Daily Journal DC Looks 1960s DC Nation Wonder Woman

Things Nobody Wanted Chapter 1: Wonder Woman 1967 (5 Minute Sizzle Reel)

This is Wonder Woman from 1967… Huh? You don’t remember Wonder Woman from 1967?!? Next you’ll tell me you don’t remember Cathy Lee Crosby as Wonder Woman 1974! Or the 2009 attempt that only has an incomplete pilot to show for it!

Yeah. Wonder Woman doesn’t end with just Lynda Carter, the Animated Wonder Woman, or Gal Gadot. There are a small arsenal of would be but never was Wonder Women. Like here.

So who would make this? Would you believe it’s the team behind the Batman by Adam West? Seemingly having learned their lesson from The Green Hornet (which sucks as Van Williams and Bruce Lee deserved better), they went the comedy route with this pitch sizzle reel for Wonder Woman.

Except it’s literally like the failings of The Green Hornet. With this attempt there’s no happy middle ground. No happy medium between kid friendly drama and campy fun like Adam West Batman. This give minutes may reduce your lifespan by watching it.

Or, alternatively, if you put it on loop before Sadako comes to kill you? You might kill her from pure cringe. Just saying. Anyway…

Apparently the thought of treating Wonder Woman with any semblance of dignity? Nope. Not even Adam West levels of campy dignity. Abandon all hope he who seek dignity here. Or canonical accuracy. Or intelligent writing.

You know what? Yes! The Van Williams Bruce Lee Green Hornet was before it’s time! But that’s why it’s a timeless classic! This? No.  Not even close. Sorry to the ladies in this show but no.

So Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman is a failed clone of the lead character from… That Girl? Failed 60 sitcoms? Mary Tyler Moore’s Evil Mirror Universe Counterpart?

She lives in uncertain town with her surprisingly Italian Jewish mother who is an off clone of… A stereotype of a 60s TV mom. Oh well. I did think she was Diane Prince’s maid though. Then she talked…

The show treats Diane like a comedic prop with little to no dignity as a character. She’s harassed by her love in mom to get married.. I almost expected mom to tell Diana to be like that Black Canary girl who married Green Arrow. What? Not in the 60s??

Also yes. They mention Steve Trevor. Almost a decade before Lyle Waggoner played him for Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman. You think mom would want Diana to marry him. No. Diana has to save Steve because… He’s stuck at the airport during a heavy storm.

What else… Wonder Woman spins in her Magic Trick Closet to become Wonder Woman… Where she suddenly becomes Naruse and infatuated with her beauty. She’s kinda cute yes but why so dam narcissistic!! Also Batman narrator narrated this.

Worst take off to fly ever… Yes. Wonder Woman flies in this continuity. I’m pretty sure brother Crosby nor Carter could fly. And that’s that. By the way… This was a 5 minute sizzle reel. That means even failed BBC sitcom Heil Honey I’m Home outlasts 1967 Wonder Woman in terms of surviving footage by a few minutes! Damn!!

So this is Wonder Woman not seen from 1967. I’m presently buying Wonder Woman from 1974, and 1975-1979 if your wondering why this is so relevant. Oh well. Let’s see if I can focus tomorrow.

Chinese Bootlegs Daily Journal DVDs Star Trek

The Bootleg Equation Part 1 : Even Under Authentic Conditions…

Well I was going to start by talking about the uniform similarities between the Authentic release of Star Trek Picard Season 1 & 2 but… There us no uniformity. I’m pretty sure I didn’t buy a bootleg of either so why…

Anyway some easy talking points. Both cases should have 3 discs each, as they split the episodes 4/3/3 it seems. The Bootleg? 1 to 2 discs. Digitally transferred in SD, the lowest quality possible. Its passable on releases like this, but abhorrent levels of bad Chinese Bootlegs of Ramen Rider series. 40-50+ episodes PLUS A MOVIE!

The other telltale sign I’m expecting is zero bonus content. The DVD will be bare bones just the episodes. Maybe Paramount+ had bonus content, and that might be on the DVDs. But there will be a lack of DVD original unique content. What usually sets the Authentic release apart from the Bootleg. Especially if its rifted from streaming, and not a direct lift from an Authentic DVD. Especially since there is no Authentic DVD presently to lift from.

The Bootleg? Probably be here sometime in June. Supposedly June 5th but we shall see. Anyway stay tuned as I will be talking about bootlegs for awhile as we count the days to Picard Season 3 the bootleg.

I need to go to my storage boxes where I out my already reviewed bootlegs, pull them all out, and do a new examination of them once again. Sigh. I’ll do that soon. Stay tuned.

Daily Journal

Daily Update 8/31

So it has been awhile since I did a Daily Updagte. Well the month is over, and September looms ahead. So lets see what is going on with my work overall…

Ready for November

It looks like I will indeed be ready for the end of the year for this site, and for the payout for my yearly site maintenance and all. That was a bit close but a lot of work on surveys helped get me ready for it. One survey at a time. So that is all set, so that will end rather well. Far better than what is going on with AMINO right now.

Shut down by Team AMINO…

So I apparently got locked out of my own AMINOs by Team AMINO for a day. For waht? Dunno. I have a feeling I will find out soon enough. But as of right now I am still a bit cloeless about it all, and I guess I can investigate my emails to see what has come up in regards to it… hold on… nope. I thought maybe I would find an email about it that explains what is going on, but I couldnt find even that to find out what the problem was. And really at this point I am still flyhing blind a bit about what is going on… hmm… maybe if I check myh AMINOs I will find the source of the problem at hand…

Well I think I have a general idea of their issue… bleah. Anyway lets go see what else is going on…

September Orders

So hey I will finally get back on track with some orders at the start of September. Had to put in extra work to get it going but things are about ready to do it. Get caught up on orders, and review items, and get more reviews out. By the weekend I should finish Brandi Bare, get back on track with my Image reviews, as well as other things I have been delaying a bit. Meanwhile I need to get back to reviewing and do a few more things for today before it gets dark.

I dont know if I will indeed kill off my two new AMINOs, as theya re getting zero traction and nothing is going on with them… might as well as it means I can focus more time on my more successful work. Though maybe I will sign into a new Indie Comic AMINO transfer all my reviews to that one, then end Indie Comic Go and work from a more established Indie Comic review AMINO… minus the reviews that are probably getting me in trouble with Team AMINO, the adult stuff.

Anyway that is that for now. I need to get a few more things done today and get ready for the big push tomorrow. As well as putting down my two AMINOs and reshuffling my stuff to a more established Indie Amino… ok thats it, stay tuned.

Comic Books Daily Journal DC Nation HASBRO Properties Indie Comics Indie Noise MARVEL Stuff My Little Pony

Daily Journal 8/16

So I got my packages in, and now I have Trump threatening my review supply because he has a bitching match with Amazon… wonderous. Also the Democrats are planning to recall all their numbers in time to vote for… more money for the Post Office. Not stimulus for all of us… just the Post OFfice. Sigh. Thanks Democrats, thanks Repubillcans. Jerks.

So we havve things in, and lets go over them… we will start with the one and only third party ship from EBay, mainly thanks you sender from Witchita Falls Texas. Thank you. So this is… MLPFIM #89, the start of Season 10. Nice. Thank you Texas.

So now Things FromAnotherWorld is up, and wow! After talking with Things From Another World on their weekly prosts it looks like they noticed me… as I got a Free Comic Book Day item in my first package from them! So thank you Things From Another World!

The first package is of course Indie comic reviews. Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #120-#121, and Un/Sacred #2-#3. Now I already reviewed #4-#5 so this is just backtracking here, but over at my Indie Comic Go AMINO this is all new for that so it will be starting from the beginning… sorta… so that is nice. Also Free Comic Book Day item to look at to see if I like Stranger Things enough to add it to my list in the days ahead… but probably not until the $1200 stimulus package passes will I add it physically… so stay tuned.

So the second package is Batman #97 (Joker War), MARVEL Action Captain Marvel #6 (end of the 2019 arc), Money Shot #7 and Horizon Zero Dawn #1. Thank you once again to Things From Another World for keeping me stocked as they do every order.

So next time we are looking at things that are already here, and just need to be given to me…. Aggretsuko #4-#5, Buffy: Willow #1 and MLP Transformers #1… as well as a new shipment from Things From Another World. Mainly Wonder Woman #760, Adventureman #3, Big Girls #1 and Buffy: Willow #2… wait. Wait, I keep saying I ordered Batgirl #47. Did I not order it:? Well… silly me. Anyway that is the update so today we are working on Captain Canuck Original Series#1 from 1975, and another review so… stay tuned.

Comic Books Daily Journal DC Nation Indie Comics Indie Noise MARVEL Stuff

Daily Journal 8/15

So things are rolling in and ready for pick up for review. That’s the good news… the bad news of course has to be that my Caregiver has not retrieved the mail in days. Still… maybe today? We shall see. So anyway lets see what we have in, and we are just waiting for it to be brought in… and what is yet to come. Starting off with the fact that I am adding another title to digital reviews. So coming soon is… Sonata from Image! A fantastical title I would imagine would make a great fit for a animated movie adaptation by Studio Ghibli themselves! I have high hopes for this title so I hope to start reviewing it after I wrap up Heaten in two weeks. I already have the first half of the 12 issue run so… looking forward to it.

So as of late I have been splitting my orders and sending them in two directions, one to me of course. The second to family. Why? Because I am getting them into a few comics thats why. I dont mind, it gives them more to do every day while in Lockdown (and after during their off hours) but lllright now the stuff that is supposed to go to me (as I double order to make sure their packages get there ASAP) is… still with them.

Right now that is Aggretsuko #4 & #5, Buffy Willow #1 (that I thought they might want but didnt) and MLP Transformers #1. Mind you I am ok right now, and I can wait to review the top three… but it will be nice to get around to reviewing them all the same. Just saying.

The other half, the more beefy half, is coming to me. Most of it is already here but a few outstandings… so as for me I am waiting to begin reviewing more Tarot Witch of the Black Rose (#120 & #121), more Un/Sacred (#2 & #3)… yeah it loks like #7 sold out ultra fast, so I’ll just order the digital copy to review it and bite the bullet on that one. And today alone saw the arrival of Batman #96, Batgirl #47 (two more parts to Joker Wars that I still need to sit down and review already)… as well as Horizon Zero Dawn #1 and MARVEL Action Captain Marvel #6 (the last issue before the title reboots next month with a new #1… where Carol Danvers finds herself trapped in a video game created by the Kree, and requiriing someone to help her escape… Ready Player One style? Ohkay…

So that is the stuff I am waiting to review… note…

As of right now I am not going to bother getting physical copies of Black Widow Prelude, since it looks like her movie is going straight to Disney+. I’ll just get thet two issues digitally and add it to Black Widow Strikes (which preludes the first Avengers movie, and hinted even back then that MARVEL wanted to get to a Black Widow movie eventually… but it had to take the success of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman to do it.)

Another note is I am going to just get the digital copies of Dark Agnes #3 to #5 if I can. Nature forbid that might be cheaper if they are offering it. I’ll look it up and see what I can do on that front. Ditto with Savage Sword of Conan #12 too.

So what is left that is incoming? One more TFAW packet with Buffy: Willow #2, Wonder Woman #760 (looks like I’ll have to get #759 digitally), Adventureman #3 and Big Girls #1 (premiere). Speaking of giant Kaiju fights we have Ultraman: Rise of the Ultraman in September, and we have a title called Enormous, which seems to be a world where giant Kaiju like monsterws run free so… I might investigate that.

So that is the incoming. Sadly I cant do an unpackaging until the mail arrives so that is going to be put on hold for the time being. When I can get onto that remains to be seen but… To Be Continued.

As for Tomorrow? Since I have a event kicking off on my AMINOs? I’ll do it here too. So tomorrow we start… OH NO CANADA and… Captain Canuck Original Series #1. The first appearance of Captain Canuck way back in 1975. To Be Continued.

Daily Journal Indie Comics

Indie Noise 8/7

Sorry I have been silent a few days. I have been catching up on all my other reviews for AMINO, trying to build up people who will come here to read reviews by reviewing over there and… sigh. Anyway I am just about ready to review more Harley Quinn so I will get to it ASAP, as we wait for Harley Quinn #75 to release. Meanwhile update as I did pick up a batch of stuff to review this week Tuesday from Things From Another World.

So I got Batman #96 for DC Comics, I got nothing new for the Hyborian Age (but we will review Red Nails tomorrow from Ablaze) and as for Indie reviews? We have a bit…

We have a few comics from IDW. A new MARVEL Action Captain Marvel, which is more for MARVEL Monday but ok.

We have new indie comics. We have Money Shot #7 ordered, and yes I sitll need to sit down and review that title already. We have Aggretsuko #5 ordered… and yes I am still waiting to get #4, stay tuned. And we also have… MLP Transformers #1! It fially came out! And next week is MLPFIM #89 the start of Season 10! How do I feel about that?

…. it can wait. Oh. We start reviewing video game comics here. Why? Because I ordered Horizon Zero Dawn #1 from Titan. We review that soon. As well as a whole bunch of other comics I already have digitally for review… so that is coming up.

So tomorrow I review Red Nails, and this weekend we start reviewing video game comics… that is all coming up so stay tuned!

Daily Journal DC Nation

DC Nation 8/1

Well not much happened but we got a new comic in from Imagine That CGC from Mesa Arizona, which I ordered through Amazon. That being… Batgirl #47. An issue as part of Joker War… ahh… cant tell what issue it is though. And then I looked at the Detective Comics issues out now and… that is about the same story already going on with Two Face from before Joker War, in which they suddenly blame theJoker for the origin of Two Face… somehow.

I still need to get Wonder Woman #759, but it is not at TFAW so I guess I will get it from Amazon or E-Bay. And next week I am ordering Batman, Harley Quinn (the final issue) and… wait… I cant seem to find a copy of Suicide Squad #7? Did that come out yet? Uh… confused.

I still need to get Catwoman, but not until #25… so… anyway basically things are just rolling along. And in the new week I might as well bite into it and get to reviewing Joker War. I waited long enough, and it is coming out so… that is coming up. I am sure to regret it, but then again everytie I review a big event story I usually regret it… sigh.

I did see a new Wonder Woman 1984 #1 is coming out. Despite the fact that the movie itself might be delayed again due to theaters not opening up yet… does this mean this comic tying into the movie will be delayed again like the movie? Sigh. Well… next week we finally end Harley Quinn so in August I might as well do the finale, and review the end of Harley Quinn. I waited this long to get to the end of the comics I spent a lot of time collecting so… the end is coming up review wise.

So a bit is on my plate to review this week for DC so… stay tuned.

Daily Journal MARVEL Stuff

MARVEL Update 8/2

So I have a few updates to my review schedule for MARVEL Mondays, so lets get to it…

So I did another check on Ghost Spider with Things From Another World, and it looks like the series does not go past Issue #10… so I am assuming the title is indeed cancelled as Issue #10 is coming out shortly, and there should by now be a listing for #11 and #12… but there isnt. So that says to me that the comic got cancelled. Sheesh. Really. Somehow Black Cat is doing better than Gwen Stacy. Maybe it’s me, after being burned reviewing Catwoman 2018, but… sigh.

So that is on the outs as I dont plan to buy the individual issues, and just get the second trade on December 26th 2020. With that said… what is next?

Ultraman… wait… is that a stupid guy with a handgun thinking of trying to shoot Ultraman as he fights a giant monter? STupid human. Anyway yeah. MARVEL is now publishing Ultraman. Why?

Well it looks like a new company called Mill Creek Entertainment, as of July 2019, has the rights to distribute the entire Ultraman library. And that is alot iven that, as of July 2019, the series clocked in at 1100 episodes and 20 films.

Great. I always wanted a DVD set of Ultraman Mebius,, the 40th Anniversary series celebrating Ultraman. So thats good for me. But yeah. By now we are reaching the 50th Anniversary of Ultraman, so I would expdct that someone in the west would want to capitolize on the success of Ultraman and get it here. Especially with it now being 50.

That and one more thing. I suspect the people making the Kaijuverse here in America (next movie being Godzilla vs Kong) would like to make a deal with Tsubuaya Productions for the rights to do Ultraman movies. Why? Well so far they have a decent chunk of the Kaijuverse and they are making… movies very very slowly. Because they have the Kaijuverse, but they do not have the powerful lead to make a big chain of movies. Even working hard on Godzilla, Kong, and eventually spin off movies they still need that main unifyig character to build around… as I see it?? Ultraman is a alien sent to Earth to battle monsters, yes? So why not get the rights to Ultraman and build that core movie franchise around Ultraman. Protecting the Earth from the Kaijuverse, as well as Ultraman specific monsters.

There has to be some reason MARVEL is suddenly interested in Ultraman past Ultraman is now coming up to be 50. I think its the fact we may see new movies made of him here. But that is presently only a theory… so that is definitely one thing I will stick the To ?Be Continued label on for now.

So I went looking into reviewing Spider-Man Noir. I guess I shouldnt be surprsied but the first two comics? Sold out at Things From Another World. So if I am to get into it I have to go to Amazon and E-Bay to get the job done in this regard. Not much of a big update, but one that will push back any attempts to review it for the time being.

One more thing. Looks like we have Black Widow’s Sting #1 coming in Late October, so I am looking forward to reviewing that as well as the new Black Widow title. I am wondering though if I should get into the depressing Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) title… I need something to replace the next got off the ground Gost Spider, so… I will think about it.

Anyway that is the MARVEL update. I already have the Free Comic Book Day preview of the new Rise of the Ultraman comic to look at, digitally, so I will be doing that soon. As for the rest? I will just have to plunk on forward and see what can be done. Stay tuned.

Daily Journal MARVEL Stuff

MARVEL & Spider-Man Noir 2020 First Look

So I am going to get Spider-Man Noir this year. Bad news? Its only a 5 issue mini series, good news… it will end long before people try to make it go WOKE BROKE so… yay. Anyway lets see…

So here is the info on Issue #1 from Amazon. I am presently working to get the funds together to get it from TFAW, but if I cant I’ll get issues from Amazon.

MURDER AND MYSTERY IN THE MIGHTY MARVEL MANNER! DATELINE 1939! As the specter of war looms on the horizon, SPIDER-MAN NOIR fights the good fight at home, stopping the injustices of a more friendly-neighborhood variety. But after a dame is murdered at The Black Cat nightclub and all clues point overseas, Spidey will have no choice but to board the next flight to Europe and kick off a globetrotting adventure through yesteryear of the MArvel Universe!

So… lets unpack that. We have a lady, who might be a certain lady with sometimes bad luck powers, being killed in the Black Cat Club. Noir Spidey, who is more like the Golden Age Green Hornet meets the Phantom or the Specter, goes on an Indiana Jones plane ride to Europe on the brink of WWII looking for answers. What does he find in pre WWII Europe? I am thinking… Nazis.

So Issue #2.

So Dateline 1933… OH… so this is going to be THAT kind of mini series, where every issue is a stand alone story… ok. So anyway in this story? “After months of fruitless efforts, the Nazis have discovered an ancient evil in one of their dig sites on the other side of the world. After a friend is murdered, SCRAPPY YOUNG REPORTER and rookie gumshoe PETER PARKER finds himself torn from his borough and thrust into the action! Unsure of who he can trust, our hero quickly finds himself on A GLOBE TROTTING ADVENTURE, encountering friend and foe alike — some of whom may even bear a passing resemblances to familiar faces from the Marvel Universe!”

So yeah that is a definite tonal shift from what we just had with the description of Issue #1! And we have FIVE of these to sift through… sigh. No, no, I am still excited for the comic. Maybe I lost a bit of my enthusiasm after seeing the descriptions of the first two issues, and the strange tonal divide that seperates #1 & #2… going from a murder mystery over a lady he barely knew, to having a friend murdered and sending him on a more Spider out of his element adventure…

Uhh… ok. Well maybe the remaining three issues will tie this all together, and bring some cohesion to the arc and make it all worth it in the end. I mean the idea of seeing a old fashioned two fisted, gun totting, action Spider-Man. One who is not spouting WOKE BROKEisms or bad dialogue, but just a good old fashioned enjoyabke story with fun, action and hopefully some enjoyable characters? I find that appealing. Maybe more so than the present day Spider-Man. Mind you once the comic got going the present Spider-Man got better, but I just like this one as there is much less baggage to unpack as opposed to jumping into the longer lived Spider-Man. Movies I can stand as each time they do it they compartmentalize the experience so each Spider-Man stands on his own, and you do not need a PHD in Tobey McGuire or Amazing Version 2 to enjoy the present Home era which might call its third version Home Stuck.

With that said? I am still excited for Noir, and I hope to get ahold of it soon so… stay tuned.

Daily Journal Indie Noise

Indie Noise 8/1

Its the start of a new month, August, and a whole bunch of new indie comics are coming. Not to mention I am spreading myself between reviewing here indie stuff on weekends, and my new Indie Comic Go AMINO on AMINO, where I review it daily. So… lots for me to do this August all in all. Anyway lets get started as we hope a second stimulus check is on its way as I write this, with only one week left to get it all done and done before Congress go back to their mommies for another month break from Government. Yay. Endless vacations. Who says adults cant be treated like little children! Congress adults can. Just watch them debate.

So I put in a fresh order with Things From Another World. I am a bit late in getting Wonder Woman #759, I guess I will work to get it via Amazon or E-Bay… but I am getting a few fillers to hel move things along on the Indie front. Mainly Un/Sacred #2 & #3 and Tator Witch of the Black Rose #120 & #121.

So first off Un/Sacred? How is that helpful? Well I already reviewed #4-#5 here… well it helps the AMINO as I have yet to put my Un/Scared reviews up there yet so… I will hold off on it until I get #2 & #3 and start from there. I will also rweview those here, dont worry. And yes #7 is coming soon so Un/Scared continues.

As for Tator Witch of the Black Rose? Guess what! They finally posted new issues for it over on Things From Another World! They are now all the way up to #124! Nice! So the title is indeed still moving forward, so with this order we are pretty much caught up with the title…. well from my starting point with #119 in anycase. So new reviews coming soon. As for new things coming in? We have a new item to thank Imagine That CGC from Mesa Arizona to thank them for. And that item is? Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #122… aka Alternate Paths #1. The story where we have an Elseworlds tale where Raven Hex becomes Tator… for some reason. Fine. Anyway this is Issue #1 of that, and I plan to get Issue #2 soon. Stay tuned.

So that is it for this update. We have things going on for Ablaze and Un/Sacred, and Broadsword and Tarot Witch of the Black Rose… but that’s not all. Next week Antarctic Press finally releases Patriotika #1, and I plan to add it to the review schedule! So stay tuned for updates on that.

Meanwhile I will get back to my survey work, and prepare for next week’s orders. Stay tuned…