way her stomach wakes her up… The… Really? We doing that?

Ok fine. It’s a title that revolves around relationships and food. Going so far as to pull no punches by talking about humans relationships with food when eating disorders are present.

So I guess I should be used to it. Anyway Nomoto and Kasuga set out to make breakfast (after asking our posh Rarity Fashionestia lady for permission since it’s her place.

Breakfast this time is… Musubi? And miso soup? With a creative use of leftover hot spring eggs from the Night before as the musubi filling. Great.

This gives Nomoto and Kasuga a chance to chat. No declarations of love yet, but we are getting there. As you will soon see as a big chunk of content this Volume revolves around Valentine’s Day!

I’m still wondering if they’ll bring up White Day after Valentine’s Day. After all of you get a gift on Valentine’s Day? Your supposed to give one back to the gifter on White Day. If I remember right.

Their talk is so important? Neither friend wants to wake up, even though they are already awake, lest they interrupt the moment. Hmmm… Anyone think these two might become an item too?

Well there’s no waiting for filler Chapters. We bounce right into preparations for Valentine’s Day. As both women are set in giving chocolates or a gift to the other… Right? Well let’s make sure as we begin Part 1 of a two part prelude tomorrow.

So this should be a five week review covering five weekends. After that? We dive into another new Yen Press manga. Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord. The lesbian romance with long Chapters.

I’m still planning Monday’s review, but I’ll have a update on it soon. Stay tuned.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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