Comics Reviews Daily Journal Doctor Who Introductions

Your Introduction to Titan Comics’ 13th Doctor #2.1

So… kicking off the Year Two ocmics for the 13th Doctor we have this crossover event with the 10th Doctor… and yeah for what seems like forever since Titan Comics’ got ahold of the Doctor Who license it seems that the BBC is super paranoid about letting Doctor Who crossover with anyone and everyone. So there may be no more crossover events anymore like Star Trek TNG Doctor Who Assimilation Squared. Nope.

But because crossovers sell product they are going to let Titan cross the Doctor over… with him/her self… as odd as that may sound there are several books out now that are just that. Crossover events amoungst the Doctors. Seeing how Titan pubilshes not only ongoings for the 10th, 11th 12 and 13th Doctors they also do mini series for every other Doctor too, and as thus with so many comics published every year for the Doctor Who franchise they do yearly crossover events both in the ongiong comics and in stand alone specials (like their recent Cybermen crossover event a few years ago, of which yes I do have the trade for and I’ll review in the future).

So lets see… how does Year 2 of the 13th Doctor begins? While I’ll hold off for a proper review this weekend lets just browse through the pages and see what we have in store for us…

So because the TARDIS had a issy fit over not being allowed to pick its own music… or something… it decides that the 13th Doctor needs to be in the same place as a strnded 10th Doctor (in 1960s London with his present Titan Comics’ issued companion)… because sure… wait does this mean this also appears in 10th Doctor Year 4 comics? I should go check…

Anyway the crossover involves the two Doctors, and the Weeping Angels… so… that should be interesting. Anyway I should go and check to see if this arc is running through the 10th Doctor’s title too before I go further. Reviews by the way start on Saturday in a few so stay tuned.

…you dont think that’s Martha do you? Hmm…. yeah thats probably Martha… well… guess we can discount this appearing in the present 10th Doctor comics then as he already has a Titan Comics issued companion there but… meh. I’ll look just in case.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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