Comics Reviews Doctor Who Introductions

Your Introduction to Titan Comics’ 13th Doctor Holiday Special 2019 (aka #13-#14)

Necessity is seemingly the mother of invention. And since the BBC took it upon themselves one year to cancel Christmas? Wouldnt you know it, Titan Comics decided to put Christmas back on the schedule again with not one but TWO Specials…. (aka Issue #13 & #14). So without further ado lets see what we are getting ourselves into with these… comics.

We will start off with the 13th Doctor Holiday Special Part 1 (#13). Priced at… 3.99, original price… 16.99?!? For 47 pages?!? Yeah you know I know Titan Comics is a bit of a tightwad with how much they charge for their comics but come on! That is way too ridiculous even for me.

So lets see… “There’s no BBC Christmas Special this year –” (or last year as that is when they cancelled the last Christmas Special, in 2018 if memory serves…) “so we’re bringing it to you in comic form!” (Really? Well good on you Titan Comics…. good on you.) “Can the Doctor save Christmas?” (Can the BBC save themselvess by reversing their Christmas blunder with a new Christmas Special this year?!?) “Is Santa a myth, a man…” (a very Scottish man according to the 12th Doctor and Last Christmas) “…or a Time Lord?” (Say what?!?) “Are chimneys bigger on the inside?”

Dunno…. should we ask Dick Van Dyke from the original Mary Poppins?!?

So 13th Doctor Holiday Special Part 2. Priced at $5.99 for… 46 pages… yeesshhh… so yeah. Part 2 aka #14. Released December 18th 2019.

“The Doctor and her companions save Christmas from a contemptible coup by the cantankerous Krampus!”

The Krampus… as in the dark enforcer of Santa Claus who punishes the evil and the bad children? That Krampus? Also no IDW your still not forgiven for the ridiculous Krampus backup story you ran in the 2019 MLP Holiday Special… yes apparently scaring the Young Six senseless by kidnapping Ocellus is a forgivable thing… blecht.

“But is everyone’s favorite Time Lord listed under Naughty… or Nice?”

Dunno…. does it count that the 12th Doctor did a lot of swearing in his previous show before he became the Doctor? Just wondering…

“The second half of a fun, festive sci-fi story from Jody Houser (Stranger Things, Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows).”

Well… she did write Renew Your Vows and its is universally agreed she did a better job with that at least… oh well. So anyway yah. Your holiday offering a bit late but I guess I can review it again come Holiday 2020. But for now I’ll put this on the schedule to make up for the lack of a Picard Episode 1 review… something tells me even if Amazon puts Picard on sale immediately after it airs I wont be able to get the review done for a day or two after it airs so… we will see. Anyway this iwll give me stuff ot fill time with while we wait post the premiere of Episode 1. Coming up.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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