Anime Reviews Case Closed Crunchyroll Reviews Funimation Reviews Reviews Season 3

Case Closed Episode 69 Review

Another Richard Mentor Arrives, And Is NOT A Killer.
Suddenly they give Richard and Maguire a Master Roshi like old mentor. Wise and smart as a detective, and gripes the murder victim before she dies. And gropes Rachel. Sigh.

He’s come to see Richard as he heard about Richard becoming a Master detective, and finding him working for the Director of a local stage play is a good chance to see him work.

Something is up over at the theater. With a bitchy Diva nobody likes (but is a popular female star), and an accident the week before which could have killed her the week before? Richard has his work cut out for him.

There’s quite a few suspects in this one theater, and plenty of ways for a bitchy Diva to die. But that death is not long for the show, but it is seemingly impossible as well.

During rehearsal the diva is poisoned by cyanide. But how? The prop packet she digested during the drinking scene? Nope. Sugar. The prop glasses? Kinda but not quite. It went in the glass but not before they were on stage.

The old petty mentor? He already seems to know who did it. From the death he already knows, but is only dropping hints without saying who. First to Richard and Maguire…

Until the stage tech’s little plan to scare the now dead diva with a collapsing curtain sends Richard to the hospital. Then the old man turns his attention to mentoring Conan. Huh?

Apparently he can see Conan’s potential as a detective. Pretty sure he doesn’t know that Conan is Jimmy/Shinichi… Unless he’s now here on the behalf of Jimmy/Shinichi’s parents. To watch over him.

With no Richard when the time for the reveal comes, Conan has to drug the elder detective and use his voice to solve the case. I do like how he almost goofs his own voiceover… Not like anyone would remember though.

The solution is genius. A pretty smart tricky way to do the kill, yet due to an unexpected mess up it was noticable… If you knew where to look. Because of this one goof it became easy to spot the killer.

The reveal is nicely done. The motive? Sad really. The old man is right. It was a woman who did it. A kill over a broken heart, loss… And an implied abortion. Wow. Harsh.

But then again this show has not shied away from harsh string story elements. Probably why this show has such a long rich history, and a devoted strong fanbase.

So a pretty good episode that introduces a new character… Sounding as if he’s voiced in the English dub by the guy who voiced the Professor aka Not Doc Brown? Anyway new character!

Time for the start of the one and only three parter. So we will be reviewing from Wednesday to Friday. What new additions will be added to this show during this three parter? We shall see. Tomorrow.

So we should wrap up all this by the 31st. Season 4 behind in September. Next? All the classic Captain Lou Albano Mario, none of the live action segments. Sorry. Stay tuned.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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