Daily Journal Introductions My Little Pony My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic

Your Introduction to the MLP Holiday Special aka Best Gift Ever (2018) DVD Region 2 UK

Make of this as you will. Proof positive that HASBRO has lost the narrative, seeing how they seemingly have given up on the physical release of Pony as of January 1st 2019 in terms of DVDs… or that they just dont want to do it anymore despite the fact it still sells to a portion of their fandom who wants to have physical copies of the show for their collection. Either way we are looking at the Region 2 release of MLP Best Gift Ever, aka the one time HASBRO picked up the slack for the BBC and did what they refused to do. Provide a Holiday Special. Mind you it originally aired in Early November if memory serves… but it was reaired on Christmas Day if I remember right so that counts… right?

So anyway sorry. HASBRO did not follow up with another Holiday Special for Christmas 2019, despite the fact this rated well and was received well, and there was every indication that HASBRO should have done it. Given its ssuccess they really should have done it, even if they had to push it out with new animators like Allspark Animation (the studio behind Pony Life Season 1 2020). But I digress… we are here to judge the Region 2 DVD, and in another post answer the quetion of whther or not my ieGeek Portable DVD Player truly is what it claims to be, a Region Free DVD Player. Because if it cant play a simple PAL Region 2 DVD? Then it fails in that regard, and fails hard.

So lets see. I am not expecting much from this DVD but lets see…

This is rated U and rated G by the Film Censor’s Office… U… OH! It’s Rated U for Unicron!

I SAID UNICRON NOT BADLY RENDERED UNICORN… never mind. Bad humor. Sigh… so lets see… I guess the following is the blurb that would have gone onto a Region 1 DVD if we had one so….

“The ponies are all preparing for another Hearth’s Warming, and Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Spike are ready for the big day… but PRincess Twilight Sparkle doesnt have time to celebrate!” (as seen in the opening song of course) “Between her responsibilites running the School of Friendship” (which she doesnt have because from the sight of the Young Six leaving on the Friendship Express during the opening song its obvious that the school is closed during Hearth’s Warming, which explains why the Young Six are all off on the train to possibly spend time together at one of the other creature’s hometowns for the holidays) “and an upcoming visit from Shining Armor, Princess Cadance and Baby Flurry Heart, Twilight is behind on her to-do list–“

(Oh so in other words its Twilight being Twilight. Gotcha. Also its the Special which gave us one of the last and most memeable Twilight Sparkle faces ever. Her Pudding Face.)

“she hasnt even begun to shop! Luckily her friends are here to help.”

(And by Friends we mean Applejack because she is the one who comes up with the Secret Santa idea in a world that doesnt have a Santa, Secret or otherwise, in it… or a Jingle Hooves but we do get Magical Flying Reindeer, because of course we do. The one and presently only appearance to date of the Gift Givers of the Grove… hopefully a thing to be rectified with IDW and their next Holiday Special comic in the near future.

“Instead of buying gifts for everypony, they decide to do a Hearth’s Warming Helper and give just ONE gift to the pony” (or Dragon) “whose cutie mark” (or decided upon cutie symbol) “they pull out of Applejack’s hat.”

(And so we have a new unintentional meme that no pony has used yet. When things go flat… maybe you should blame it on the hat.)

(Also Spike brought on his own problems because he tried to go with his default mode of RariSpike… which doesnt matter because that default mode is finally deleted come Season 9 when Spike hooks up with… GABBY?!?

“But now the pressure is on to find the one perfect gift.” (except for Rainbow Dash who has to be pressured into caring by Discord) “With their hopes high, the Mane 6” (Copyright 2011 The Pony Fandom all rights reserved) “and Spike set out on a magical adventure” (some more magical than others….)

and seek help from their friends all over Equestria to make each pony’s Hearth’s Warning bright and finding the BEST GIFT EVER.”

(No… no they dont. Twilight goes nowhere, Rarity only goes to Sweet Acorn Orchard because she was made to by Muffins/Derpy and those arent her friends even though she makes a frind there. Fluttershy and Applejack only go to Rainbow Fals and they get conned by the FlimFlam Brothers. The only two who went anywhere nearly magical is Rainbow Dash, but she only went off to get a Silent Hill creature becaue Discord, and Pinkie Pie… who travels all the way to the North Pole to meet the magical Reindeer substitute for Santa Claus… because the BBC apparently isnt the only ones allergic to the jooy obese human gift giver of the seasons. Or whatever.)

So thats the description of the DVD. Again this is probably what the description wouldl have been if there was a Region 1 release which there sadly isnt. You can get this in Region 2 (UK) (which this is) or Region 3 (Australia) (which I dont have… yet). So with that wsaid lets see what features this DVD has from Region 2 UK…

Run time 44 Minutes, Aspect Ratio 16:9 (I take it that means letterbox which is good since that is what my Portable Player has in screen size), Format PAL (so… is Region 3 formating MATE, Region 4 MINA, and Region 5… ok stupid answer sorry) Sound in Dolby Digital Stereo. And… that’s it. No Extras, no Bonuses (despite the fact HASBRO released several shorts tied to Best Gift Ever during the holidays, apparently the DVD maker couldnt be bothered to gather them up and add them to the DVD… what a surprising twist.

But yeah thats it. When we dive into the DVD for the review… and the Gear for Gamers Update, I dont see it providing anything else past the base minimum you have here so… that sucks. Still… my final verdict will be on the DVD itself and what it offers, but just between you me and the table here I am not giving it a perfect even though I already judged Best Gift Ever 2018 as a perfect 5 out of 5. The score is for the lackluster DVD, not the superior product being shown on it.

So with that said…. next up the reviews. Or one review if my ieGeek Portable DVD Player fails to live up to its most important selling point, the whole Region Free thing. Coming up.

Daily Journal Introductions My Little Pony My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic

Your Introduction to MLPFIM #89 (Season 10 Issue #1)

So while the April 2020 solicits havent yet appeared at TFAW but already Dr. Wolf has talked about the first issue of Season 10… which thankfiully seems to be keeing the Ongoing numbering as I have seen a cover that is MLPFIM #89 (with the Season 10 label on the side with the issue number). So with that said we can go over what is happening with Year 1 of Season 10…

Apparently from what Dr. Wolf says about it, Season 10 starts with the newly installed Princess Twilight (new Ruler of Equetria) setting a quest for her Mane Six by sending them out with various teams of creatures to explore the farthest reaches of the world… to locate new friends and new threats. And really as the first year’s worth of stories that sounds awesome!

So in #89? It starts off with Team Alpha (featuring Applejack, Zecora, Rockhoof and Tempest Shadow) going to Zecora’s homeland. Where they find out more about Zecora’s home, and the kingdom of Zebras… as well as the returning briefly mentioned in the past race of the Kelpies (whose one and only big appearance to date with in MLP Ongiong #23).

And yeah. It looks like as of Season 10 that any fears I had about IDW throwing away long standing IDW Continuity has safely been put to rest since it looks like IDW Continuity is alive and well in Season 10. Just look, they are finally doing something substantial with the Kelpies! A race we have not seen since the time Angel Bunny assembled his SKTeam to save Poneyville from the misguided plans of a desperate Kelpie (who was trying to save land locked little newly hatched creatures, who I thought had to be Kelpie newborn, before they died in fresh water).

So yeah…. the idea of seeing a full story where Zecora is a main character AND see Zecora’s homeland? And the return of the Kelpies? AND a new story with Tempest Shadow from the MLP 2017 Movie? Thats all good. Who knows… maybe they will soon have a story or mini series featuring Captain Celaeno, Capper and the her pirate crew? That would be nice too.

So right now waiting for the solicit of April 2020 to finally come out at TFAW so I can get more info hopefully on Issue #89, and images of the first cover of Season 10. Stay tuned.

Daily Journal Introductions My Little Pony

Your Introduction Part 2 Equestria Girls March Radness One Shot IDW

So with the April solicits just about upon us, and a new MLP Manga from SEven Seas already being solicited for its April release… I found a bit more info on the coming March 18th Equestria Girls March Radness One Shot. By reading the short description for it on… what a wonderous thing READING is isnt it… I should do it more often.

So it is three stories, that seems to be focused on… Rainbow Dash? Well… hopefully not but you see the descriptions of the three stories in brief (and I do mean in brief) and you tell me who these stories sound like a good fit for…

So we have one story that takes place during a Spring Sports Festival. Because sure every series with a Japanese flare has a Sports Festival story… which explains why the cover art seems to invoke the Kotobukiya statue Equestria Girls more than the actual Animated Series Equestria Girls. But yeah a Sports Festival… did Equestria City suddenly relocate from the United States to Japan recently? Hmm….

Also Sports Festival. You can make of that as you will. But given how at times the people who write Equestria Girls stories (back from the DHX days when they had the rights to it) kinda fell into the same stories over and over again? Do you blame me for being a bit concerned that this whole One Shot might be a compilation (mind you a short compilation but a compilation nevertheless) of stories we have seen before?

In this case I am wondering if it might be a tried and true Rainbow Dash vs Applejack story… because sure why not. Its not like we havent seen that before. Heck maybe it will be a rare story where we see SciTwi trying to be more athlethic, only she keeps applying SCIENCE to her attempts at being athletic… that would be a nice change of pace… not much because SciTwi being Nerdy Science Girl is also a common story trope with Equestria Girls but it is at least one I can enjoy so… oh well.

So the second story has the girls… FINALLY… meet AK Yearlig on screen slash on panel. Yes it is implied they have already met AK Yearling, off screen, prior to the 2017 Equestria Girls Special (Magical Movie Nights), mainly prior to the second episode Movie Magic. But to finally have a story where we actually see Human AK Yearling is nice. And yes I am pretty sure she wont be Daring Do in this story.

But who will the story be focused around? Given how suddenly in Season 9 (because redemption arc for Dr. Cavaleron) they made Fluttershy a fan I wonder if she will be the focus of this story. I mean it cant be Rainbow Dash… again… given how the first story seems to siply say Rainbow Dash story incoming so… maybe? Of course Rainbow Dash is not the only Daring Do fan, even in Equestria Girls continuity, she is joined by SciTwi… I dont know what is harder to accept. Every Pony’s favorite Bookworm Unicorn/Alicorn Twilight Sparkle being a fan, or everyone’ favorite Science Genuis Bookworm SciTwi being a fan… either way I guess but its still cute nevertheless so maybe it’ a Fluttershy/SciTwi story? Or a Sunset Shimmer story? No wait maybe the third one is a Sunset Shimmer story because…

The third story takes place in… detention. So make of that as you will. It is either a Rainbow Dash got in trouble and is in detention story, or a Pinkie Pie hid too many party cannons throughout the school and is in detention story… or it has nothing to do with the Main Seven and it is a story telling what Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna did during Spring Break.

SPOILERS – At no time do I expect Principal Celestia to retire from her “rulership” of Canterlot High and appoint SciTwi the new… “Ruler” of the school… because that’s straight up silly. Also impossible because that’s not how schools work even if that is what happened at the end of Season 9. But yeah it would be nice to have ONE story in this One Shot be a story about Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, and what mischief they got into during Spring Break. I am not expecting it since the new direction of aiming at children… except we have a Kotobuyia (and yes I keep mispelling that sorry) inspired cover that seems more targeted at older readers so maybe this is one of the comics aimed at a more well rounded audience of all ages? Maybe.

Either way this wont be out until March 18th 2020 so… stay tuned for its review in the future.

Daily Journal Introductions Reviews Switch Review

Your Introduction To Breathing Fear SWITCH

So… after playing a heartwrenching love story that ended right with To The Moon (2020), and a intellegent game not so much of horror but of fright and disturbing vibes that was way too short… we come to Breathing Fear. A game apparently made during a competition to make a game on the spot while at the competition, where the title screen character seems to think she was being hired to be in a western version of The Ring….

So lets get to it. The introduciton from the Breathing Fear page on the SWITCH.

“There’s something wrong about this house. Fate brought you there but now even your own shadow is frightening. Will you stay sane and solve the cursed mysteris?”

Oh great. You got taken to Not The Baker’s House #3… sigh… going on.

“Embark on a nonlinear and scary survival-adventure game.” (By non linear you mean I can sand box my way through the game and not end up lost for ages because the actual game is quite linear and wandering about pointlessly being lost looking for the next obvious thread to continue the story doesnt count as non linear. Non linear means I can approach this game from any direction and progress on my own without being led from point to point along a predetermined path.) “The only thing you know for sure is that strange things need to be solved – disturbing letters, objects, recordings, paranormal events…”


Oh look this is even on mobile… or is that how it looks on TVs… hmm… anyway… “They drive you crazy but you need to keep a clear mind and shed some light on the mysteries. Speaking of light, make sure it doesnt go out, your heart might not handle it…”

You know? In retrospect I really should have considered my heart before I agreed to review that Chinese device that is coming down the line… hmm… well I may be the first reviewer to be killed or at least hospitalized by a review so… yay?

“Breathing Fear is the winner of Games Jam : Gamm. No jumpscares here. Just a meticulously-crafted story, pixel art, music and atmosphere that will give you the creeps.”

Ok… so that is Breathing Fear. A game where you are stuck in a house trying to solve why you are stuck in a house… and trying to go through the standard fetch quest of finding batteries for your flashlight so you dont die while you look around a house full of the dead. Yup… and I got this for about half of $5 as it was on sale, and given how short the last game I got was for $5 (Red Bow) I wonder how short this will be…. but I am dedicated to reviewing this so… stay tuned.

I can still see you lady! Sitting over there rocking back and forth is a horrible way to hide…. fine. I’ll review this myself. Sigh. You go do… whatever it is your doing and I’ll just review this… so to paraphrase what Tiny Toons once said famously… OK I love you, but not really, bye-bye.

Daily Journal Equestria Girls Introductions My Little Pony My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic

Your Introduction To Equestria Girls March Radness One Shot IDW

…I… I have no words for this cover… seriously I dont so… ahem…. “Puppy… Please!”

Thank you puppy. Well as you can see SPRING… and probably more than that what the buck IDW… has sprung in this new Equestria Girls One Shot for Mid March 2020. A book that proudly proclaims the girls have returned… from what?!? We havent had a comic from them since the horrible atempt to link a bullying is bad comic as a Christmas/Holiday comic back in Late 2015!! We havent see them in over 4 years in comics at this point! Sheesh! But sure. They’re back… sigh.

So its a one shot, and has three stories for… $6? This better be a good read for Spring Break at that much. But yeah. Not much is known about the comic at this point past the weird sexualization of the cover… and this promo alternate cover I suppose… oh wait no the cover doesnt seem to want to go up… well it wont take you long to find it. Trust me just google it. But still… three stories? Well hopefully the April solicits at least hint that more will be done with Equestria Girls past a single one shot for Spring. I mean well if they are going to finally go back to Equestria Girls comics at the dawn of a new era of Pony comics they might as well go all out right? Or are they going to wait for the sales numbers on March Radness before commiting to anymore? Sigh… well To Be Continued.

And yes in a few days we will look at Season 10’s first solicit when the April 2020 solicits are up. Stay tuned for that.

Daily Journal Introductions Star Trek

Your Introduction Star Trek Discovery Season 2 DVD Set

Admittedly this is a week past its intended arrival but we finally got it so lets take a look at what I am about to get myself into with the review of Star Trek Discovery Season 2 on DVD…

First off we have a Certified Fresh Rotten Tomatoes laebl certifying it fresh… psstt… dont tell Midnights Edge or Nerdrotic that! They would probably swear that dark necromancy made that possible… or lies. Anything that does not equate to their views must be lies…

Of course it doesnt help that CBS All Access pretty much all but yelled they were right to be afraid last Saturday with their promotion to try to appeal to BOTH sides of the Trek divide (the die hards and the new generation)… but I am sure we iwll have a lot to say about that in the days to come.

Another sticker promises over 4 hours of special features. Like what?

9 Behind the Scenes featurettes…. so yeah I will get the Star Trek Picard Season 1 DVD in the future even if I review it digirtally just for the bonus features.

2 of the Short Treks…. what? Only two? I guess I have to go and buy a Short Treks DVD then? Hmm…

Which Short Treks? The Brightest Star and Runaway

Certain episodes come with Audio Commentary… hmm… I am betting it will be Alex Kurtzman and the Director yes? Maybe Michael Burnham? We will see…

Deleted/Extended Scenes… oh look! A gag reel! Yay! I love those! Lets hope they stick one in with Star Trek Picard Season 1 too!

So how is this DVD described? Lets read…

Its a 4 disc DVD set of all 14 Episodes plus the bonus materials… which is far better than the shoddily made Kamen Rider DVDs which pack 50 episodes and no bonus features into 4 DVDs.

“Explore all 14 Episodeds with brilliant picture and sound.”

(The above is subject to opinion… isnt that right Nerdrotic…)

“After answering a distress signal from the U.S.S. Enterprise, the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery joins forces with Captain Christopher Pike on a new mission to investigate seven mysterious red angels” (somebody in Starfleet was a fan of the Constellar deck of Carly Carmine in Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds since one card clearly seems to be the inspiration for the Red Angel suits)…

“and the appearance of an unknown being called the Red Angel. Which the crew must work together to unravel their meaning and origin. Michael Burnham is forced to face her past with the return of her estranged brother, Spock.”

(Who apparently was confused for most of the Season as he apparently thought he was supposed to have been Mirror Universe Spock… hmm…. I wonder… no wait he wasnt.)

So yeah this box set is… nicely put together. I like the fact this is a four DVD set, and the inside cover clearly tells you which DVD contains what so it is easy to find stuff to watch. So that too is nice. All in all this looks like a good product and I cant wait to start reviewing it…

Which will begin Friday (the 24th) and every Friday as we wait for Star Trek Picard episodes to become available for review… so that is your introduction to Star Trek Discovery Season 2. Review starting in a few days so stay tuned.

Next up I’ll be getting ready to review the girl stickers… and do a mail check to update on all the things that finally came in…

Introductions Pushing Others Buttons Reviews

Your Introduction To Reviews Meant To Push The Buttons Of Others

Right now I am close to making 10 Followers… yeah that is a really small number biut given how I am slowly but surely struggling to build up my readership I am happy at any increase… so I thought to add a section of reviews just to cover the things I am picking up that is meant to just Push Others Buttons…. because sure why not. Now I am hoping it would help build up my followers and thus review readers if only by small steps at a time so… that would be nice.

Anyway I will add onto my Mail Check daily to add and build up on it day by day for reviews. So hopefully the new reviews adds on…

In the meantime? If you all who are here and following me? Please bring me one new Follower to help slowly build up my readers? That would be nice. Even if you only bring one Follower that alone is great. It will help slowly but surely build up and up. That would be great. Thank you.

I already have a WEIRD review lined up for the near future. An item that is supposed to provide pleasure via rechargable device… a not so intelligent AI lika Alexa but only… not intelligent. Also earbuds and… a strange promise that you will not be alone anymore… how does that work again? Unless this technology contains the soul of a dead person I dont think it will be a companion to anyone. Especially since most AI tech like Alexa and such are not even companions and they can actually have something that passes for conversations with you… so make of the future review as you will. Something that has not yet been reviewed from what I saw from Amazon so… I wish I could get hazard pay for reviewing these things.

Seriously is this thing safe to not kill me? I’m afraid… but if it gets me new followers yay… a new follower at the risk of my life… joy?

Daily Journal Introductions Nintendo

Your Introduction To Red Bow (2020) for SWITCH

So from the emotional roller coast of a game that was To The Moon (2020( we head towards something less emotionally draining… hopefully… Red Bow.

So lets see… Introduction to the game from the SWITCH store page for the game…

“Red Bow is a top-down creepy adventure game that sets players in the role of Roh, a young girl who gets trapped in a bizarre nightmare with creepy monsters.”

Thankfully its not Baker Family (Resident Evil 7) weird monsteres… right?

Always remember to say Grace before making your captive guest wish for death.

“Roh finds herself trapped in a strange dark nightmare world. Help realize what role she plays by exploring creepy environments.

Solve puzzles and find hidden secrets on your adventure. The items you find along the way will decide on which ending you get!”

Oh joy. Multiple endings. Cant wait to rage quit mid game….

This game depicts scenes of death and suicide and is not recommended for a younger audience or those who are sensitive of the topic.

In short if you have depression issues… which I do but only when it comes to loneliness and a lack of cuddles so Im good for reviewing this… maybe you should go play a Mario game, or something less depressing than this. And really what was I thinking I just finished playing one depressing game now I’ll play another… sigh… dont I have a fun game I can rotate with while playing this game for a review? I think I do… hmmm… I’ll think about it…

Oh and if you want the game for $5 you have to buy it before the sale ends on 2/2/2020 as it will end soon. So… well that’s it. No more intros.

The game is rated T for Teen for Mild Blood. So… there is that. Otherwise I introduced you to Red Bow, all that is left is to sit down and start reviewing it so… we will hit up Part 1 soon. Stay tuned.

Daily Journal Introductions Nintendo

Your Introduction to SWITCH To The Moon

To The Moon, just released today on the SWITCH, a game that I hope finally answers a long sought after dream of mine…. and no it’s not the long burning desire to Inception the buck out of a person’s memories so they can achieve their lifelong dream of going to the moon… I got over that one long ago.

Nope. Its my dream to finally find a true successor to the classic Point & Click intellectual gaming of Sierra of old. Games like Kings Quest and Space Quest… which yes did delve into the childish of humor but yeah it was still intellectual gaming for me. Games that dont seem to have a place in our world anymore… case in point? Freddy Farkas Frontier Pharmacist.

By Al Lowe the creator of Leisure Suit Larry… who seems to somehow still be alive today as a series despite better games falling to the wayside over the year. Including this attempt at bringing back the classic Point & Click genre to life, FFFP. Funny. Given how online there is a pretty successful fan made revival of Kings Quest (so much so it got the original VA of King Graham to return and be in the first two games I saw put up online years ago… hopefully they finished Kings Quest III and other games they were planning to do) you would think that games like this were on the return. Nope.

Despite that fact and the playable demo to get people hyped about this game you could find online, in app stores like the Amazon App Store? This game died in development due to a lack of interest. And yeah I do own the incomplete game in my Amazon account. I dont see myself playing it though since it is a incomplete game, and I kinda would like it if one day the game was actually finished so I could play the full version.

But I digress. Putting aside the fact that apparently only Leisure Suit Larry is doing well… well enough to now have a game on the SWITCH… Wet Dreams Dont Dry… hmm… I wonder why it still manages to go on…

No no seriously. I already had the misfortune of playing through Magna Cum Laude on the PS2, and attempting to play through Box Office Bust for the XBox360… why am I even considering going back to THIS series again… oh right the promise of things you would never see on Nintendo screens before… sigh… wait a minute thats what made me review the LAST TWO GAMES…. I am such an idiot.

Anyway lets talk about a better game even before I start plunking time into it. To The Moon for the SWITCH.

So let me read over the introduction to the game on the sell screen when you go to purchase the game. And yeah for a game just under $10? That holds the promise of bringing back a genre I love but in a new way? Switching Point & Click, which is now Point & Tap (referring to touch screen interactions) with RPG relements? I can go for this… but let’s see…

To The Moon (2020)

“A Story-driven experience about two doctors travesrsing backward through a dying man’s memories to artifically fulfill his last wish.”

So the premise is simple. Dr Rossiene and Dr. Watts have created a technology that allows them to go into people’s minds and Inception/TimeyWhimey Doctor Who the memories of the person by changing the events of their life in their mind. As such they can completely rewrite a person’s past in their minds… EXCEPT this is such a severe thing that the person dies from the alterations. Hence this is used as pretty much a Make A Wish (if you were making a wish with the Doctor and he/she offered to travel into your timeline and alter your past as you were dying to give you a happier ending).

The story revolves around the last wish of a man named Johnny (of the Not Bravo variety). He is dying anyway so he has one last wish to make… which seems simple enough. He wants to go to the moon. Simple…

Except you might have already seen images of what I presume is this Johnny with a young lady… I have a feeling this is more about a story about getting back lost love, or fulfilling the last wish of a loved one (ala Up) than anything else. And yes I think I am going to regret playing a heartbreaking story about love but dammit I have been waiting for the intellectual successor to the Point & Click genre for ages! And the attempt to bring Kings Quest to next gen (PS2 era) sucked so this has to fulfill that dream! It has to!… somehow…

So coming up we sit down and dig into To The Moon. A game I think may be the long awaited fresh breath of air I have been waiting to experience in RPGs that might finally make classic Point & Clicks hip again… and yeah if this is a success I hope the makers of this game do more, and continue the story started here… who knows? We might get an Inception meets Quantum Leap triology of games… but one can dream.

However before the dream gets too out of hand we need to address the reality at hand right now so… stay tuned. Today I start digging into To The Moon and begin its review. Coming up…

Comics Reviews Doctor Who Introductions

Your Introduction to Titan Comics’ 13th Doctor Holiday Special 2019 (aka #13-#14)

Necessity is seemingly the mother of invention. And since the BBC took it upon themselves one year to cancel Christmas? Wouldnt you know it, Titan Comics decided to put Christmas back on the schedule again with not one but TWO Specials…. (aka Issue #13 & #14). So without further ado lets see what we are getting ourselves into with these… comics.

We will start off with the 13th Doctor Holiday Special Part 1 (#13). Priced at… 3.99, original price… 16.99?!? For 47 pages?!? Yeah you know I know Titan Comics is a bit of a tightwad with how much they charge for their comics but come on! That is way too ridiculous even for me.

So lets see… “There’s no BBC Christmas Special this year –” (or last year as that is when they cancelled the last Christmas Special, in 2018 if memory serves…) “so we’re bringing it to you in comic form!” (Really? Well good on you Titan Comics…. good on you.) “Can the Doctor save Christmas?” (Can the BBC save themselvess by reversing their Christmas blunder with a new Christmas Special this year?!?) “Is Santa a myth, a man…” (a very Scottish man according to the 12th Doctor and Last Christmas) “…or a Time Lord?” (Say what?!?) “Are chimneys bigger on the inside?”

Dunno…. should we ask Dick Van Dyke from the original Mary Poppins?!?

So 13th Doctor Holiday Special Part 2. Priced at $5.99 for… 46 pages… yeesshhh… so yeah. Part 2 aka #14. Released December 18th 2019.

“The Doctor and her companions save Christmas from a contemptible coup by the cantankerous Krampus!”

The Krampus… as in the dark enforcer of Santa Claus who punishes the evil and the bad children? That Krampus? Also no IDW your still not forgiven for the ridiculous Krampus backup story you ran in the 2019 MLP Holiday Special… yes apparently scaring the Young Six senseless by kidnapping Ocellus is a forgivable thing… blecht.

“But is everyone’s favorite Time Lord listed under Naughty… or Nice?”

Dunno…. does it count that the 12th Doctor did a lot of swearing in his previous show before he became the Doctor? Just wondering…

“The second half of a fun, festive sci-fi story from Jody Houser (Stranger Things, Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows).”

Well… she did write Renew Your Vows and its is universally agreed she did a better job with that at least… oh well. So anyway yah. Your holiday offering a bit late but I guess I can review it again come Holiday 2020. But for now I’ll put this on the schedule to make up for the lack of a Picard Episode 1 review… something tells me even if Amazon puts Picard on sale immediately after it airs I wont be able to get the review done for a day or two after it airs so… we will see. Anyway this iwll give me stuff ot fill time with while we wait post the premiere of Episode 1. Coming up.