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Hey Joie Comics’ Heavenly Kibble Guardian Corgi 2016 #1 Review

Story and Art by Joie Brown

Logo by Connor Sinclair

The Review…

Not all Corgis are created equal, and as such not all Corgi based review comics are created equal. Presenting Heavenly Kibble Guardian Corgi.

From Hey Joie Comics, another self publishing imprint similar to Irrational Comics and Derek Chua. This time one Joie Bronw is the publisher in question.

So the review… and this may be a self insert title so bear with me, but one Joie finds herself being awaken by her Corgi… who now seems capable of speaking, or she seems capable of understanding the language of Basic Canines. He tells her that he, Rylee, has been fooling her all along. He is not a mere Corgi, he is a superhero… with little costume and everything.

Darn Rylee, didn’t you watch The Incredibles? Capes are dangerous when worn by inexperienced heroes who aren’t from the distant planet Krypton… sometimes it’s even bad when you are from Krypton. Anyway it disappoints Joie that she can’t be Sailor Moon… but instead she’s Kylee’ sidekick. Somehow. Don’t ask me how.
OH I GET IT! Kylee… girl? Boy? Wait now I’m guessing girl… is supposed to be Sailor Moon, but for legal reasons the cape so there is now lawsuits or Rule34 art of Kylee. Ok. Got it. Also apparently being a hero is something new for Kylee too as suddenly she… she must be a she… doesn’t know about the boots she’s wearing.

With my luck I find out it’s a he like I thought and we are back to calling Kylee a he but stay with me on this one. Anyway despite the fact they have to stop Queen Beryl… I mean Feral… gee they aren’t hiding the Sailor Moon connection aren’t they…. they stop random normal crime first. Because…. something. Also at one point Kylee needs his human Joie to clean up after her.

Also she harasses an innocent squirrel in a tree without even becoming dark first. Must be its devious way it hoards nuts.

So they finally face Queen Feral, who is basically Queen Beryl but with Medusa slash Pinkie Pie living hair that she can use to attack enemies. The comic has a kinda silly ending as Joie has to remind Kylee that she is the good girl… which somehow gives her a power boost and she defeats Queen Feral.

Nope. It’s not like Socute The Corgi #2 where SC remembered his training and used it to get out of the fenced area to save Cassie. Despite the fact all Kylee needed to do was to remember to roll over to get out of Feral’s hair whip, then other tricks to defeat her… anyway Sailor Moon Corgi. Yay?

The Verdict…

Uhhh… I guess it is kinda cute for 12 pages, for a Sailor Moon clone taht just blatently rips off from Sailor Moon in a very short short version condensed form. And that is fine and all… but it isn’t all that original or unique. Also it kinda rushes through the story and you aren’t given much of a chance to bond with Kylee.

Unlike SC where you knew everything there was to know about him, Cassie, and that SC is a do gooder with a heart of gold? Here… well I know Kylee is a Corgi Sailor Moon… and Joie is the reader reacting to the weirdness around her, but not very well… and that is about it. It’s ok… but that is that.

And no. I learned absolutely positively nothing from this issue. Not even the magic of Friendship. And that is quite sad… anyway it is a 3 out of 5. It’s a cute title, but just being cute is not enough. It needs a better hook to get one interested in really being dedicated to reading this… which I guess is too late as it is 2020 and four years have passed… 

What about the other titles of Hey Joie Comics? Let’s see…nope. I tried to look Joie Brown up on Comixology and could not find anything at all past this one title so… this is something I will just have to put on the side for now.

Next Time…

So it’s another issue of Heavenly Kibble Guardian Corgi. What is it about? Kylee and Joie doing heroics again. That is about it sadly, but who knows maybe the next issue will blow me away… or hook my attention… or something. Stay tuned.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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