Comics Reviews Doctor Who

Titan Comics’ 12th Doctor #2.4 Review

So as of last issue the whole Sea Devil plot has been revealed, all the hidden Sea Devils (including the present Prime Minister of Titan Continuity) has been revealed to be Sea Devils… and the order has been given to begin their attack. An attack with… one sea base and a couple of water capable ships… somehow this is enough to start the comic off by having the Sea Devils trash a small fleet of three ships.

Yup. This invasion has gotten off on the right claw alright. Sigh.

Meanwhile, because apparently being Prime Minister has eroded the last of its intelligence, the Sea Devil Prime Minister demands that the human news cews MUST NOT STOP FILMING HIM… as he starts to monologue like a dime store villain. Sigh. Anyway UNIT calls up the Doctor while he and his companions are running from the Sea Devils, and after a hillarious My Problem Is Bigger Than Your Problem… no it isnt, its the same problem gag… well the rest of the comic has the Doctor and companions free the students of the mind control of the baby Sea Devils. Then find a way to stop the Prime Minister Sea Devil, and bring an end to the threat once and for all… which really isnt much because its like ONE Base of Operations, a few ships and thats it. How this became such a dire situation over so little I do not know… but yes its all wrapped up in under 20 pages. The end.

The Verdict

Well… its not the best final story of a companion ever, but its not the worst either by far… so I guess its an ok romp all in all and given that we are actually not yet done with this trade as we have Issue #5 tomorrow, a stand alone story, I thought we just wrap up the score now.

So for an ok kinda good arc with the Sea Devils as the main, yet not very menacing menace… the little thing of giving Clara and her two pals psychic like powers to help wrap up the story by overpowering the Sea Devils… and the fact that the Sea Devils came underprepared for a world ending plot that they had no way of pulling off with what little they had? Yeah… still this arc, and Issue #5 gets a 4 out of 5 from me. Not the best ever I read but compared to the lackluster underwhelming bit of dread that is the 13th Doctor comics? These are just hitting it out of the park for me by ocmparison so… yay on that.


The Doctor and Clara travel to a place that may yet be the place that shall forever be etched in the Doctor’s nightmares… a comic book shop somewhere in London. Yes. A Comic Book Shop. Where the Doctor suddenly discovers that he is the subject of fiction… but not in the same way the Matt Smith Doctor did in the final Special closing out the IDW run, which by the way is a 5 out of 5 and if you havent read that one yet you really should… though given how Titan republished all of IDW’ run to milk you for as much money as they could maybe its cheaper just to buy the Omnibuses collecting the IDW run then try to find the Titan reprint of that final issue… or the original IDW issue from several years ago.

Anyway its the Boneless, one of the enemies unique to the 12th Doctor, as they seem to be imprisoning people inside of comic books because…. comic books. The Doctor is imprisoned inside a comic book with other humans, and as he tries ot figure out how to get them out (before they are assaulted by the power of the Slott or the Aubrey Sitterson or whatever) Clara and the last remaining comic shop employee not trapped in a comic ust run from the Boneless pursuing them…

A rather nice comic that keeps trying to name drop MARVEL and DC without actually name dropping MARVEL and DC because lawsuits and what not. Tomorrow.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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