Star Trek Break This News

What Lies Behind The Red Door In Star Trek Picard Season 3 Episode 9?

Its time for me to finally say my peace about what is behind the Red Door in Jack Crusher’s head. Spoiler… Its not Michelle Yeoh’s character from Everything Everywhere All At Once. That’d be cool. But no.

With Marina Sitris Troi saying its an ancient voice. A quiet voice that is not Jack’s. I’m going to go with… The Excalibans and Yarnek. Why do the Changelings want Jack Crusher? Their mysterious leader… Though didn’t Valic lead her group accordingly her origin flashback? So why Jack Crusher? He’s the prize, the motivation that jeeps both sides invested in the drama unfolding.

To make the link you need to go back. Back to months before Star Trek III The Search For Spock. And the wider multiverse. Mainly the first series of comics from DC Comics for Star Trek. Issues #1-#4 to be precise.

In this arc, set after Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan, the Enterprise is caught up in a second Federation Klingon war. During the four issues they get Starfleet’s first Klingon officer in Starfleet. Years before Worf in The Next Generation.

Also the whole war has been orchestrated by Yarnek and his fellow Excalibans. The purpose of which is their endless quest yo unravel the mystery of whether Good or Evil is stronger.

Throughout Season 3 it seems that was the drama playing out for us. The battle between Good and Evil. Jack’s visions? Well back to Star Trek #1-#4, we saw that the Excalibans can merge with beings and manipulate them. Control them. I’m assuming that behind the red door in Jack’s mind hides Yarnek or one of his fellows. They are using Jack, the Changelings and so on as the players in their drama unfolding. All to answer the riddle of Good and Evil.

As I see it the Excalibans are pitting everyone against each other. With Yarnek either taking part (within Jack Crushes silently manipulating him through his visions) or judging the drama alongside his fellows as the Excalibans directly manipulating everything plays out the drama with all their actors on both sides.

I’m probably wrong. But this is maybe the last great chance to use the damn Excalibans since they have only been used that one time. Way back in the first run of Star Trek comics from DC. Anyway we will know soon enough. As the reveal is coming in only a few hours. Stay tuned… #StarTrek #startrekfan #StarTrekPicard #startrekpicardseason3 #startrektheory #reddoor #Season3Episode9

Comics Reviews IDW Reviews Star Trek Transformers

IDW’ Transformers Ghostbusters 2019 #5 Review

The Review Ends…

So we have Optimus Prime vs Ghost Megatron, now glowing red as apparently he is now in full rage mode… which somehow evolves him later in this comic but more on that in a bit. The other Decepticons end up fighting the Ghostbusters and Ectotron, which turns out to be a rather one sided affair as most of them end up being captured… except Starscream. But more on that soon enough.

I do like how Winston drops a reference to GI Joe, and of course GI Joe Vs Transformers (the first crossover ever in the HASBROVerse). Nice. Anyway it’s not hard for the Ghostbustesr to end up capturing the Decepticons, since they are ghosts after all. So nice. However Optimus kinda forgets that Megatron is a ghost, and knocks him into Ectotron allowing Megatron to possess him.

So they revealed some Mood Slime earlier in this arc (Issue #4) and that is used to exorcise Megatron out of Electotron, who comes out… in his latter form from the 90s or 00s I think. For some reason. Anyway he tries to possess Optimus, only he is easily captured by the Ghostbusters.

So the crossover ends. The gang give the Autobots the Decepticons in the ghost traps, and I think Ray tries to sell them a long term rental plan on the equipment… and Ectotron becomes a member of the team… and leaves to go back to Cybertron… why in a minute. The comic ends with Starscream still being on the loose, and hinting at a sequel… which may happen anyway because…

Yeah so if Gozer The Gozarian took over Cybertron and devastated it… why did Gozer suddenly leave? And end up a vagrant god again? Could it be a far more powerful spiritual entity, maybe a ghost of Cybertron’s past, that kicked Gozer out? Prompting the Ghostbusters to have to come to Cybertron to deal with their god problem? I’m curious what a sequel will look like when it finally happens. Hmm… anyway that is the end of the 2019 Transformers Ghostbusters comic, so it is time for the Verdict.

The Verdict…

All in all it was a decent comic. Kinda wished it had some of the female Autobots… at least Arcee if not her and Windblade… along for the ride. Something to give Peter a run for his money in the sass department. But it was still a decently fun crossover all in all. I am still wondering if we will ever get a sequel but… for now…

Ok. So I guess we can put that aside for now, as Ghostbusters is now getting ready for a revival with the Afterlife movie. So for me this arc ends with a 4 out of 5. Again an overall satisfying story. Kinda wish it had a bit more but I am happy all in all with it so I don’t have much in the way of complaints.

Next Time…So I am all caught up on the stuff for the Pony AMINOs for weekends. So that leaves waiting for Pony Life Season One to come out on Amazon so I can review that… or the next issue of the ongoing Pony comic continuing the Team Applejack story. Either way… well… guess we will see what is next in this regard when it happens. Stay tuned.

Comics Reviews IDW Reviews Star Trek Transformers

IDW’ Star Trek Vs Transformers 2019 #5 Review

The Review Ends…

So we finish this crossover between mid 70’s Star Trek Animated, and Mid 80’s G1 Transformers. Who knows? Maybe next time we will get Star Trek TNG Vs Transformers? That would be fun. Anyway…

Kirk has ordered both the Enterprise and Fortress Maximus to pursue the Decepticons into Klingon space, to help the Klingons save their homeworld from Decepticon invasion. Optimus is a bit biting at the bit wanting to get at it, but Kirk reminds him of the Prime Directive… which prompts Optimus to create Prime’s Directive… sigh.

Anyway for some reason a giant Decepticon (Starscream) manages to sneak up on the Klingon capitol’s seat of power (aka that building from Star Trek TNG) to take it over… which does not last long as he is barely King of Qo’nos when the city comes under attack from the Decepticons. Starscream finds himself immediately out of luck. Of course.

Along the way somehow Kirk is inspired to ask Scotty to make… make… what did he make? Autobot mechs? How are they controlling them? We will see them fighting soon enough but it is just weird… at least they didn’t stick the characters into exosuits and make them into Headmasters… I hope.

Anyway it is funny that, during the attack from the Decepticons )(while Starscream is thinking that the Autobots have arrived) he comes under attack from the Klingon leaders, who are not afraid to fight the giant Decepticon to retake their world… nice. Having them shooting at hmmm with Klingon disruptors and having those hurt him? Nice.

So before Megatron can carry out the plan that is being carried out in Hill Valley in Transformers Back To The Future, the Enterprise and Fortress Maximus arrive and the battle for Qo’nos begins. It’s kinda weird that when Kuri, brought by the Federation, tells Megatron off the leader of the Klingons gives Kuri a Bat’Leth… why other than Modern Klingon reference? Ok.

So we have mecha Autobots controlled by the Trek crew. Funny. We had Kelvin Timeline Scotty invent Trek Lanterns, and now we have OG Trek Scotty invent Trek AUtobots. Nice I guess. Especially as they gave M’ress her own mech. Complete with cat tail and stuff.

Also having Captain Kuri fighting the smaller cassette Decepticons like Rumble is nice. That and we have a Sulu fencing reference during the fight too. Anyway Megatron tries to bring the fight to an end using a sonic disruption attack to stun everyone, only it does not affect the Klingons. Which has Kuri reveal that Kirk gave him the idea to call on the Klingon fleet to come down from orbit (because the Kelvin Timeline is a thing and flying in atmosphere is ok), and attack the Decepticons ending the fight.

The end, however, leaves it open for a possible sequel. As the Klingons end up in possession of the Decepticons. Meanwhile Optimus Prime and the Autobots in the Starship Fortress Maximus head off… ending the comic.

The Verdict…

So… well I thought this would be kinda bad as crossovers go… but while the ending feels a bit rushed and such, it is still a nice ending. It might lead to a second crossover, or not… either way I am ok with it. The highlight of the comics is seeing M’Ress  having a pretty nice role in this crossover, and basically seeing her period is nice as we barely have comics with her in them so… nice. And no that is not disrespecting Nichelle Nichols as she was the voice of both Uhura and M’Ress in the animated series.

So all in all this was a 4 out of 5. Not the best Star Trek series I have reviewed but it was nice all in all, and had its perks that I liked alot. Including later Star Trek references, mostly with the Klingons being more like modern Klingons from the Prime Universe than their OG version. And that was nice.

So if they ever do a sequel? I do hope they do a Star Trek TNG Transformers crossover carrying on where the last one left off. Though in terms of reviews I guess I need to look at the Doctor Who Titan Comics era crossover event where all Star Trek series crossover in The Q Conflict. Guess I will get around to it sometime. Stay tuned.

Next Time…

So this five issue arc is done. I still have to wrap up Transformers Ghostbusters, and Transformers Vs Terminator… and get the next issue of Transformers Back To The Future. Oh well, for some AMINOs I am doing reviews for that is enough content to see us out of November. Oh well. Guess I will just continue and get this stuff done. Coming up.

Comics Reviews IDW Reviews Star Trek Transformers

IDW’ Star Trek Vs Transformers 2019 #4 Review

The Review Continues…

So lets get all these reviews cleared away so I have time to start writing all my December reviews. That means for Pony AMINOs we are looking at Transformers crossovers. Finishing up Star Trek  Vs Transformers Vs Terminator featuring the Ghostbusters… not all in the same review mind you.

Now that Kirk has transformed Fortress Maximus into robot mode… apparently now Kirk is calling it Fortress Tiberius… gee. Ok. However the battle is a strain on Kirk as he has to mentally control Fortress Maximus and it is a strain on his mind to control such a giant Autobot in battle. Apparently Fortress Maximus is angry, and his emotions are threatening to overwhelm Kirk’s mind.

Apparently we find out that Starscream made a bit of a deal with the Klingons, which will get revealed soon enough. Megatron is quite angry that the Autobots have Fortress Maximus… wait. Fortress Maximus is not a new thing. Why is Megatron upset about something that was well known for so long?

Starscream ditches the Klingons, much to Megatron’s anger, and sneaks off into the Federation dilithium processing plant to steal a large load of high grade dilithium. His plan being to go solo… of course Megatron isn’t having it but it’s too late. Starscream is already leaving the planet with a haul of dilithium. Not to reappear until the end of the issue.

Oh. And also they gave Starscream a cloaking device. Of course they did, silly Klingons. And as such the alliance between the Decepticons and Klingons falls apart rather quickly. Of course. Also? These are the swarthy Klingons but they keep going on about honor like the latter Modern Klingons… right.

So as the battle nears the end Fortress Maximus begins to try and override Kirk, taking control in his rage… but Kirk, with Ratchet’s encouragement, manages to keep control long enough for Megatron to finally realize that the battle is lost. He orders a retreat, leaving the now abandoned Klingons to deal with the Federation and Autobots.

So Kirk informs the honor bound kill us now Klingons that Starscream, and of course the Decepticons, are headed to Klingon space and they need to work together to stop them. But first that means getting back to the Enterprise which was majorly messed up in the fight with Trypticon. They beam the Autobots over to help Scotty get the Enterprise back in shape for the chase.

The comic ends, as you probably guessed, with Starscream deciding his best chance to rule is to head straight to the heart of Klingon space and try to take over the main homeworld of Quonos… which, yes, does look like Modern Klingon Quonos. And by that I mean Prime Universe Quonos and not Kelvin Timeline Quonos. Just so we are clear on that. To Be Concluded.

Also why is it every crossover has someone trying to take over Quonos? First it was Sinestro in Star Trek Green Lantern, now Starscream. Sigh. Oh and the comic spells it as Kronos, the older version spelling of the planet’s name. Ok.

The Verdict…

An overall good issue. Nice to see Jazz finally get some perspective on all his sudden humanity hating, as he gets a taste of what it’s like to be the small one next to the giant Titan Trypticon… but really when did the once easy going Jazz become such a human hater? Also the whole idea of Kirk struggling with Fortress Maximus’ emotions over control of his body while fighting Trypticon. That was nice.

Hmm… all in all the crossover up to now is overall nice, and I am ready to end this so… this gets a 4 out of 5. We will see how it all holds up when I give it the final score shortly. Which means it is time to go on to…

Next Time…

So one more comic and we wrap up this arc. And unlike MLP Transformers Ghostbsusters there is no notice of a sequel for this one. Fine. I can live with that… but just in case I will tell you if the comic ends with such a tease. We already had two teases of that so… stay tuned.

Comics Reviews IDW Reviews Star Trek Transformers

IDW’ Star Trek Vs Transformers 2019 #3 Review

The Review…

So the Decepticons and Klingons are on the attack, and the Federation miners are scattering while Starscream takes shots at them. Outnumbered, Prime and the trio of Spock, McCoy and Scotty are finding themselves hard pressed to fight back against the Decepticons and Klingons. Especially since Optimus is still struggling with the injury he got from Captain Kirk… the jerk.

Optimus shields the miners from attack, Arachnid tries attacking Prime, but is driven off by Scotty and Spock taking shots with their phases at her. Despite saying they can’t harm her… she also doesn’t stay around either.

McCoy chews out Optimus Prime for getting in the line of fire, comparing him to Kirk… which suddenly has the three remember Kirk. Where is he? He is being hooked up to Fortress Maximus so that he can help give Fortress Maximus his new alt form… During the psychic connection we have Kirk and Fortress Maximus trade memories with each other.

Its successful, and the data needed for Fortress Maximus to become an Enterprise alt mode is possible. So meanwhile topside Starscream and Soundwave are arguing like an old married couple… for some reason. Starscream demands that Optimus Prime comes out to face them, but it is Spock that instead comes out to greeet them.

Captain Kuri and Spock go at it verbally, and suddenly Starscream is all irritated because he realizes how much Spock and Prime are so much alike. And that ticks Starscream off. However before much can happen Fortress Maximus, in its new alt mode as the Enterprise, shatters free of the ground into the sky to face the Decepticons and the Klingons.

Too bad Sulu is in Windblade and she won’t let him fly, but it is cute to see M’Ress in Bumblebee and she can’t stand his driving. However the upbeat is short lived as Trypticon, who apparently assumed the alt form of the Klingon ship we saw throughout, turns back into his main form and easily swats away the Autobots. Meanwhile Windblade and Fortress Maximus Enterprise faces the Seekers.

So yeah, on the bridge of the Fortress Maximus Enterprise we have Kirk wired into the helm, the command center of Fortress Maximus now resembling the bridge of the Enterprise. That means we have Kirk commanding Fortress Maximus in battle, so nice.

So Arcee jumps in to take on Starscream and Kuri, but they still get the upper hand… even after bickering like an old married couple themselves when it looks like the tide is turning against them. However before they can do anything to Arcee, the miners, and the landing party they are beamed up onto Fortress Maximus Enterprise. Nice. Also it’s nice that they speak modern Klingon, which is something you never saw in the Original Series. It’s like only one line, but still nice.

The coic ends with Kirk, under much strain, willing Fortress Maximus to transform. So that they can face Trypticon head on. To Be Continued.

The Verdict…

So this was a pretty fun fight issue so it gets a 5 out of 5. Seeing cool moments with all of them getting into the fight, and some nice series nods and tips of the hat was nice all in all. Like comparing Leonard Nimoy’s Spock to Optimus Prime, which was cool. Also M’Ress’ one moment of cuteness riding inside of Bumblebee. Nice.

This was the halfway point of the series and we have two more issues to go So with that said next up is…

Next Time…

The battle rages on between Autobots and Decepticons, Fedeartion and Klingons. We have two more issues to go and this is Issue #4 so… stay tuned.

Comics Reviews IDW Reviews Star Trek Transformers

IDW’ Star Trek Vs Transformers 2019 #2 Review

The Review…

So the comic opens with Spock, McCoy and Scotty working on waking up Optimus Prime. McCoy is not so enthusiastic about it, but Scotty tells the big grumpy doctor to have a heart.

Anyway Spock decides to use a Vulcan Mind Meld on Optimus Prime, as they are surely interested in finding out more about how they all got there… and thus gets the 4-1-1 about Transformers in his mindmeld… and yes this is years before Original Series first movie with V’Ger so Spock has yet to learn not to just plug himself into every sentient machine he runs into.

Anyway as it turns out that is not the Ark Kirk, Sulu and M’Ress found It’s the Autobots mega city… which somehow crashed. Anyway out from the city comes the Autobots. The good guys, the heroes… who promptly try to kill Kirk. OH! So they saw him shoot Optimus did they? Hah. Serves him right. Also Bumblebee decides he wants to pet the kitty woman… by grabbing her… Nope. Definitely not wandering into Rule34 terrain here!

So after a misunderstanding… somehow… Kirk manages to get the Autobots to listen as he recaps Issue #1… also? Windblade suddenly turns into Arcee? Wait, where’s Windblade again?!? What just happened??? Anyway after one condensed explanation of Issue #1, and realization that the Autobot city was now underground (Where the miners found it) all shooting at the humans cease.

Meanwhile, back on Trypticon, the Decepticons and Kingons forge a plan of action. After the Klingons explain that they crashed their ship near Trypticon accidentally, after losing a fight with the Enterprise… wait… since when did D-7 class Klingon Warships land like that? And not just go into standard orbit to repair? Uh… oh right. Plot convenience.

So apparently Starscream hits on a good point. Why should they team up with the Klingons, and yeah while these are the Swarthy Klingons they are also upgraded with the honor code of the more modern Klingons too. So Kuri uses his ace in the hole, and tells Megatron about the cloaking device on his ship.

Meanwhile back with Kirk, Sulu and M’Ress… and the vanishing Windblade,, we finally have the story about how this crossover came to be. Short story? So aparently they were on Earth and it was Transformers Earth… until the Eugenics War broke out. Also nice. They refer to the uniforms from the Eugenics War seen in the pilot episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation.

So because the Eugenics War broke out, the Autobots left on a Titan Autobot named Fortress Maximus (which is buried here) and after a fight with Trypticon they arrived here. Crashed. Along with Trypticon. And that is how they ended up here for this crossover. The end….

Well of the flashback. The story continues. Also Windblade is back and WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!?

Meanwhile speaking of inconsistencies, we go back to the Enterprise to see that the Andorian First Officer that replaced Spock that one time he vanished from the timeline in Yesteryear is now a helms officer on the bridge, while Lt. Arex (James Doohan) is Captain. Uh… ok. The Enterprise tracks the Decepticons to the moon, however the place where Trypticon is? He’s gone. The Klingons decloak and surprise the Enterprise, with their new Decepticon allies. They ambush and knock the Enterprise aside, heading for the mining colony.

Also, back with Kirk and they can’t decide WHICH female Autobot is with them, Windblade is gone… again… and Arcee is back… MALE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY ARTIST!! The issue ends with Optimus and the crew of the Enteprise going to meet Kirk and the Autobots from Fortress Maximus, but they are cut off when the Decepticons attack.

So Ratchet has a plan to turn the tides against the Decepticons, but it will be risky… and since Kirk does not know the meaning of a no win scenario he is all in on this risky thing. To Be Continued…

The Verdict…

Hmm… for me this was a bit less fun than Issue #1 but it is still a 4 out of 5. Not sure why the Transformers stood around in this reality until the Eugenics Wars, or why they did not stop the Eugenics Wars but… ok. Fair enough. Anyway its still a good series… except…

For the love of… WHY IS IT THEY KEEP SWAPPING ARCEE AND WINDBLADE! One minute its Windblade, next it’s Arcee! And now we have yet to see them together, it’s either one or the other. They have yet to appear at the same time in a panel so I wouldn’t be complaining so much if they did.

Maybe later they will appear together, and explain away this little continuity problem of the character that can’t decide what character they are but… ok.

Next Time…

Star Trek Vs. Transformers #3. We are halfway through the comic and Ratchet’s big plan is to use Captain Kirk to bring Fortress Maximus online… also we FINALLY SEE Windblade and Arcee in the same scene. Gee thanks comic. Anyay Fortress Maximus Alt Mode at the Enterprise coming up.

Comics Reviews Star Trek

DC/IDW’ Star Trek Green Lantern 2 #6 Review

Ok lets get this over with…. how does the second Star Trek Green Lantern arc end?

The Review….

Ok with Green Lantern Kirk everything just goes even more out the window. The Green Lanterns all get a recharge and join the fight… and the whole issue is the fight… and I guess that’s OK as you know how it will end with Sinestro and Khan losing but…. awww…. we have Carol smooch Scotty before she joins the fight as Star Sapphire. Sweet. Also she stays on the Enterprise with Scotty in the end so yay…

Uh…. oh right how does it end. They stop Khan and Sinestro but still have to travel to Quonos to save the still imprisoned Saint Walker who is still on Quonos… hmm… did the comic forget he was in this comic? Also because there is no third crossover it looks like his fate will forever remain up in the balance… but who cares. Carol and Scotty are a cute item yay!

Sigh…. so the end. Nothing happened that was surprising or new… except that Scotty and Carol hooked up. Wow… and maybe Kirk is going to ecome a Green Lantern now? Its not like he has much of a future with the Kelvin Timeline being put to death (so much so that we havent had any new Kelvin Timeline comics for sometime as they are now focused on PRIME UNIVERSE comics with Year 5 and so on but… oh well.

The Verdict…

Well its an ok comic, but really it also is paint by numbers and I really wasnt so hot about it. Nothing really happened that was attention grabbing, and the few things it did do they didnt touch on more. Carol and Scotty? Wow…. but its barely touched on. The Guardians in the Star Trek Universe? Interesting but nothing much is done with that. Also it would be nice if they go back to this if they also expand on it and show other DC Universe races that appeared in Star Trek Series 2 (DC Comics) and could reappear hear. Like the green skinned geniuses that spawned Silver Age Brainiac, or maybe the Thnagarians or even the shapeshifting Durlans (who did appear in Star Trek Series 2, unlike the Thangarians).

This could still have a lot of stuff done with it, even if they have to throw out the Kelvin Timeline and do it as a PRIME UNIVERSE book. But you know what? I would have liked it if the Valentines Day issue was a callback to this seires and it wwas Carol & Scotty… far better than yet ANOTHER Captain Kirk In Love story but… it is what it is. Still… this gets a high 3 out of 5. It almost got a 4, and maybe for you it is a 4 out of 5, but there is just way too much about this story that ends up being “BECAUSE SURE WHY NOT”… and really that is way too much plot convenience for one story to handle even at Six Issues. Couldnt more effort be put into the story to make all the things that happen in the story make more sense, and not just be written off as because it has to be that way? Come on.

Still… its an ok comic and while I wish this Valentines Day we got happy Carol and Scotty cuddling in a story instead of… ANOTHER CAPTAIN KIRK IN LOVE STORY… but sure why not. Thats in a few days… for me. By the time you read this I already reviewed the comic in question. Maybe when I finally review it I will like it… maybe… sigh.

Next Up….

So we have one more Star Trek crossover, and this one takes place in the mid 70’s Star Trek The Animated Series as they crossover with… the Transformers… oh and by now you also saw my TRANSFORMERS IN LOVE VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL… because sure why not I always wanted to write a review about cuddly giant robots… sigh. Anyway when we get back it’s time for… Star Trek Transformers #1… To Be Continued.

Comics Reviews Star Trek

IDW’ Star Trek Year Five Valentines Special Review

Story by Paul Cornell

Artwork by Christopher Jamnes

Colors by Charlie Kirchoft

Lettering by Neil Uyetake

Assistant Edited by Riley Farmer

Editor is Denton J Tipton (he used to edit for Doctor Who when IDW had it if I remember right)

So what am I doing with myself that I am reviewing….. ugh…. the 2020 Star Trek Year Five Valentines Special…. ugh…. why me. Anyway lets do this because this comic wont review itself… sad to say.

The Review

Its called Captains of Sea and War. So…. Kirk is on some sort of leave when he runs into a hot lady. They save a young officer from being kidnapped, they boink… oh yes they boink… the end… or is it.

Nope that was only a few pages. Why would it end so fast and give me a break. Nope. Anyway Kirk and the Enterprise interfere with this lady (who is the Captain of a Reliant class type ship only with Five Year Mission nacelles) and… they boink. Something happens… they boink… something more happens and… they boink and sigh.

Eventually Kirk meets Carol Marcus, he and the female Captain break up, she ends up getting a cybernetic eye and they meet years later in the Paramount original movie universe timeline and that’s it… the end.

Yeah I am sure there is a love swtory here somewhere but I am the last person to tell you about love stories especially where it involves James T Kirk as if this isnt Carol Marcus or the lady he was snuggling in the end (which is implied about in Star Trek Generations) they why bother me with it… still… I guess it’s a good story so…

The Verdict…

Well that wasnt much to the story other than its one of the great loves of Captain James T Kirk. Your mileage may vary and while I was pretty down on it maybe you will like it. It does give a nice spin on Kirk as the ladies man and it doesnt have the two hook up… as if that was going to happen given that Kirk never really has any long term luck with women in any continuity. Be it PRIME Visual Media (TV & Movies), Prose Novel or Comic continuities (all of them… which in Prose Novels alone is something like 50+ individual continuities in themselves, forget the dozen or so comic continuities) but… its an ok read. I’m not terribly great with the whole love story thing but… maybe you will like it better.

So with that said this Valentines Special for Star Trek Year Five gets a 4 out of 5. A pretty good offering even if it always seems to end with Kirk getting lucky… darn you William Shatner Kirk. Sigh.

Such a delegate topic. Kirk. Its like giving a hedgehog a bellymassage… Also no I couldn’t find any pages with Kirk and the femaleCaptain ending up in bed. Sigh.

And so we still have one more Valentines Special to go over… from a few years ago… the Harley Quinn VAlentines Special from the New 52 Era. Before it was a thing to try to ship Harley and Ivy… except not so much because didnt they just ship her and Kite Man together near the end of Season 1 of Harley Quinn? Hmm… actually that sounds cute. Anyway in this comic its Ivy… and Bruce Wayne? Oh wait its’ New 52 Era Bruce Wayne so nothing will come of that because that got dismantled years ago. While I was still having toes amputated. Never mind.

Thats coming up…

Comics Reviews DC Universe Star Trek

DC/IDW’ Star Trek Green Lantern 2 #5 Review

So at the time this posts I have already written and did the Valentines Day comic for Star Trek Year 5. Mind you it has yet to come out but it will be coming along soon but this was weritten all the way in February 6th so… coming along soon.

The Review…

Anyway despite the fact the Manhunters seem capable of flying around at Transwarp drive they still end up having to take the Enterprise to a Yamato 2199 style gate portal to take the Enterprise to Oa. Meanwhile Khan, as the Red Lantern, is still trashing Quonos and the Klingons because Star Trek Into Darkness was a thing. Right. Apparnetly somehow Khan knew the ask around Quonos about Sinestro, and his travelling to Oa and he somehow also knows that Oa is so very important for recharging his ring and maybe even building a Red Lantern but… sigh…

So long story short everyone gets to Oa and the fight gets messy. First off we have Sinestro trying to kill off all the Guardians and take over the Green Power Lantern. Only for the Enterprise and the Manhunters with them to show up to fight Sinestro…. then guess who shows up because plot convenience but Khan, and the fight worstens…. which gets even sillier as, after grabbing Kirk to monologue to him more… when we find that some of the Guardians have went to grab a Green Lantern ring to get a new guardian to help them in their fight with Sinestro…

And by fight I mean they ran away and died a lot. Anyway the ring picks… yes… the Chris Pine Kirk and turns him into a Green Lantern.

To Be Concluded… sigh.

Comics Reviews DC Universe Star Trek

DC/IDW’ Star Trek Green Lantern 2 #4 Review

So lets go on with Issue #4 (6)…

The Review…

The fight goes badly with Kirk and compay vs Khan and his followers as they easily capture the group. Meanwhile we go back to OA to find out what is going on on Oa… so what is going on with the Guardians on Oa? They’re still around and are confronted by Sinestro… but we go right back to Khan again and his gloating over Kirk on the USS Bryant (Gumball? They named a starship after the guy from the TODAY show?)

Somehow the other Lanterns who first met Khan track him all the way to the Bryant… somehow… and show up in time to confront him. So everyone esccapes the Bryant but Khan uses his ring to take it over and escape with it, his followers all on the Bryant. Well… yeah we have a few more issues to go so he needs to leave… and he promptly knows that he has to go to Quonos, slay all the Klingons in the main capital building, and capture LaFleeze because…. is there anything going on in this comic that is NOT plot convenience aka BECAUSE SURE WHY NOT?!? Sigh.

We go back to Sinestro talking with the Guardians. He uses the giant Green Lantern to power his ring, and basically is ready to overpower the Guardians… sigh. Yup. The Guardians are as silly as in this universe as they are in the DC Comics Universe…

Tomorrow… Plus One…

We will take tomorrow off so we can “celebrate” Valentines Day… the loneliest day of the year for me. So since there is a Star Trek Year 5 Valentines Day comic we will look at that as Kirk falls in hot cuddle needy hug hug wants with a female Captain of a Original Series version of a Reliant type ship… hmm… anyway can you feel the Kirk tonight… tomorrow.