Anime Reviews Case Closed Crunchyroll Reviews Funimation Reviews Reviews Season 3

Case Closed Episode 79 Season 3 Finale Review

We’re On A Boat… And Yet Kaitou Escapes!
So let’s get to it. Figuring out why Kaitou wanted to steal the Black Star. He wanted to steal it because… He could. That’s it. No deep meaning like Movie #3.

On guard against Kaitou, suddenly we realize Rachel is missing. She shows up and… Ugh. It’s Kaitou. Apparently the police inspector telling everyone Kaitou could become a woman wasn’t wrong.

Ugh. I guess the dress does hide it well enough that he’s a cross dressing guy. Anyway this kinda establishes the whole Conan Kaitou rivalry… Which I guess continues or ends in Movie #3.

Thinking herself to be so clever, Serena’s mom paid for a magician to come in to impersonate the Phantom Thief. Can’t blame the magician though. He didn’t know he was heading into a disaster.

The smug magician ends up being played by Kaitou/Rachel, using his own trick against him to reveal another one of his messages. He then uses smoke grenades hidden amongst the game black pearls.

This causes a panic amongst the guests as they throw away their replica pearls in a panic, and try to reenact the ending of V For Victory (starting Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine and Pele).

As the guests force their way past the outnumbered cops, causing them to chase after them trying to recover the Black Star, Conan takes Kaitou Rachel to the engine room to bust his guise.

Certain that he finally caught Kaitou, he has one last trick up his sleeve. Rachel. He admits he left her in one of the ship’s lifeboats on deck. Stark naked. He gives Conan the red dress and panties/bra…

No I don’t know how he supposedly fit into her size undergarments, or how Conan was so easily tricked. He decides to bring back her clothes before someone found her naked.

He’s too late, but she’s fine. She was fully dressed. How? Turns out Kaitou “borrowed” her dress when she had it dry cleaned, and made himself a replica that fit him Well of her dress. Which Conan has.

That and the Black Star. I’m the end Kaitou surrenders it, meaning he acknowledges his defeat to Conan. He didn’t get captured, but he still lost all the same. Post Credit Scene Conan is praised in the papers for thwarting Kaitou.

So this begins the rivalry of Conan and Kaitou. Which I guess might continue in Season 4. Why? Well we met Kaitou… But we have yet to meet Ai. We can’t get to Movie #3 until Ai joins the cast.

And that will take place in Season 4. So in September we review Season 4, and bring Ai into the series. I guess. We shall see. But that’s in September so stay tuned.

It’s time to roll into June and the Summer Repeats. Well… Repeats as we look back at retro series. June we have some classic Super Mario Bros Super Show for you. All cartoons, no live action. Sorry.

Get ready to hear more references to Spaghetti than you thought humanly possible. Captain Lou Albano is Mario in The Super Mario Bros Super Show. Next. See you.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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