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Yen Press Monthly In The Garden With My Landlord Volume 1 Starter Review Chapter One Part 1 (Digital)

When Getting Dumped Might Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Her…
So we have a brand new Yen Press Yuri Romance Manga. Monthly… See above… A title that seems to stretch the boundaries of realism into straight up with fulfillment.

Is that bad? Nope. I’m out day and age we do desperately need things to dream about. Just don’t expect to move into a rental where your female landlady is a hot former idol star.

Meet Suga Asako. Sorry if it looks like the reality train has just splattered her all over Tokyo Station… It has. Her toxic bad for her female partner? Just dumped her.

Maybe this isn’t the best time to bring it up, while she’s trying to edit one of her Mangaka talents work, but she in turn can’t stop harping about female idol trio ELM losing its star.

Asako is a Manga Editor. Oh. So your saying only Manga Editors can afford to move into housing rentals, and fall in love with their landladies? Gotcha Manga Creator… Ok. That’s Harsh.

Her Heke to Asako’s Shinohara, sans the awkward trying to date? A woman named Hato Hato… Seriously. Her name is Hatomaori Hato. Aka Hato Hato… What! I didn’t name her! Take it up with the Manga Creator!

For all of Asako’s feels for her former partner? Who we only glimpse at? Hato Hato says she was bad for Asako. And I bet that’s why Asako needs to fall in love with Kintaro (our landlady).

Why? Because Asako is burdened by her desire to fall in love with the beautiful on the outside people. Completely ignoring the fact that said beauty might hide some nasty ugliness.

Kintaro Miyako (possible full name) has lived the idol lifestyle, where beauty is everything. She knows beauty sometimes hides a person’s ugly side. Maybe she’ll teach Asako that as they call in love.

A chance encounter with one of Miyako’s flyers seeking a tenant for her place catches Asako’s eye one fateful day. Being an apartment dweller for as long as she has been? A home rental sounds perfect.

After all, Bow that she’s back in the Single Japanese Manga Editor demographic again? She sees this as a chance to embrace her return to the singles lifestyle.

So it’s time to meet Miyako. Blonde, beautiful, and totally hard to match up with her idol persona… Because she wore a dark wig on stage during her career. Yeah. Should I be worried?

It seems to me Japan doesn’t seem like a safe place to follow your idol dreams. Says me, reflecting back on all my reviews on the topic from my dark early days of reviewing online post 9/11.

So we get the grand tour. Asako realizes the title is a lie as her landlord will be a live in landlord… Well, she just retired from being the idol of many fans, she needs a plus one to pay her rent!

Anyway this is the start of a hopefully beautiful love affair… Whenever we get to love. Will this take its time like She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat? Maybe? Anyway I have Volume 1-2 presently. Volume 3? Coming Mid October. Stay tuned.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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