Comics Reviews Manga Reviews Reviews Seven Seas Uzaki-Chan Wants To Hang Out

Seven Seas’ Uzaki Chan Wants To Hang Out 2019 Volume 2 Review Part 2 & 3

The Review Continues…

So this is kinda quick so we will slam these two chapters into one. So despite the fact Sakurai has been friends with this guy, for some reason, for a few years now? We only now see him. In the second of five manga volumes (about a quarter of the way through the manga. His name is Itsuhito Sakaki, and you are about to see why he is NOT a perfect fit for Sakurai.

Mainly, Sakurai is an introverted individual, while Sakaki is an extroverted player. He thinks of himself as a ladies man, a player and a high roller… when he is kind of annoying and a bit of a stuck up jerk. He is there to be the dating relationship devil on Sakurai’s shoulder, since the first time he sees Uzaki Hana he practically falls over himself looking at her… then celebrates that his Sakurai pal has a girlfriend by asking if he and Uzaki Hana did Rule 34 yet.

So the first moment she sees him, Uzaki Hana is impressed by meeting the legend… that dies a quick death the minute he asks if they boned yet. So guess what, who should also happen to go to the same college as the three but Asai Ami… despite the fact we have only seen her so far in the Asai cafe, and have not seen her previously in the college. So… ok.

Yeah somehow I can’t help but think these two, Ami and Sakaki, are going to end up hooking up, despite the fact they are the angel and devil on the shoulders of Sakurai concerning his relationship with Uzaki Hana. Sakaki wants Sakurai to literally plunge into Uzaki and be like him, while Ami has a more fanciful romanticized vision of how they should get together… and that’s it, These two may end up getting together while trying to murder each other on the hill that is the Sakurai Uzaki relationship. Well… that’s different. Usually the two in question are like minded when helping in these hook up scenarios. Not trying to King Of The Relationship Hill each other off the hill… but whatever.

So these two chapters set up Sakaki as the devil in the details of the growing relationship of Sakurai and Uzaki, and Ami as Sakurai’s better side… which doesn’t matter as he thinks both are bothersome headaches (sorry Ami, your status in Sakurai’s mind has been downgraded from Volume 1), but they will be one of the driving influences of the relationship… like it or not.

The Verdict…

So that’s it. The two chapter intro to Sakaki. It was… ok. But only because of Sakaki and Ami going at each other, and of course Uzaki Hana… also hey. Both Sakurai and Uzaki are OG Nintendo Switch owners. Sweet. I got a Switch Lite myself. Nice. Anyway the battle grounds for the love between Sakurai and Uzaki is here… I’m wondering if Sakaki isn’t trying to “help” Sakurai because he wants Uzaki… probably not but ok. I just don’t trust anyone who is THAT helpful without some sort of compensation or reason they’re so invested.

Maybe I am a bit of a skeptic in my dying days, but still what is the payoff for these two regardless of how Sakurai and Uzaki Hana get together? What? Anyway…

Next Time…

The senior Asai decides he so likes Uzaki Hana that he will add her to his staff at the Asai family cafe… hell is sure to follow. Also Sakaki shows up, and sets up the day of breast groping on the beach… but first thing first, Uzaki gets a part time job next time.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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