Frisky Fridays Reviews

Frisky Friday Featuring Golden Age Of Porn And Asia Carrera DVD Review

Frisky Friday

Golden Age Of Porn

Asia Carrera

So this is a clip show DVD basically. Taking Asia Carrera centric scenes from different past porn movies and putting them into one DVD. There is no particular rhyme, reason, or logic to the clips chosen past… well… probably just picking out what the team putting this together thought was the best of Asia Carrera. And that is fine. It’s a porn DVD where she gets down and has sex. There isn’t much of a criteria for best or worst… well…

Then regard the Amber Lynn DVD set I am examining now. It has three of her movies, and a bonus section of extra content that includes some interesting roles… like her being Jane Bond (in a porn parody of Bond movies), and a movie where she apparently gets married to a guy who is now ADAM… no no, not the Son of Satan from Good Omens (featuring David Tennant as Crowley the Demon). As such? The Amber Lynn DVD set, which cost the same amount as this DVD, had more value. It had three of her movies, and an interesting batch of clips which shows off at least intersting characters she played.

If this DVD at least had 2-3 Asia Carrera moies, and a suitable bonus section? This could have been a better pick up. Yeah yeah. Like with anything porn related your interest is entirely based on your interest in the individual or individuals in the DVD (we have a few potpourri DVD sets featuring different talents coming up for review), so your interest depends on your interest in Asian porn actresses and Asia Carrera. If you don’t like her? No amount of telling you it’s worth getting will change your mind.

And it’s… a mixed bag. It’s a clip compilation DVD, and that is fine. But seeing how I got ahold of an Amber Lynn collector’s DVD for about the same price of this, and it featured three full movies… I’m assuming though I haven’t finished examining the DVDs yet… and bonus clips, while this is bonus clips only? Well… your just not getting your money’s worth out of this. Then again there might be bigger, better Asia Carrera DVDs out there so… maybe this is just on the low end of the options for her that are available.

So for me, which is a personal opinion, this is a middle of the road 3 out of 5. It’s ok, but I am sure if you look hard enough you’ll find a better collection of Asia Carrera content to get a hold of… give it a try if she was your favorite in the past. Eh. Oh well. Next week we will look at one of those group compilation DVD sets of randomly selected clips… I have two so we will talk about one of them… coming up next week.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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