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SMBSS 1989 Jungle Fever Review

No Kong, Plenty Of Not Livingstone.
So this is a bit of an odd episode. Princess Toadstool/Peach is going with the boys to find a witch doctor named Sheldon. Why? Because it goes back to the plot the show hasn’t talked about in awhile.

Remember that plot? The whole kicking King Koopa/Bowser out of his ruling the Mushroom Kingdom. Except he hasn’t ruled nothing yet this whole season. Just being the villain of every episode.

Sure enough Koopa/Bowser is here. Following them through the Jungle with a unit of Shy Guys and Albatoss. Also today we have the same voice talent voicing a minion of Koopa and a character named ButterFingers.

Bowser chases the four, trying to delay them long enough to get to the witch doctor first. He tries dropping them into a jagged rocks river Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom style. Kinda fails.

Well he does cover the boys in itching powder. Princess is… Immune? Her dress protected her? Somsthing? She has to do the rescuing later.

This delays them long enough to allow Koopa to kidnap the Jungle village’s resident Jewish Witch Doctor. His assistant Butter Fingers… Who has a young male voice but seems to be female… Greets the late arriving heroes.

Unable to cure the boys of the itching powder (why not just wash it off them) Princess Peach has to go it alone to save the Witch Doctor. Only she’s not alone as Butter Fingers goes with her.

They find Bowser supposedly aligned with the Doctor. Why? He wants the Witch Doctor to create a portion to turn Peach to stone… In before one of the future Zelda games? Maybe?

However Peach is here to save the Witch Doctor… Except not. She and Butter Fingers are captured, so it’s up to Sheldon to save them and himself. By dousing Koopa in his potion he made. Itching potion.

Well… That of course won’t last. Koopa will be back to normal before you know it. Anyway the boys are cured of itching, the Witch Doctor makes them spaghetti for lunch, the end.

Well… It’s kinda ok? In before the Witch Doctor character from Banjo Kazooie at least. Or the talking masks from Crash Bandicoot. Or… Any reference to Witch Doctors in Nintendo games. I guess.

It’s an ok episode. But if you were expecting Peach to save the day? Odds are you were let down by this episode. Uh huh. Definitely let down. Oh well. We roll on tomorrow with another review.

Hey. Beetlejuice the complete series arrived. Good. We will talk about it before we hit August so stay tuned. Anyway see you.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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