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SMBSS 1989 Butch Mario & The Luigi Kid Review

Your Princess Is In Another Spaghetti Western…
So this is easy. Bowser aka King Koopa has captured Princess Toadstool aka Peach. He’s holding her in a mine in a western world. Nice except how.

Today they integrate actual SMB2 level design (from the game) into the episode. The hopping on logs across a river scene. Nice. But again all of SMB2 takes place in a dream realm so… How. Oh. The multi segmented cactus also show up, as bounty hunters.

Enemies? Bowser sends Mouser & a posse of Sniffits after the remaining trio. Again no explanation as to why Wart Jr.’s minions now follow Bowser. Whatever.

It’s a kinda fun espisode. It riffs a bit of the western theme, and has fun with it, so this is nice overall. The Western town, Bowser as a corrupt sherrif, Mouser and his posse, fun.

Because kids show, the trio are captured by Bowser via a fake Italian pasta place. They trick Mouser into carrying Toad out of their jail cell by hiding him in Mouser’s cowboy hat.

In the town’s Western Saloon, Toad steals Mouser’s bag of Bob-ombs. Blows up the Saloon, then rescues Mario & Luigi. They proceed to the mine with Peach, but waste time trying to bomb open a brick wall leading nowhere.

Mario has to take Luigi out of the mine so the trio can confront Bowser and his Wart Jr minions. They have a play gunfight with fire spitting fire flower “guns” before the three run back into the mine.

They finally find Peach by running down the right tunnel, and end up with her trapped down a mine shaft. With conveniently placed plumbing pipes. If course the mine has indoor plumbing.

They do something creating a hydraulic cannon that sends Bowser and his minions rocketing into the sky on a tall water pillar. The trio save Peach, and Mario wants lunch as a reward. The end.

That’s a fun one. The wild West theme and references was enjoyable. Mouser is an ok villain, and it was enjoyable end to end. Nice one. The SMB2 elements still baffle me…

Ah. I’m going to let it go. We have a ton of shorts to get through. If I keep complaining about this being SMB2 themed then we will be here forever… Or at least longer than we need to be.

Tomorrow is King Mario Of Cramalot. Why? What’s getting crammed, beside Arthurian legend? Well… Guess that’s it. They’re cramming Arthurian legend tomorrow. Ok. See you.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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