1980 to 1989 Review Anime Reviews Cookie Jar Review Mario Anime Reviews NCircle Entertainment Review Regular Episode Review Reviews Reviews Season 1

SMBSS 1989 The Fire Of Hercufleas Review

Toad Is The Hero!
But hey. Is that John Candy voicing Hercufleas? Maybe not. But if you want to hear John Candy voice a manly man hero? Watch the original Heavy Metal animated movie!

Hmmm… I still need to find a DVD bootleg or otherwise that collects the 2019 one season series Love & Robots (the Heavy Metal brief series). Anyway Hercufleas.

The four have come to Mythopolis (aka Ancient Greece) to find the Legendary Hercufleas. A great hero who is also good friends with Toad. However it seems Boeser is already here. So is Mouser.

For a so so sub boss in SMB2 this series sure likes using him as one of Boeser’s lieutenants in this show. Why the German accent? It’s not a Nazi reference. It’s because he’s Mouser. A play on words as Mauser is mouse in German if I remember right.

Why is Bowser here? Because he’s EVERYWHERE the Four go. If they went to Pink My Little Pony Land he would be there. Anyway he wants the Great Balls Of Fire. Yeah. They turned Fire into a classic rock song reference.

Problem. Hercufleas is now assigned to guard the Great Balls Of Fire. And since nobody in Greece wants them? He’s kinda gotten out of shape while idling in his guardian position.

He declines helping fight Bowser. But it’s not like he will have a choice, as Bowser has his Beez steal the Great Balls Of Fire. Mario and the gang has to train Hercufleas back into shape to stop Bowser. Especially since the balls of fire use cheat codes.

Suddenly we have a Rocky musical montage of Hercufleas getting back into shape. This isn’t a long cartoon so this goes by fast. Anyway with Hercufleas back in shape they go to fight Bowser.

During the fight Toad is knocked down a hill, where he’s powered up by a Fire Flower… Finally. Glad gets an upgrade. First time this series. Toad returns to help fight Bowser.

Bowser somehow ends up depleting all the Great Balls Of Fire. He and Mouser flee. So… Toad saves the day by recharging the Great Balls Of Fire with his Super Toad fire power.

Earlier in the episode Hercufleas statue is destroyed. Instead of restoring it, Hercufleas honors his friend Toad by creating a statue in his honor. That’s awesome.

I’m guessing the moral of this episode is that even the little guy can be the hero. That’s awesome. Sorry. No Greek Gods in this one. But if that is John Candy as Hercufleas? That’s all the star power I need.

So from a great legendary comedian actor? We next go… And slap Japan in the face. It’s ok though. The Japanese made this Anime so it’s ok… Anyway travel of Japan tomorrow to fight… Koop-zilla.

Oh. So NOW we are making Godzilla references… Wait! Why!! He’s a giant turtle!! Why isn’t he Koop-era?!? Enemy Of Children??.. Oh right. It’s 1989-1990 America. Everyone knows Godzilla. Few know of Gamera. Right.

The battle nobody asked for. Mario vs Not Godzilla. Probably timely because… GodzillaXKong. Would be more timely if Donkey Kong showed up but ok. Koop-zilla is attacking the power plant… Bye.

Anime Reviews Case Closed Funimation Reviews Reviews Season 2

Funimation Case Closed Episode 27 Post Credit Scene

Because You Wouldn’t Sleep Well At Night Until You Knew Jack/John Survived!
Yeah. Post Credit scene. In the post credit scene Conan reveals to the rest of the Junior Detective League that Jack wasn’t killed. He was relocated to a friend of the family in the countryside.

Seriously? Yes that’s what happened more or less. Just read the subs translating the Japanese dub. But come on! Make it sound less like the world’s oldest Fur lie!

A lady with a lookalike German Shepard passed by. The Gang goes to pet the furry cutie. Richard goes to hit on the lady. The Fur decides his beloved human is being assaulted, and goes to sort Richard out. Yay.

Next up… An episode with bear naked Rachel. Also a woman shot herself in the head so suicide… Except… Part one of the first two parter. Next.