Anime Reviews Case Closed Crunchyroll Reviews Funimation Movie Reviews Reviews Reviews Season 3

Case Closed Episode 65 Review

Godzilla! In The Downtown Tokyo Set! With The Kitchen Knife!
Ugh. Really? Gomera is really Godzilla? Ok! Fine! I admit it! It’s far easier to kill in the Godzilla costume than the Gamera costume!

Other reveals! No. Thievery inspired by Legendary’s Godzilla. That’s over a decade away from this point. Yes it’s probably inspired by the 90s Godzilla revival.

Yes. Gomera was selected because it’s probably easier to keep saying than Gojira. Also fear of copyright infringement… Except LOOK AT THAT DESIGN! Though… To be fair the teeth does look closer to Gamera than Godzilla.

Are you surprised to learn that Professor knows someone on the Godzilla set? Thanks to him Conan and the Junior Detective League are visiting the set of Godzilla Strikes Again… I’m not going to keep saying Gomera.

The movie is done shooting. Good. Because today is the day Godzilla Prop Suit Early 90s Dies. Or was it Late 90s. Look at the design. Someone must know what era this look is from.

We meet the suspects. The Director (Friend of Professor), the film crew, the suit actor, and… A female who once played one of Mothra’s fairies? Not according to plot but that’s the only fairy in Godzilla lore. And no she’s not from a Legend Of Zelda movie.

During the day Godzilla stand the suit actor, runs off, kills the movie Producer (a bit very nice man) and then runs upstairs and… Costume jumps off the roof and burns up.

Suddenly, during the investigation… No Richard or Rachel today… Ayumi/Amy pesters Conan about burying Godzilla and giving him a proper funeral. Oh. Don’t worry. She’s not that dumb. She has to push Cohen’s buttons so he gets angry at her.

Why? Apparently if your not looking at the evidence closely you might have missed something that the JDL notices… But only in context of Godzilla lore.

This seems to be a lightweights to the people who did the 90s Godzilla revival. Let’s see. Maguire is a fan of the director. The Suit actor loves being Godzilla and idol to millions. A lady who supposedly was one of Mothra’s fairies is here…

The burning of the Godzilla costume after he killed the producer? I’m sure that’s not actually a reference to a real happening in Godzilla film lore… If it is then what the hell is it referencing?!?

So get you will figure this out. But how about a reveal that’s played up comedic? Mainly it’s Time for the Anime team to make fun of… The foreign dubbing of Godzilla movie?!?

Apparently Conan didn’t expect that Godzilla was going to kill a human by conventional means today. So he left his watch with the tranqs at home. Uh boy. Improvisation is needed.

So Professor make a the reveal, with his voice dubbed in by Conan. Complete with faulty logic by Professor, bad lip synching, and dialogue goof ups. Truly the Anime taking a gaff at bad dubbing.

Also really? Today the JDL literally catch Conan in the act of revealing the murderer using Professor’s voice AND NOTHING WILL COME IF THIS REVEAL?!? SAME WITH MaGuire?!? REALLY??

Ok ok. I can forget that. It’s probably just part of the gang against badly done voiceovers in other languages. So that’s fine. Also? Miss Fairy reminds Conan that the world isn’t black & white. Good/Evil.

Id give the series credit BUT practically every kill is this lesson drilled into your head. Every dead person died because they’re really bad people deserving of death! Ugh. Nice line show… And to be fair she never lost her temper telling him this… But…

But this show has been drumming on about that forever. Which is why a lot of the killed always have some reason attached to them that they had to die. Blackmail, extortion, they’re evil, they hate puppies, etc.

In the post credit scene, the movie is a success, and revitalizes the Godzilla franchise. And as if Oprah Winfrey herself was stuck into the end, EVERYONE finds something nice under their chairs. Even the killer… Because of course.

So that’s the time Detective Conan X Godzilla was a thing. Ok… Next time we wrap up Disc 2. Case? Somebody dies and the evidence seems to revolve around… Three fingerprints.

Spoilers… Nope. A long three fingered grey alien from The X-Files didn’t kill the victim. It was your average human… Maybe. That’s tomorrow. See you.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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