Daily Journal One Raven's Opinion Star Trek

And “The Children of Mars” will lead?

Well… maybe it will go on sale soon but… with Chidreln of Mars now released, and Short Treks NOT going on sale as I can see it… though I will keep an eye for it to go on sale all the same? I have a really bad feeling that I will have to wait ten weeks for Picard to finish it’s Season run, THEN get a freek week preview of CBS All Access just to review Picard Season 1. That is of course unless I just look for it on sale on DVD and order that.

But yeah… if I was hoping that Picard would go on sale the minute it released I guess this prequel Short Trek, the last Short Trek before that is discontinued, not going on sale yet? That might just be the writing on the wall as to what to expect from Picard Season 1 in terms of acquiring it for review. Of coiurse I could just order the Google Play Season and not own the Season outright… which means I will still have to repay for it again to own it, on top of paying to see it on the week each episode comes out…

And really that is such a waste given the circumstances. Having to pretty much pay twice to review Picard Season 1 as soon as it airs. But… given the likelihood that Amazon wont be allowed to put the episodes up for sale for months after it airs? I guess going the Google Play route if I absolutely have to may be the only way to get it done… sigh. As distasteful as that option seems…. of course if they dont give you that option it might as well not be a consideration to begin with seeing… sigh.

Well we are now… two weeks away from Picard premiering and… I am no more comforted by the way it will be released digitally than I was when I first started tracking this show a few months ago. Still… maybe it wont be as bad as I think it will be… except again if they do not put Children of Mars on sale shortly that, to me, might as well be that. But still…

Two weeks so stay tuned.

By darkeraven20

I am a reviewer and have been for nearly 20 years. My specialty is pop culture but games, comics and multimedia are my passion. This is my return to the genre I do love. Come join me.

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