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Tsuburaya Ultraman Nexus Episode 18 Review

Through A Darwinian Mirror Dark Mephisto…
So this is it. The moment the Dark Ultraman recruited Masarogi. Why he recruited Masarobi, and why he’s dark? That’s sure to be… A massive disappountment. I thought so.

As the episode starts it seems TLT’s X-Files suited overseers have learned of Nagi vanishing from the Night Raiders base… 5 hours ago. Oh. So she didn’t take a day off, or go on a self holiday from work? No. She’s AWOL. Uh huh.

Her Captain decides to go after her, telling their superior he will bring her back. As opposed to asking his suited boss if the Memory Police has been outsized by any slow moving cabs recently.

Kazuki, being the main star of the show, joins the Captain. Why? Well eventually he has to become Nexus. But also so we can have Captain tell us of the relationship between Masarogi & Nagi.

Relationship… Uhh… Something friendship something abuse as a means of character growth something… Eh. I’m still sure Nagi exists to ultimately be Kazuki’s girl. Hence why Riko (who looks like Nagi’s clone) had to die. Whatever.

Nagi locates Masarogi. He went back to the site where he vanished a year ago. A new building built over the one he exploded back then. We already know they were fighting Cerebus’ brainwashed zombie humans… Now about Dark Ultraman.

Having temporarily out down a batch of drone humans (they get up again because undead), Masarogi goes looking for Cerebus. But what he finds is… Dark Ultraman. During the confrontation here he saw the shrine built over the Ultraman ship from ages ago…

Now he meets Dark Ultraman. So. Why did he meet him out here? While the other Ultraman met Jun at the ship? Apparently this Ultraman has been wandering the Earth as a business spirit all this time. And… He’s gone native.

Yeah. You were hoping for a deeper meaning to all this? Me too. But no. He’s been wandering for who knows how long, and decided that the human Charles Darwin had it right. Survival of the fittest. Whatever beliefs he had as one of the Guardians of Light? Replaced with his new very human phi!idiot of night makes right.

So sensing a kindred spirit in the beast killing Masarobi, he merges with Masarobi. Oh. According to Masarobi? The Dark Ultraman called himself Dark Mephisto. Yes. The same name Captain bought up when first talking about Masarobi going evil last episode.

How did he know about Dark Mephisto? Especially since up until now he has been designated as Dark Faust? Dunno. Anyway enough reveals. Captain and Kazaki show up.

Masarobi summons Cerberus, Jun shows up and becomes Nexus. Masarobi deals the group in dark subspace for the fight. He reveals that this is a trap as Cerberus activates the poison he earlier injected into Nexus. Harming him.

Captain and Kazuki try to aid Nexus, but Masarobi is there to use Mephisto’s Ultraman powers to shield him. He then gets shot in the back by Nagi. So intent on the people in front he completely ignored the armed threat behind him.

He compliments her as being perfect… Which I guess she is since she survival of the fittest shot him in the back. She shoots him again, he falls, and Mephisto withdraws him from the fight. With him gone Captain & Kazuki can now aid Nexus.

They defeat Cerberus, but the damage is done. It’s poison continues to course through Jun, killing him. However he’s stopped from leaving by Nagi. Oh. Right. Someone still remembers that Jun and Nagi are siblings, and she hates Nexus for making him his human.

We are drawing close to the death of Jun, and the rise of Kazuki as Nexus. It will only be a few more episodes before it happens. Also yeah. The whole Memory Police subplot once again died a quick pointless death. Sigh.

Episode 19 is tomorrow. What’s next! Find out tomorrow when we continue Nexus. See you then.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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