Frisky Fridays Reviews

Frisky Friday Presents Vinegar Syndrome’ MS. Magnificent 1979

Frisky Fridays

Ms. Magnificent (1979)

Released by Vinegar Syndrome on DVD

The Review…

So we are looking at one of the things that seems to be on the tail end of the 16mm era, before BETA VHS porn took off. Ms. Magnificent. A kinda sorta super hero parody… with sex.

So we have the basic tentpole things of a parody. We have Not Supergirl Ms. Magnificent, who can fly, have super strength (or at the very least the approximate strength one can exhibit in a low budget porn movie from 1979), and so on. But her greatest power apparently is… she fucks very well. And by very well I mean apparently her letting the male lead take control of sex is her power… uhh… no no, just being an easy to bang lady isn’t a superpower. Just look at the 21st Century porn parodies of the Avengers and Justice League for more… oh wait no… never mind.

Aliens seemingly from Planet Elon Musk arrives on Starship, and… rent out an apartment in town as their base of operation for kidnappuing humans to have sex with. One of which, I guess is Ms. Magnificent’s… porn celebrity star boyfriend? Uhhh… oh hey. I’m guessing some of these are actually well known names in the industry before they took off and became famous? Yes? No? Don’t care because this is a forgettable niche movie?

So we have a heroine whose one power makes her… less powerful than the Lynn sisters, villains who dress so badly Roger Cormen and Ed Wood thinks they’re trashy, and sex… which is basically the only thing going for it. Ms. Magnificent sexes up a guy trying to commit suicide by jumping off a rooftop in a single bound, a guy a minor female character is sent to interview has forced sex with her (without turning off the TV, which horriboly dates this movie because it refers to Battlestar Galactica OG version starring Lorne Greene and the futurte Face Man from The A-Team.

One of the female aliens has sex with a captive guy, falls in love with him, and nothing comes of it. She doesn’t stay on Earth I’m guessing or maybe she does.. wait… why does it matter? Nothing comes of this one off movie so who cares what happens to this pair. Also there’s an orgy at the end of the movie between aliens, captive humans who aren’t really all that captive as they all escape at the end to just end the movie… and not much happens. Sex sex sex. The aliens leave in Elon Musk’s Starship and that’s it. The end.

The restoration of this film is… it’s not good. Like some have criticized these movies they seem to be at best a third or fourth generation copy off of archival computer files. These movies are hard to find physically, as… well… not very many people took the time to build a Desilu level preservation vault for storing porn movie reels… So yeah. This is probably a passable but not great copy they transferred onto DVD. But then again given the format they got this from? You should be lucky they found this much. Oh. There is also zero bonus material content of any real note. There is the movie and… The movie. And it’s not even organized very well when they created the 5 segments the film is pardoned off into for scene selection so… Ok.

So with that all said and done? This is… a low 4 oyt of 5. And that is mostly due to interest in the topic. Superhero sex parody. Mind you if they redid the script, shot it with present day tech, and maybe put more emphasis on… what? You mean that will completely change the movie if they did all my nitpicky changes? Well… ok fair enough.

Anyway I guess if you already have the other superhero porn parody movies you might as well get this one too. Have a complete collection… whatever that earns you in street cred… enjoy?

Hmm… next time we will look at a DVD focusing on one of the stars of Asian persuasion in porn. Not Tia Carrera porn counterpart Asia Carrera. And… well… it’s ok but… again it’s all a matter of opinion and taste when we go Frisky of Fridays… stay tuned for that review next week.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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