Star Trek Break This News

What Lies Behind The Red Door In Star Trek Picard Season 3 Episode 9?

Its time for me to finally say my peace about what is behind the Red Door in Jack Crusher’s head. Spoiler… Its not Michelle Yeoh’s character from Everything Everywhere All At Once. That’d be cool. But no.

With Marina Sitris Troi saying its an ancient voice. A quiet voice that is not Jack’s. I’m going to go with… The Excalibans and Yarnek. Why do the Changelings want Jack Crusher? Their mysterious leader… Though didn’t Valic lead her group accordingly her origin flashback? So why Jack Crusher? He’s the prize, the motivation that jeeps both sides invested in the drama unfolding.

To make the link you need to go back. Back to months before Star Trek III The Search For Spock. And the wider multiverse. Mainly the first series of comics from DC Comics for Star Trek. Issues #1-#4 to be precise.

In this arc, set after Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan, the Enterprise is caught up in a second Federation Klingon war. During the four issues they get Starfleet’s first Klingon officer in Starfleet. Years before Worf in The Next Generation.

Also the whole war has been orchestrated by Yarnek and his fellow Excalibans. The purpose of which is their endless quest yo unravel the mystery of whether Good or Evil is stronger.

Throughout Season 3 it seems that was the drama playing out for us. The battle between Good and Evil. Jack’s visions? Well back to Star Trek #1-#4, we saw that the Excalibans can merge with beings and manipulate them. Control them. I’m assuming that behind the red door in Jack’s mind hides Yarnek or one of his fellows. They are using Jack, the Changelings and so on as the players in their drama unfolding. All to answer the riddle of Good and Evil.

As I see it the Excalibans are pitting everyone against each other. With Yarnek either taking part (within Jack Crushes silently manipulating him through his visions) or judging the drama alongside his fellows as the Excalibans directly manipulating everything plays out the drama with all their actors on both sides.

I’m probably wrong. But this is maybe the last great chance to use the damn Excalibans since they have only been used that one time. Way back in the first run of Star Trek comics from DC. Anyway we will know soon enough. As the reveal is coming in only a few hours. Stay tuned… #StarTrek #startrekfan #StarTrekPicard #startrekpicardseason3 #startrektheory #reddoor #Season3Episode9

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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