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SMBSS 1989 Bad Rap Review

Mario The Musical: Rapping Up Volume 1.
So this wraps up Volume 1. Later on in the year we will end the SMBSS and review Volume 2. But for now let’s wrap up this Volume with a Rap Sing Off.

The Four travel to Rap land. Where, Hip Hop, Rap, and Soul lives. Must be so given who the King Of Rapland is. Anyway using hypno rap, Koopa is robbing Rap Land of its gold.

Hmmm… I didn’t know Koopa learned his larceny from major record labels. Two residents (who are no doubt famous rappers… Kid N Play? RUN DMC?) inform the Four that Koopa has kidnapped the King Of Rap. King James…

Wait. Is that James Brown?!? The King Of Soul??… Well why not. He’s certainly music royalty so I can dig it. But it just goes to show we needed the live skits with the anime. James Brown & Lou Albano? Must watch TV!

Princess Peach tries to sneak into Bowser’s stronghold in the Rap King Castle, but gets caught. She does sneak Toad in. Who saves her and James Brown from an Adam West Batman death.

The only way to defeat Koopa, it seems, is to draw him out into a fair fight. That means cutting the power to Rap Land by… Pulling the giant plug. Dangerous as the plug is electrified.

Mario does it, electrifying himself until the electricity turns him into Fire Mario… Somehow. He pulls the plug and sets the power socket on fire. Well… Good thing they won’t replug the land on screen. That might encourage dangerous behavior in kids…

What am I saying. The mere fact of pulling the plug encouraged dangerous acts in small children. Never mind. Anyway Koopa and his forces March out for a Rap Battle. They lose.

Oh yeah. They pretty much tap sing the whole episode! This is a musical episode! Nice. Anyway Koopa uses a magic potion to create a door to escape through. That’s nice. Very SMB2.

The Episode ends with Mario being declared the King Of Rap for defeating Koopa. Nice. And hey. A tapping Lou Albano? Bonus nice. So this is a rather fun episode.

We have three famous singers of Rap and Soul in this one. And it’s a fun original feeling musical episode. So hey, even a rapping Koopa throughout the episode! For the win!

Before we dive into 1990 and The Adventures Of Super Mario Bros 3 (TAofSMB3)? Let’s return to the late sixties and Giant Robo. No I haven’t forgotten about this. It’s Disc 3 starting tomorrow. See you.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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