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VIZ Fly Me To The Moon Volume 21 Review Chapter One Hundred Ninety-Five (SPOILERS) (Digital)

From One Kaguya To A Different Kasuga.
Yup. I got She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat Volume 4. This volume promises that we are close to Kasuga & Nomoto confessing love for each other. Maybe even kissing and hugging! Maybe…

Speaking of love that is where we are. Kaguya demanding the knowledge of a happy living relationship from Nasa & Tsukasa. Is Kaguya in love? Is she pining for one of her female friends?

Nope. Apparently unlocking the secret of love will cause her to grow taller… Usually people recommend growth hormones. Or a lot of proteins and calcium in your diet. Not… Unlocking your Love Knowledge Achievement.

Apparently, and we should know this by now, when Nasa is swept up in the throes of love? His intelligence goes bad… Really bad. Ugh. He starts rambling nonsense and embarrassing Tsukasa.

But then again given Tsukasa’s mindset on love? That might not be such a tremendous feat as I might be implying it is. Anyway that’s that. Nada trying to talk Kaguya through a love tutorial. Sigh.

So will Tsukasa be asked to take over, and maybe help Kaguya in her quest to… Gain height so she can reach books on the top shelf of the library? Well… Stay tuned.

Ok as I said above we dive into Volume 4 of She Loves To Cook She Loves To Eat. Will there be anymore trigger warnings? Haven’t started reading it yet so… We shall see.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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