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SMBSS 1989 The Adventures Of Sherlock Mario Review

You’ve Unlocked Sexy Princess Toadstool As Witchblade 2001…
Yes. She’s in full armor. And yet… Anyway welcome to London. Or, in this world, Victoria. The Great Britain world of the Victorian era.

So this has the Four hunting for Sherlock Holmes… So Herlock Solmes. Because why. Holmes is Public Domain. Anyone can use him. Just in the past few years he was in The Real Ghostbustets!

It’s !ondon, the streets are foggy, they’re riding a Victorian Coach. Yup. We have full stereotypes in play. They hear a scream, and discover someone has kidnapped Sherlock.

How do they know? They stumble upon his hat & magnifying glass. Who grabbed him? King Koopa. Aka Bowser. Aka Professor Koopiarty… Whatever.

His bench sub-bosses today? Try-clyde, Mouser & a random enemy. No. We can’t make Birdo a villain! Remember she spits eggs,hence she’s a mama… And you can’t make mamas evil! Mr. T forbids it!!

Why is Bowser kidnapping Holmes? He won’t say… Like he has to. Holmes tells us that Koopa wants to rob the Tower Of Victoria of a strange plumbing weapon developed by the Victorian Government. Something Koopa will use to flood London is sewer water.

Why?… Dunno. There doesn’t seem to be a plan past flood London, be the absolute worst villain ever. Ugh. Also Holmes insults Koopa by… Reading back his whole past life. Mostly to say he’s a failure.

Except Holmes does call Bowser a cross between a reptile (which he is) and a Toad… Your maybe one and only reference acknowledging the missing Wart Jr. The giant toad villain.

The gang strikes at the Tower Of Victoria, and are caught off guard by the Four dressed in knight armor. Peach too. Which is the rare instance this show dresses Peach in form fitting sleek clothes… Armor.

Bowser captures them. Strips them of their armor… How Peach was wearing her giant peach dress under that armor nobody knows. Dunno. Maybe this is an Adam West Batman reference. Why? They’re being menaced in the Tower. Just !ike Batman once.

We kill a few minutes in a pointless having the Four track Koopa’s claw prints all the way back to his underground lair. They confront Koopa but he manages to begin flooding London.

Mario defeats Koopa, he wrecks the machine he stole, the flooding is revetsed. Koopa escapes via a Warp Zone. The other villains… Just leave I guess. They’ll be back.

There’s a reference to the Hound Of The Baskerville (The Killer Kitten Of The Katskerville)… And the end. An ok episode. Holmes? Maybe it’s a guest star. But only those who’ve watched the live skits for this episode knows.

Tomorrow? We stay in the UK, and go from a completely fictional person to one maybe based on a real human. Robin Of Locksley, aka Robin Hood. Oh great. A Robin Hood episode… Ok.

The Hooded Robin And His Mario Men? Ugh. Fine. We’re going there. What kind of Robin Hood will we gst? Prince Of Thieves or Men In Tights? Guess we find out tomorrow. See you.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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