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SMBSS 1989 King Mario Of Cramalot Review

So If This Is Cramalot? Why Is Mel Brooks Here, Cast as the Cookie Crisp/Magic Stars Wizard?!?
Really. Today we have special guest star Mel Brooks as the Wizard Mervyn The Magician. A very Jewish Magician… Joy!

The foursome have arrived in the land of Arthurian Legend Lore… Kinda. Cramalot. And they hear bees. Which means raviolis smothered in honey…??? WHY!!!

Nope. It’s another type of Wart Jr.’s minions, under the control of Bowser. They are saved by Mel Brooks. Who fills them in that King Arthur died off screen, and Cramalot is under Bowser’s reign.

Huh? Bowser killed Arthur? No. Apparently the old king passed away, Bowser was passing through, and decided to take over because he had some free time on his claws.

Mervyn takes the gang to test Mario, to see if he’s worthy to be king of Cramalot. How? All he has to do is pull the Golden Plunger from the Golden Sink. To be King of Cramalot. Ugh.

He does, and it’s kinda magic but everyone is still captured by Bowser. Who takes control of the Golden Plunger. Everyone except Mervyn is imprisoned. Maybe Mel Brooks had to stop by Spaceballs for a bit…

Suddenly, while in their roomy tower cell, Mario has the power to make his wishes reality. And he does so by… Wishing death upon the lot of them. Ugh. No this isn’t a power from the plunger, it’s just a gag. It’s over when Mervyn saved them.

He teleported them to a dark forest. Mario quickly gains the plumbing snake Excalibur from the Lady Of The Lake. He also becomes Fire Mario but never uses any Fire Powers.

Luigi somehow gets them into Cramalot Castle, and Mario has to duel Bowser in a plunger vs Excalibur fight. While the rest of the foursome keep stomping and tossing minions.

The fight is ok. The dialogue is a bit witty, and at one point Mario uses Excalibur like a whip ala Indiana Jones. Anyway he defeats Bowser, but he escaped using a SMB2 door creating potion. Hey. That’s nice. Another element of the game worked into story.

Mario is offered the throne of Cramalot. But then he finds out the throne is meant for buff fit individuals. He’s just not King material… So he runs away, giving the Kingdom to Mel Brooks. The end.

Or not. Maybe Mel Brooks retitled Camelot as London and filmed Robin Hood Men In Tights there. Maybe. Anyway that’s the time Mel Brooks was in a Mario cartoon. Fun times.

Tomorrow, the gang go to the land of Arabian Nights, aka back to the desert levels. This is Mario’s Magic Carpet. Hmmm… Oh right. They do have Magic (Flying) Carpets in SMB2. This should be fun.

Anyway Mario gets a Flying Carpets, then forgets to serenade Peach with a song about a whole new world. Also Arabian inspired SMB2 villains incoming, probably. See you.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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